September 23, 2001, 19:24
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Besides, HerrDoktorProfessorProvostChancellor JohnDMuller would have my hide, if I disbanded our standing armies!
September 25, 2001, 12:30
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Player Turn Order
1. Scipio
2. Arima
3. johndmuller
4. Qantaga
5. Smack
It is a little hard to keep track, but if we are still using the orignal turn order (above), with the exception of the exceptions, I think it is currently Provost Arima's turn, Correct?
September 25, 2001, 14:36
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It is my turn, and I'll play it tommorow afternoon.
Sorry for the delay.
September 26, 2001, 14:45
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MY 2360-2370
We're only 96,000 EC from cornering the market.
A dull, uneventful turn.
Summary of Turn:
See above.
Seriously, I did what I usually do. I built research structures, since having a good research rate is good for gaining critical techs. So, about 2000 EC were burnt building Research Hospitals Hybrid Forest, and Fusion Labs. As a result, we have tech in four, running demo/green/wealth and 30-20-50 distribution.
I also formed the plan for the University. I call this:
Build the Space Elevator.
That said, we are 1.75 techs away from it, so I think it is a very mangable goal.
Also, I think the cloning vats would be a nice project, so we could run power and 'enlightenment' without penalty. We're two techs away from that, and the Hive hasn't started them yet. Horray!
Diplomatic Summary:
Yang decided to be a jerk, and declared Vendetta on us. I decided to call anyone who would listen to us, and that would be Dedrie. We ended our Vendetta, and ended up with Treaty. Ditto with Miram. So our diplomatic summary is:
Vendetta: Hive
Truce: Santi
Treaty: Miriam, Dedrie
Pact: Morgan
Good luck to the next commisoner.
September 26, 2001, 16:47
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So which commissioner awakens?
September 26, 2001, 17:07
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'Tis my turn.
The HerrDoktor has kondukted exhamminnation; but vill not likely finish der turn tonight, but sometimen tomorrow.
September 27, 2001, 23:04
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As the last few ProvostHerrDoktors have noticed, the AI has not been pressing us lately, although there's some incursions going on all the time, there is nothing major to report in the combat area. There are, however, rumors of various forces assembling and talk about plans of possible invasions heard in certain library stacks late at night.
The Report:
Provost's Report to the University Board of Regents MY 2370-2380
Executive Summary
Fellow Provosts, Yang is AWESOME, but we are still going strong; sometimes I think that The Chairman's policy is to not mess too much with other strong factions, but I am sure that our time will come when we appear in his crosshairs. I am all but sure that he has lots of PBs. Dee has one and Morgan and Santi are building (Morgan is making his in the base we fixed up for him, Morgan Bank). I think that we need to stock up on ORBITAL DEFENSE PODS (we need Industrial Nano (will have it in 2 years), then Digital Sentience to get Self Aware Machines) and PRESSURE DOMES for the coming PB actions. We've been phasing in Clean units in many applications and have 9 each of the Nut and Energy sats (we should launch more as the Hab Dome buildings are completed to feed and charge up the new pops)
Body of Report
Yang BadBoats (5 of them) bombarded our Stalwart Scout Rover off Lomonosov Park pretty the whole turn to no effect beyond the 10% it probably already had (medals all around). In the early '70s we took out a couple of Yang BadBoats off the E. Coast of Morgan Biochemical and one off Academy Park (which greatly cheered the residents after recently suffering the ravages of PlanetBlight). In 2373, Dee declared Vendetta with a pitiful surprise attack - bombarding our SAM Gatling Rover on the SE corner of Das Boot (she didn't want to talk about it and we ignored her a couple of years and eventually sent a copter over to sink her); at the same time, Santi (still with truce) landed a weak unit on the NE coast near Academy Park - we sent a weak unit of our own and a Probe team to deal with them. In 2376, we discovered Miriam testing our treaty by landing a jerkola and not talking about it; we wait for a probe to get into position to deal with it (yeah right, on to plan B). Plan B turned out to be a wild mindworm which apparently took out Miriam's unit for us. Yang's BadBoats continued to waste their shells on our SSR at LP - we are letting them do it for now.
Dee may be vulnerable to some DropUnit action as she seems to be a bit thin, although she's got lots of missiles somewhere, including a PB. There is the beginning of a Drop force in Zvedny Gorodok, but it needs more beefing up. I never got around to using any HoverTank units, although the basic design has been prototyped and is in use in some formers.
