Map Revealed in Multiplayer Game
I'm in a multiplayer PBEM game with four other people. There is no moderator; I set the game up with a random map. It's about year 2188. One guy dropped out. He was the first player in the turn order, so let's call him "Player A". I found a replacement player, let's call him "Replacement Player A". Replacement Player A played his first turn and sent it to Player B. Player B now reports that when he opened the turn, the map was completely revealed and there were extraneous notations next to every base and unit as if the map editor had been activated. Replacement Player A has tried replaying the turn, to no avail. He gave me his password and I played his turn and sent it around again, and when it got back to him the same problem occurred again. Has anyone seen this problem before, and how can we fix it?
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC