February 4, 2002, 19:09
Local Time: 15:17
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SOG - Seeds of Greatness
RF - Red Front
What those means?
"Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
"Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto
February 6, 2002, 20:47
Local Time: 14:17
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Originally posted by notyoueither
I stand corrected.
February 10, 2002, 05:08
Local Time: 13:17
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Posts: 44
RF - Red Front - AFAIK military wing of the communist party in pre-nazi Germany
My contribution:
SF - sciense fiction or speculative fiction
ACS - armored combat suit (also called hardsuit), abbreviation AFAIK invented by SF writer Jhon Ringo _the hymn before battle_
February 15, 2002, 06:01
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 14:17
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About Red Front ("Rot Front"), you are correct. It was their way to show their membership to the cause, saying these words and raising their right fist.
IMHO two very short words and not worth to be abbreviated. I have never seen the acronym RF standing for this.
February 17, 2002, 03:12
Local Time: 07:17
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Another contribution:
IJW - It Just Works.
February 17, 2002, 12:39
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Does anyone know if Apolyton has an official documentation area? Something where we, as contributors, can compile a document like these abbreviations and have it posted to a specific area of the Apolyton site (common document area) where anyone can download it? If the title's descriptive and I don't have to root around news notes and forum comments to get the finished reference then I'd definitely appreciate such a place.
February 17, 2002, 17:01
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Being a newbie such as yourself, I yearn for the same thing as it appears, at times, a second language besides English is being spoken...
"Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us." --MLK Jr.
February 20, 2002, 08:56
Local Time: 14:17
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Posts: 485
abreviations of death
Lets SS (start simple):
ASAP = as soon as possible
FUBAR = f*cked up beyong all recognition
SNAFU = situation normal, all f*cked up
BYM = believe you me
Now to PUTP (pick up the pace):
DTT = Damn the torpedoes!
TWAPO* = The Peasants and workers of (insert country here)
IDYTCTL = I dare you to cross this line
ICKYAAD = I can kick you ass any day
SYFM = shut yer filthy mouth
ANITHIWTITB = A nuke in the hand is worth two in the bush
KTFCIEH = Kill the firstborn child in every household
RWBIAD = Rome wasn't built in a day
CTRT = Care to repeat that?
IBEB = Ich bin ein Berliner
FLW = famous last words
March 8, 2002, 14:54
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Location: because I'm the son of the King of Kings.
Posts: 661
PBTT: Pissing Behind the tree
Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
religiones mohosas hasta el alma...
March 8, 2002, 15:18
Local Time: 04:17
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IAPFS: I always pay for software.
PSQJQA: Please stop quoting John Quincy Adams.
BRBIWRTPUA: Be right back. I wanna read this pop-up ad.
Courtesy of www.satirewire.com
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
March 16, 2002, 15:53
Local Time: 09:17
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Posts: 21,822
Sid Meier is God but I hate the f*cking excuse for a Civilization game known as Civilization 3 so I am going to burn down the Firaxis building.
That one seems to be a popular theme around here.
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
Later amendments to the Constitution don't supersede earlier amendments - GePap
March 21, 2002, 01:19
Local Time: 08:17
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Location: Bensalem PA
Posts: 8
GL = Great Leader
TGL = The Great Library
GG = GoodGame
GL = Good Luck
HF = Have Fun
NR* = No Rush (*=minutes) <- for losers
TY = Thank You
NP = No Problem
TTYL = Talk To You Later
BRB = Be Right Back
BBL = Be Back Later
March 21, 2002, 21:54
Local Time: 13:17
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I'd do this if I had the time- and may eventually- but has anyone though of alphabetizing the Abbreviations- and will anyone volunteer?