A Naval task force is getting together off Antartic Sabbitical (waiting for its SAM Shard Destroyer to finish. My plan was to take it west to help take over the beachhead that Yang has started north of Morgan Ocean Resources; Heavy Metal was established to partake in that campaign too. We might want to put a carrier on the drawing boards and think about sending some heavies and/or some PBs to The Hole of Aspiration (anyone know where it is?) to take out Yangs Hunter-Seeker so we can infiltrate him.
We finished NanoMetalurgy in 2372; started on Matter Compression, following Provost Arima's suggestion to head for the Space Elevator (Super Tensile Solids, which also offers the Hab Domes). Learned Matter Comp in 2375, switched to Super Tensile according to plan. Learned Super Tensile in 2378; switched to Industrial Nano (only one offered) - estimated in 2382 (we've been running 1 ahead, so perhaps in 2381). Started the Space Elevator at Morgan Mines; not exactly on the equator, but securely attached to the Crater. It currently has 12 years to go at its default pace. We are getting techs every 3 or 4 years, I think partly due to many specialists in our bigger bases; we could probably do with some more facilities too.
Starting some Continental Shelf "terra"forming off the coast of Little Italy using the new Super Fungi C-Formers; rolling out 3A-Clean Phot (now Neut) C-SeaShield units in a bold movement to keep our Domestic Waterways safe for Democracy. In 2376, we founded a new base - "Heavy Metal" - in the Uranium Flats on the next landmass to the west; the idea is for it to be an outpost to take over the newish Yang Sea-Bases off the SW coast of that island. Also another new base in the heartland, - "Milano Beach Institute" - mostly to steal back a little land form Morgan and expand Morgan Mines a little so it could have another Borehole to build the Space Elevator SP. Connected our Little Italy and Das Boot, University Harbor got all silted up. Ve thought I had it figured out to leave a sea channel on the eastern side, but .. . . , nice try but no isthmus. Well, we could always put a base at (64,112) to form a pass-thru
Foreign Relations
Kept our truce with Santi by selling her Photon Wave (not even state of the art); then risked it by probing away the unit she landed near Academy Park (didn't get caught). Still have that truce and treaty with Miriam, but now vendettas with Dee and Yang (I think that's right).
Industrial Collapse at Morgan Metalurgy 2374 (til '84, I think). I've got a lot of GA action going for the growth and econ effects I suppose, or maybe HerrDoktorProfessor is getting soft on the students. We kept the same SE settings (Demo/Green/Know) throughout, but now that Hab Domes are coming on, Planned may have appeal again if we can keep up with the food supply.
What's Next?
Well, its time to let the dogs out again; building Hab Domes and beefing up the nut production. We'll probably need some more Centauri Preserves to help with the ED, which I think is operating with a clean mineral threshhold somewhere in the mid 30' the moment (fortunately, our boys in uniform can handle a few worms any day of the week).
Notes to the next Operations Director:
--Many of our Condensors could use the addition of Soil Enrichers and perhaps Farms too in some cases
--base at (64,112) to connect northern and southern oceans?
--Work to on Mag Tube network
--Upgrading/Cleaning up some more obsolete units
--A naval battlegroup is assembling off Antartic Sabattical, waiting for the Shard SAM Destroyer
Submitted by Provost HerrDoktorProfessor JohnDMuller
Turn Posted here and sent to Qantaga
September 28, 2001, 22:58
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Posts: 317
Originally posted by johndmuller
Dee may be vulnerable to some DropUnit action as she seems to be a bit thin, although she's got lots of missiles somewhere, including a PB.
Have my fellow Provosts taken a look at the eastern end of Lady Dierdre's continent? Verrrry interesting!
- Scipio Centaurus, Chancellor in hiding
Delende est Ashcrofto
September 29, 2001, 00:58
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Scipio, you refer to our Chairman's social call on the Lady?
September 29, 2001, 01:03
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The very same!
Delende est Ashcrofto
September 29, 2001, 14:21
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Gentlemen, I do have the turn and I will play it a little later this afternoon.
September 29, 2001, 23:47
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Report to the Board of Regents - Mission Years 2381-2390
Ah, now this is the University I know and love. As I ascend the Provost's seat and take a look around at our empire, I am amazed at the improvements that have been made by my predecessors since the last time I sat in this chair. Congratulations to one and all!
2381 - I notice that Deirdre has left U.N. Pillar of Rights unguarded. I could not resist using one of ProvostHerrDoktor johndmuller's drop units to take that base back in honor of our old friend Lal.
