No, this is not another MP/SP issue. I recently visited my old stomping grounds of the Civ2-Strategy and Scenario League forums and you know what? People are still having loads of fun playing Civ2!!!! All of us can laugh about some of the "quirks" of Civ2 (the cheating, the bugs, etc.) but alot of us still love it and play it (like I've been doing since this weekend). And on the scenario side, check out the civfanatics website and take a look at the incredible looking SubWar scenario. This was done in Civ2, no less!
My point is that with all of Civ2's flaws, it is still a very highly playable and customizable game. And likewise, Civ3 will have some flaws but it will still be at least as highly playable and customizable as Civ2, I believe. With all of the acrimony going on around here, it's easy to forget many of us (not all) will have fun playing Civ3 and dissecting its many strategies in the Civ3-Strategy forum. And more importantly, there will be some that will start making enhancements through modpacks. Creating modpacks is not making the game more playable as with CtP but making the game more creative as with Civ2 (that's a subtle distinction that gets misinterpreted when folks mention Civ2 modpacks). And of course, there will be a core group of civers creating scenarios. I can't wait to see what scenarios we can come up with using the new resource economies, the improved diplomacy and the best thing, the six different ways of winning (not to mention a much larger map).
Thus end my weekly pep talk.