They could make antoher thread which would be excessively more useful than this one
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
March 21, 2002, 22:39
Local Time: 13:17
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Okay, here it is, Unformated sadly, but Gramphos can work his magic if he wants
(It is updated as well)
updated march 27
Civ III Related
ADM Attack Defense Movement
CIV Civilization
CP Culture Points
CR Culture Rating
CS Consequences, schmonsequences! (Courtesy of Stefu)
CSA Civ Specific Ability/ Confederate States of America
CSC Civ Scenario Collection
CSU Civ Specific Unit
CTP Call To Power
GA Golden Age
GL Great Leader
GL Great Library
GW Great Wonder
ICS Infinite City Sprawl
LE Limited Edition
LW Leonardo's Workshop
MPP Mutual Protection Pact
NCC No City Challenge
OCC One City Challenge
OfAPeCiClu Official Apolyton Pessimistic Civers Club
OfAReCiClu Official Apolyton Realistic Civers Club
OfAOpCiClu Official Apolyton Optimist Civers Club
OWABWNW Our words are backed with nuclear weapons!
REX Rapid Expansion
RF Red Front
RoP Right of Passage
SE Social Engineering as in SMAC
SL Scenario League
SMAC Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
SMAX Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire
SMIG Sid Meier is god
SOG Seeds of Greatness
SSC Super Science City
SU Special Unit
SW Small Wonder
TGL The Great Library
TOT Test of Time
USA United States of America
UU Unique Unit
WLTKD We Love The King Day
WOW Wonder of World
General Game
AI Artificial Inteligence
AoE Age of Empires
AoK Age of Empires : Age of Kings
BHG Big Huge Games
EU Europa Universalis
MOD A modification to an existing game (Like a Scenario)
MOO Master of Orion
MOM Master of Magic
MP/SP Multi/Single player
RTFM Read The ****ing Manual
SMG Sid Meier's Gettysburg
TOAOW The Operational Art Of War
4X: eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate (Civ is, of course, the mother of all 4X games)
(A)CS (Apolyton) Civilization Site mod Moderator admin administrator
AE Alternative Identity
AFAIK as far as I know
ASAIKYA As soon as I kick your ass
BAB Bigger is Always Better
BBL Be Back Later
BRB Be Right Back
BTW By the way
CBC = Close Quarter Combat
CP Control Panel
DL = Down Low
DL Double Login
ECS Eternal China Syndrome (refers to the ability of a big Civ to exist pretty much undisturbed for 6000 years.)
FPS: First Person Shooter
FU: F*** You
FYI For your information
GG Good Going
HTHTN Hope this helps the newbies.
IE Internet Explorer
IIRC If I remember correctly
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO/IMHO In my opinion / in my humble opinion
JTLYK Just to let you know
KIFS Keep it Fun Stupid
KIRS Keep it Real Stupid
KISS Keep It Simple Stupid
KMFDM Kill mother-effing Depeche Mode
KOS = Kill On Sight
LOL Laughing out Loud
LOTR Lord Of The Rings
MREIOF My rear end is on fire
MULOTF Most Untrustworthy Leader OF The Infidels
NTL Nevertheless
PCI Post Count Increment
PCR Post Count Reduction
RAF Rise And Fall
(ROFL)MAO (Rolling on floor laughing) my ass off
RL Real Life
RPG: Role Playing Game
RTS: Real Time Strategy
SDNWOTN Sarcasm Does Not Work On The Net
TBS: Turn Based Strategy
TCLOA The Critically Literal Optimist Association
WTF What the F---?
YYRC Yes you remember correctly
AH Alexander's Horse
Dan Dan Magaha (Firaxis employee)
DC DarkCloud
KH Krazyhorse
LOTM Lord of the Mark
MtG MichaeltheGreat
PH Provost Harrison
SG Scouse Gits (1-3)
Sneak Supersneak
Spink Stewart Spink
Tech TechWins
Uber UberKrux
UR Urban Ranger
YYYH Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Last edited by DarkCloud; March 27, 2002 at 18:04.
March 23, 2002, 10:43
Local Time: 08:17
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Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 40
And 45 minutes later we have a complete list posted to this thread. So much for:
Originally posted by DarkCloud
I'd do this if I had the time- and may eventually- but has anyone though of alphabetizing the Abbreviations- and will anyone volunteer?