2382 - We discover Industrial Nanorobotics. I chose Frictionless Surfaces (on the road to Quantum Power) as our next tech since Digital Sentience was not offered.
While I was in a military mood, I decided to liberate U.N. Headquarters from Lady Deirdre.
2383 - I dialed Deirdre on the commlink, prepared to gift back U.N. Pillar of Rights for an end to our Vendetta. However, she wanted Ind. Nanorobotics, so I gave that to her. I sweet-talked her into signing a Treaty and we still control U.N. Headquarters and U.N. Pillar of Rights.
I am sure that Provost General Smack can cut through Deirdre's territory like a knife through butter if he desires, but I took this opportunity to focus on development and research. (I know you love that, Smack)
2384 - Yang again calls a vote to try to elect himself Supreme Leader. The vote is 784-754 in his favor, nowhere near the 75% needed.
Morgan founds Alpha Sector which significantly cuts into our northwestern territory and takes away several productive squares from two of our bases. I called him on the commlink and offered to buy Alpha Sector from him. He told me that he was setting it up as a non-profitable prison sector and that he could part with it for 214 credits. I gladly paid the price to get our territory back. I then gifted him with Unified Field Theory to keep him happy with us.
2385 - Yang takes two Believer bases.
We discover Frictionless Surfaces. I chose Digital Sentience as our next tech. It was very difficult to keep from approving Quantum Power for our researchers, but ProvostHerrDoktor is very wise in his assertion that we desperately need some orbital defense systems in place and we must get Dig.Sentience to open the path to Self-Aware Machines.
2386 - Wow! ProvostHerrDoktor's words are proving prophetic this year. Sister Miriam has unleashed a Planet Buster on the Children of God base. Yang then returned the atrocity by dropping a Planet Buster on New Jerusalem. Our former friends from the Unity have gone mad!
Deirdre called a vote to approve the Global Trade Pact. It would have passed with a 3-2 vote, but Governor Yang vetoed it.
I feel compelled to pronounce Vendetta on Miriam after her atrocity, but she refuses to answer my commlink communiques, so our treaty with her still stands.
After the Planet Busters, I decided to try to speed up our ability to get missile defense, so I risked a probe action against Deirdre. Our probe team came away successfully with Digital Sentience and even managed to frame Miriam for the espionage. Unfortunately, the only replacement tech offered was Sentient Econometrics..
I switched our SE settings to Cybernetic.
ProvostHerrDoktor's navy is now on the move toward Heavy Metal. However, it is a few years later than intended since I left it close to home for a little while to make sure Deirdre wasn't going to come after us.
2387 - The Prometheus Virus epidemic breaks out at Social Artery in the extreme Northwest area of Planet. Many Hive bases are infected.
2388 - Morgan transferred a Shard Penetrator to our control at UN Headquarters.
Yang seizes 3 Spartan bases and 2 Gaian bases.
We discover Sentient Econometrics.
Hallelujah! We are offered Self-Aware Machines. We will soon have orbital defenses and the mining satellites won't hurt either.
We complete The Space Elevator.
2389 - Yang seizes a Spartan, a Believer and a Gaian base.
2390 - We discover Self-Aware Machines. "I swear sometimes they're watching me" - Bozon Pete
I chose Quantum Power as our next tech.
Our first Orbital Defense Pod will be up in 2392. I also have some Nutrient, Energy and Mining pods in production, so feel free to switch those over to Defense if you wish.
General Notes
-Yang is unbelievably strong and he is starting to work his way across the Gaian continent. However, I can't think of a more qualified Provost General than our very own Smack to handle anything the Chairman may throw at us. He did not make any moves towards us in my 10 years, except for the 5 Fusion Battleships off our northwest coast who seem content to ineffectually bombard our Scout Rover.
-My years were spent following the advice of the good Doktor by trying to get Soil Enrichers and Mag Tubes online. I also tried to get a number of new Boreholes operational.
-I focused on trying to get our labs as productive as possible. I also threw a lot of Power pods and some Nutrient pods into the atmosphere.
-Most of our largest bases have completed the Habitation Domes they started under the good Doktor's leadership. I also tried to build Hab Domes in the bases that would need them soon.
Best of luck to Provost General Smack!
The turn is posted and has been e-mailed to Smack.
