September 8, 2001, 10:43
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No multiplayer in civ3.
Go show these losers, we don't want to buy an expansion pack a year after civ comes out just to get multiplayer. This is rediculus, i guess i will just have to play master of orion 3.
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September 8, 2001, 11:02
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September 8, 2001, 11:04
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Re: No multiplayer in civ3.
Originally posted by markusf
Go show these losers, we don't want to buy an expansion pack a year after civ comes out just to get multiplayer. This is rediculus, i guess i will just have to play master of orion 3.
umm didnt i just post this news below first????
To prevent spam i have asked ming to close the Thread I started, even though it was first
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; September 8, 2001 at 13:06.
September 8, 2001, 11:09
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Make Your Voices Heard!!! My Letter To Firaxis
I just heard that Civ3 will be released without multiplayer. I am VERY UPSET. You promised revolutionary multiplayer features in this game. Was that revolution the fact that this game won't have any features!?
Many people are upset over this, don't you dare try to sell us a half finished game, and then make us pay again for the other half. You did it with civ2, but things have changed now. When you anger the fans now they have other means of getting the game.
If you are honestly trying to stick us twice for a game that should be complete when you first sell it we will just not buy it and download it online. I haven't bought a game in quite a while, but I thought for Civ3 it'd be worth it. Now i'm changing my mind.
Your great games created some great fans- don't piss them off.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
September 8, 2001, 12:51
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Looks like civ-2 will live longer then we thought.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
September 8, 2001, 12:56
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And tha tis such a shame Chris... I had so looked forward to palying civ 3 based on the fact it would have MP as an integral part of the action, not allwoing the "Loopholes" as civ2 does, so many things you can do legally in Civ2 are only there because it makes little or no differene in SP but in MP cna make major impact.
I still am hanging out that this is simply a bad rumour, but alas very little is supporting that faith right now ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 8, 2001, 13:02
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They did this before...
Well Ras, if you remember, they did the same thing with civ-2, no MP at first.
This is probaly the same deal.
They will wait untill the sales drop after the holidays, and then return with the "new" civ-3 MP game.
Just another rip off.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
September 8, 2001, 13:09
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Re: They did this before...
Originally posted by Chris 62
Well Ras, if you remember, they did the same thing with civ-2, no MP at first.
This is probaly the same deal.
They will wait untill the sales drop after the holidays, and then return with the "new" civ-3 MP game.
Just another rip off.
Well at least this information has shunted a lot of MPers into action, we have been too busy playing Civ2 to peruse the Civ3 threads as often as we should have ,and this could have quietly slipped past unawares...... The SP people understandably are not going to join our rebellion, and even alot of MPers wont, but we must stick together and not BUY Civ 3 witohut a guarantee that the MP patch is FREE !!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 8, 2001, 16:27
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Civ2 MP is fun enough to stick on it until Civ3 MP comes out.
I certainly won't buy Civ3 w/o MP included. What's the point of playing AI anyway? Once you try MP,you don't play SP anymore.
Maybe I got myself a pirate copy so I won't be completely newbie once when full game finally hit the shelves.
This is great dissapointment. MP is a real game,SP is just a tutorial.
Go Arsenal!!!
September 8, 2001, 16:27
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Don't settle for this crap!!!
Fight back!!
We need to organize a campaign against this SP-MP split. Let Firaxis know loud and clear that we all are pissed off and are prepared to walk away with our money if they don't listen to our angry pleas!
Encourage everyone you know who is as pissed off about this as us to write Firaxis and tell them what you think about this.
I have experience with activism and politics. They'll listen if we are loud and persuasive enough. Money talks. Tell them they better listen or your money will walk away.
We need to get organized and fight back!!!
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
September 8, 2001, 20:06
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i nominate ozzy to be our leader
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
September 8, 2001, 21:27
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i second that motion, Ozzy for leader !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 8, 2001, 22:12
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I'm not surprised.The more I learn about it, the less it looked like a good MP game.If you think turns are slow in Civ2 mp......there was no way it was going to be quicker,thats for sure.In order to iron evrything out for mp(if possible)would take another year or more....Christmas is coming...can't miss that..
I'll still buy it if it is good.I bought civ2 with no mp option and wasn't disappointed.
September 8, 2001, 22:22
Local Time: 13:12
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ya right. Civ2 had multiplayer in it they just commented it in the first release. Then a year later they uncommented the code, fixed some graphics and then released it. They just want to milk the market
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September 8, 2001, 22:27
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Well I'm honored by my nomination, but I have quite too much stuff to do with the Youth Rights movement to truly lead an anti-Firaxis movement at the moment, hehe.
I did however pull up a few ways to ease everyone in contacting Firaxis and giving them a piece of your mind. Send lots of e-mails, and persuade all your friends who feel the same about Multiplayer to write lots of e-mails. Tell Firaxis that we are pissed, tell them we won't buy two half-games. Tell them we want MP integrated into the game and sold upfront with the rest of it.
<A HREF=""> E-Mail Dan Magaha</A>
<A HREF="">E-Mail Kelley Gilmore Communications Manager</A>
<A HREF="">and E-Mail Ask The Civ Team</A>
If people know of other e-mail addresses to use to contact Firaxis please let us know.
Now! MPers, let your fingers do the talking. Give Firaxis a piece of your mind.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; September 8, 2001 at 22:43.
September 9, 2001, 00:26
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Civ2 MP is fun enough to stick on it until Civ3 MP comes out
Yup! I won't buy Civ III w/o mp either...
September 9, 2001, 02:09
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If it's just wimpy SP  , I have no interest.
No interest in more patches.
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September 9, 2001, 16:57
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MP isn't everything. There's also the game.
September 9, 2001, 19:30
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Originally posted by Bob Dornan
MP isn't everything. There's also the game.
i got some tar, anybody have some feathers?
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
September 9, 2001, 22:31
Just another peon
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While I would like to stand up with certainty and say "NO MP, NO DOLLARS"
But In reality, I'll probably cave, just so I can practice before MP is released.
Weak, Weak, Weak.
But this still sucks big time.
Did anyone say it officially, so far I had heard it was just an e-mail communication.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
September 9, 2001, 23:34
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this blows!!!!
You know Rich.... i feel the way you do and will probably cave... but if the game sucks....... i certainly won't buy it just to play an MP game that sucks
Damm you game makers... milking us for more dough... you should be ashamed of yourselves...... do you think everyone is made of money....
If the game comes completely flawed i doubt i will ever buy another game again..... if i can't trust Sid then who can i trust. He duped us twice..... well civ net wasnt' his fault ...there wasn't an internet to speak of like now..but civ 2 was a farce and to do it to us again is a real shame...
Game companies who do this ought to be
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September 10, 2001, 09:58
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Well I ain't buying it if you can't play it MP -- and I'm not caving, either; if I want to play games that way I'll play Nintendo for crying out loud! If they think they can get away with it, they will. And it just goes to show the huge disregard that corporate America has for the consumer, much as they pay lip service otherwise.
I can make my point -- by withholding MY dollars from their pocket. And if it means I have to wait awhile, then I'll wait until there's something worth spending them on. (after all, I bought CivNet 1st, and then Civ2MGE -- so why break the pattern? lol)
Anyone, a direct contact address for these people would be very nice to have -- if anyone finds one, let us know, ok? It's always bettert o go right to the top, if possible
September 10, 2001, 10:05
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
Send lots of e-mails, and persuade all your friends who feel the same about Multiplayer to write lots of e-mails.
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