They could make antoher thread which would be excessively more useful than this one
Hehehe, no complaints though. gg
March 26, 2002, 00:19
Local Time: 13:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 6
FU = %&$# You
SAC = Smoke and Choke
SAP = Spray and Pray
CBC = Close Quarter Combat
DL = Down Low
KOS = Kill On Sight
DOC = Drinking Olympics Champion
PQC = Proffessional Quarters Championship
Creator of: The Realism Epic Mod and Scipio Map Modification
"Donny your out of you element, Dude the China man is not the- Oh and Dude, China man is not the prefered nomenclature..." - Walter *The Big Lebowski
March 27, 2002, 17:58
Local Time: 13:17
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Originally posted by TitanTim
And 45 minutes later we have a complete list posted to this thread. So much for:
Hehehe, no complaints though. gg
And gg stands for Good Going, correct?
I should add it
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
April 3, 2002, 11:06
Local Time: 09:17
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Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 978
A.S.S. = American Space Ship or Aztec Space Ship
DP = Double Penetra... I mean Double Post.
April 6, 2002, 01:43
Local Time: 05:17
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Hey, why are all of my cities under a mushroom cloud and half of my population has been wiped out?
Just kidding- made that up
Est-ce que tu as vu une baleine avec un queue taché?
If you don't feel the slightist bit joyful seeing the Iraqis dancing in the street, then you are lost to the radical left. If you don't feel the slightest bit bad that we had to use force to do this, then you are lost to the radical right.
April 11, 2002, 23:14
Local Time: 08:17
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Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 40
How does CBC = Close Quarter Combat?
ECS (Eternal China Syndrome) - So China was untouched for 6000 years? I guess that means that the Mongols and the Japanese were a couple nations passing through admiring the scenery? I seem to remember them historically being pushed around a lot.
April 12, 2002, 12:16
Local Time: 07:17
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Under General:
w/e - whatever
jk - just kidding
g2g - got to go
Granted, these are more for "chatting" but they might come in handy, IMHO.
Frodo lives!
April 12, 2002, 12:34
Local Time: 14:17
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Some Of These Abbreviations Are Useless, And Would Never Get Used, So Why Bother Listing Them
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
April 12, 2002, 14:07
Local Time: 07:17
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Location: Indianapolis, the Speed Capital of the World
Posts: 190
1. WGMATATS = We Get More A#% Than A Toilet Seat
2. KATN = Kick Ass Take Names
April 15, 2002, 17:33
Local Time: 05:17
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Fitz. (n.) Old English
1. Child born out of wedlock.
2. Bastard.
May 3, 2002, 15:54
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on the other hand
May 4, 2002, 00:43
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Originally posted by skywalker
Sid Meier is God but I hate the f*cking excuse for a Civilization game known as Civilization 3 so I am going to burn down the Firaxis building.
That one seems to be a popular theme around here.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
May 14, 2002, 13:35
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Posts: 137
Compile this into a Babylon glossary
Gramphos :
It would be a great idea to turn all the abbreviation list that you have already compiled here into a Babylon glossary.
If you don't have Babylon engine and dictionnaries on your PC, well download right now. It is a must
You can download the Babylon builder utility for free and creating a new glossary is really simple - the source file is editable and you can copy-paste you existing list into it.
IMO, I would help newbies and non (native) english speaking persons like me.
Note that there are already many glossaries on chatroom abbreviations available on Babylon (search "chatroom"), but none related to Civilization.
May 18, 2002, 19:38
Local Time: 08:17
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FM effin magic. often used in the "it works on the FM principle" sense
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
May 23, 2002, 07:59
Local Time: 16:17
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Location: the contradiction is filled with holes...
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These be the new ones.
AW = Awatar wars (highly flammable issue in the OT-forum. Don't try this at home, if you are not a professional)
OGF = old games forum (new forum in the civ-related games section)
OWG = own goal (something you say completely smashes your previous comment on the same subject)
and a person:
Og = Ogie Oglethorpe
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
May 27, 2002, 02:11
Local Time: 15:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 8,117
hi ,
IFE ; Infinite Forest Explotation
have a nice day
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