September 30, 2001, 21:16
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I was very tempted to smush Deirdre, but I gave her Lal's old bases instead. Yang build 3 SP's the turn he discovered Homo Superior, and we are dueling it out in space. I spent these 10 years fighting back the ocean, which is rising. But I also got a chance to finish a lot of infrastructure. If we can keep up with the ODP race we should be in position to nab the Ascent when Yang builds the Voice. Sure, it might be possible to wage a war at about 1 turn / day. I wasn't up for it!
September 30, 2001, 22:26
Local Time: 13:16
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Posts: 317
I have the turn. I am too tired to play it tonight [with notes]. Look for it sometime tomorrow.
Are we all agreed that if Yang gets himself elected Supreme Leader (and I think he might), the University of Planet Collective, will spit in his eye and triple dog dare him and his stooges to come and get us?
- Scipio
Delende est Ashcrofto
September 30, 2001, 22:36
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Speaking of which, now that we are Quantum, it'd be a great time to build a couple PB's and a carrier.
September 30, 2001, 23:17
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the University of Planet Collective, will spit in his eye and triple dog dare him and his stooges to come and get us?
I am in complete agreement as well, Chancellor Scipio.
October 2, 2001, 00:09
Local Time: 13:16
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Posts: 317
Report to the Board of Regents, MY 2400-10
2400 - We zapped the Hive Orbital Defense Pod (ODP) and a Hydroponics Lab (HPL). Lost 1 of our own ODPs. The Hive has 1 HPL left. No other factions have an orbital presence.
No clue how far along Yang is on his SPs, so we rush-built Clinical Immortality [Corsica] and the The Self-Aware Colony [Morgan Biochemical] for approx 1400 EC total, out of our pool of 7000+ EC. There was a volume purchase discount on Secret Projects at Uni-Mart.
Our faction budget has been set to 10/20/70 in order to achieve tech breakthroughs in 2 years. But now we're only pullin' in 230 EC per year, so tighten those belts, boys!
Tachyon Fields are 3 turns a pop at our big bases, so in they go. Somebody mentioned a carrier design but I didn't see carrier deck as a design option, so I guess we don't have that tech yet. Maybe our next Provost will have the chance to assemble a couple of carrier battle groups. The Quantum Buster design has left the drawing boards and a couple are in build queues (14 turns est. construction time) in our interior bases - they might make Morgan a bit nervous, though so we should keep things well oiled there.
Morgan Trade Center was lost to tidal waves. That was our suthern latitude canal access to the western side of our main continent. Unlucky for Morgan, but at least the land tile was submerged, so we can still get our naval forces through. The problem is, now the bad guys can come through from the other side.
We destroyed 3 of Yang's Capital Ships in the Geothermal Shallows without loss to our own forces. Cleaned out the Hive garrisons in Mu Sector and Morgan Ocean Resources. Morgan liberates Morgan Ocean Resources.
2401 - Believers put an ODP in orbit. A Hive tranport with an AA just pulled into Mu Sector...  How can we acquire that AA? Dang it!? Tried to take out just the tranport with a chopper, but the AA got destroyed along with it... rasssan... frasssan... sasssan...
Somebody wanted to know where Hole of Aspiration [Hive base w/ HSA] was? The coordinates are [121,9].
We destroy a Hive ODP. Was about to destroy Miriam's ODP as well, then decided to check our diplomatic status. Good thing... we have a Treaty with the Believers. Lost all of our remaining ODPs trying to take out Yang's last HPL.
2402 - Miriam tossed up 3 more ODPs.  We destroyed Yang's ODP and HPL, finally! We begin researching Quantum Machinery.
2403 - Divinity Base [Believers] lost to tidal waves. Yang launches 4 ODPs and destroys one of our ODPs, along with all of the Believer's ODPs. We destroy 1 Hive ODP and lose one of our own in another attack. Our AAA Shard Invaders sieze Mu Sector.
I link an AA to the network at Morgan Biochemical and we learn Homo Superior.
2404 - We learn Quantum Machinery and begin researching Graviton Theory. I couldn't resist. We found the base Library of Planet in the middle of the Alien Ruins, on the small island NW of Heavy Metal. Good luck to us keeping that one safe.  We destroy both Hive ODPs w/o loss.
Wierd. I looked up carrier deck in online help, and it says the prereq is nanometallurgy. We long since have that tech. I checked very carefully in the design workshop... no carrier deck option on foil or cruiser and there are no scroll bars to extend the list of design options. What up? Wonder if I am playing with a modified alpha.txt file? I don't build carriers that often, so maybe I'm missing something really basic.
2405 - ODP box score: 1 to 3 in favor of the Hive.
2406 - ODP box score: 2 to 0 in our favor. We also knocked out 1 Hive HPL. We learn Graviton Theory and begin researching Applied Gravitonics.
2407 - ODP box score: 3 to 3. We took out 2 Nessus Mining Stations (NMS) and 1 HPL. We learn Applied Gravitonics and begin researching The Will to Power.
2408 - ODP box score: 1 to 3 in Yang's favor. We learn The Will to Power and begin researching Eudamonia.
2409 - ODP box score: 0 to 2 in Yang's favor. We're out of ODPs... temporarily.
2410 Summary
>Sunspots just started in 2410.
>Yang has just made several air attacks. My successor can respond as he sees fit.
>Many defensive tachyon fields online.
>Numerous sensor arrays/bunker entrenchments constructed along our coastline. Now all we need is some units to put in them... before our enemy installs his own forces there.
>Two Quantum Busters 33% completed.
>Beau coup ODPs in the pipeline. We're in pretty good shape as far as the other sat types. Need a few more NMSs.
>Not much offensive military buildup on my watch.
>Carrier not designed... see previous note.
>Library of Planet founded. Mu sector captured and renamed Yang's Disgrace. Hive 62 (no, the other Hive 62) renamed Bloody Inlet.
>Dream Twister started at University Base. Yang's been working on it for a few years and he is fast to the SPs, so if my successor wants it... better hurry.
>We've picked up a couple of weapon classes [think we're up to graviton gun] and a new chassis type [gravship] and so new designs should be put in place.
- Scipio Centaurus, Chancellor defendicus emeritus
Delende est Ashcrofto
Last edited by Scipio Centaurus; October 2, 2001 at 00:48.
October 2, 2001, 01:49
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Scipio, sounds like you did good work. FYI, the Carrier Deck is an attribute that goes on a Transport, if you didn't see it, it was probably because you were trying to add it to a combat ship. I don't think I've ever used one in SMAC to launch nukes, but you could in Civ, so I suppose you can in SMAC too. Perhaps a cargo NJ (or did you say gravships, even better?) could carry one too.
If we could position (and somehow protect) the carriers ahead of time, we could fly the PBs to them (they do work like missiles that way, don't they - as opposed to blowing us up?), which would mean the nukes would spend less time exposed to attack. There is also a sneaky way of using a chain of strategiciallly placed ships like a relay race (passing the cargo between them) to cover extended distances in one turn, but that may be over the ethics line (bad example for our students).
Anyway, it needs a lot of lead time or many bases to build a decent amount of "cover" to protect the launch platforms and PBs. so dropping a set of new bases from orbit might be more practical if there are available locations anywhere useful. If we are getting into the end game, there are always PSI gates too.
October 2, 2001, 03:12
Local Time: 13:16
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Posts: 317
Originally posted by johndmuller
...the Carrier Deck is an attribute that goes on a Transport...
Ahhh! So you have to pick the tranport module first (foil or cruiser chassis?) and then as the second option you would see the carrier deck? I only designed a carrier once and I never did get around to building it.
If we could position (and somehow protect) the carriers ahead of time, we could fly the PBs to them (they do work like missiles that way, don't they - as opposed to blowing us up?)...
I do not know. I don't suppose we could just equip a missile payload with drop capability?
- Scipio
PS. I'm thinking we're pretty close to someone building the Voice of Planet, and I just remembered that we don't have any uber-crawlers to cash in on the next game turn. Maybe we should think about putting away a little extra cash for a rainy day - or a transcendance?
Delende est Ashcrofto
Last edited by Scipio Centaurus; October 2, 2001 at 03:30.
October 2, 2001, 12:08
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That's what all those drop Probes are's out of the spirit of our game, but I thought they'd be handy.
October 2, 2001, 12:18
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Very much in the 'spirit' of transcendance, I'ld say. In the last few years before the stairway to heaven appears, the people should begin turning turning away from material possessions and militaristic considerations [hey, must be my turn to go!].
My usual tactic is to cash in resource crawlers while maintaining the 'good life' - I keep adding to infrastructure and military to the very end - via satelliate resources and specialists.
Delende est Ashcrofto
October 2, 2001, 16:59
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Posts: 43
MY 2410-2420
In case you didn't notice, the Hive is powerful. Really, really, powerful. It was hard to compete in the orbital war when they were sending up 15 ODP a turn. Oh well. We put up a good fight in that respect.
Sunspot activity disrupted com for my entire turn, so not much new on the diplomatic front. The Hive taking some more base, etc, etc, etc.
University Base started the Telepathic Matrix, because it was the only project availiable, and I wanted a switch to Transcendence, if necessary. But then, I got intresting tech choices...
The University is proud to report that we are the only fraction to know both the Secrets of Alpha Centauri and the Secrets of Creation. Take that Hive!
And that pretty much sums up my turn, unless you count...
Due to our monsterous tech advantage
The switch to get around 100 minerals to the Telepathic Matirx
And getting the two secrets in one turn
And for the low, bargin price of 11500 EC
Imagine the entire contents of the planetary datalinks, the sum total of human knowledge, blasted into the Planetmind's fragile neural network with the full power of every reactor on the planet. Thousands of years of civilization compressed into a single searing burst of revelation. That is our last-ditch attempt to win humanity a reprive from extinction at the hands of an awakening alien god.
Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"Planet Speaks"
Mendelev College (University) builds Voice of the Planet (2419)
No longer mere earthbeings and planetbeings are we, but bright children of the stars! And together we shall dance in and out of ten billion years, celebrating the gift of consciousness until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.
Lady Dedrie Skye
"Conversations with Planet"
University Base (University) Builds Ascent to Transcendence (2420)
Take that Hive!
Game, Set, Match. Well done all.
(If you would like to see the game, I can post it if you want.)
Last edited by Arima; October 2, 2001 at 17:04.
October 2, 2001, 19:26
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Congratulations Arima and Team Zakharov!  Very nicely done, one and all.
I would like to see the glorious end, if you don't mind posting the turn. Thanks.
October 2, 2001, 19:45
Local Time: 13:16
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Posts: 317
Good job all!
Can't help but wonder how much better things would have gone without the turf wars with Morgan in the beginning? Maybe non-directed research is the real challenge?
BTW, how's that no-probes challenge coming along JDM?
I'm going to hold off on another no-crawlers challenge for awhile. My last 10 game turns took 2 hours to play?!
- Scipio
Delende est Ashcrofto
October 2, 2001, 20:09
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Congratulations to us! That was a tough one. Yang was just out of control. Without Transcendence, we would have had a pretty tough time of it.
October 2, 2001, 21:22
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Posts: 160
Congratulations, all!!
I think it is fitting that University Base builds the Ascent, don't you  ?
Once again, good game there!
October 3, 2001, 10:47
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Congratulations All!
Yes, our near death experiences in the beginning really slowed us down and at the end, we weren't big enough to have any fun duking it out with Yang - it would have been too long and drawn out.
Probe Challenge Preview/Tryout 
While I've got your attention, here is a starting position I've used to try out the Probes Only concept. While there are a decent amount of resources available, it is quite a challenging position given the initial vulnerability. Remember, the rules are that you can only build probes; everything else you must steal (or get as gifts), with no upgrades, except that each person can build and modify/replace one former (for the solitaire version, I stretched that to one land and one sea former). You start out with a scout (but don't forget to change the build queue right away) and then there is a long (if you're lucky) dry spell until you can build a former or probe. Basically, you've got stealth and diplomacy, although it is possible to get a surprising amount of military hardware - even for free if you've got a powerful sugar daddy. Post your feedback and if we all like it, we can try a group version. (Note: In this particular position, I would recommend taking advantage of any opportunity to steal a transport ship.)
October 3, 2001, 18:56
Local Time: 05:16
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 160
Hello, all  !! This sounds very interesting, and I would be very interested in a group version! Just one question...
"each person can build and modify/replace one former"
Does that mean 1 former throughout the whole game, not counting the ones we steal? Or what?
October 3, 2001, 19:49
Local Time: 08:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
Posts: 2,108
As currently envisioned, yes; each of us could build a Former of whatever type and specs we wanted and upgrade or replace it later in the game if desired. To keep things straight, we might want to name the design after ourselves, so that mine might be called a "Sister JDMeriam's Former" in the DW. That way it wouldn't get mixed up with any AI formers we might steal. So far, I've been too chicken to steal any formers although I think I stole a base with one that conveyed. Part of the problem with stealing formers is that you have to get them back to your own territory for them to do you any good.
October 6, 2001, 20:07
Local Time: 05:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 160
Soo.....are we going to get another succession game going?
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