Unfortunately, you don't know too much about modern warfare. The "game" idea is to have balanced units of attack and defense. That isn't the case in modern warfare. The only good defense is a good offense. That phrase was coined for a reason.
Using WWII as an example. The Nazis, prior to D-Day, focused on building a stable defensive scheme to repel Allied attacks. Unfortunately for them, they were using WWI tactics. When you have a massive deployment of troops, artillery, and armored divisions, there is no such thing as defense. There is no such armor that can repel a high speed explosive shell. The only way an advancing force can be stopped is by massive counter-attack.
On the Eastern front of WWII, the Russians got this at Stalingrad. The Germans came, and the Russians figured they could entrench in the city and repel the attacks. They charged constantly, taking massive casualties. The German attack was too much. But once Nikita Kruscheiv arrived and took charge, he ordered massive counter-attacks, and defeated the Nazi forces. The Red Bear then stormed across the scorched country-side in a campaign of advance, withdrawl, and massive counter-attack.
Of all the tears for the some five thousand dead in NY, where are the tears for the 200,000 dead at Hiroshima? Or the tears for the 3.3 million Soviets that died during the battle for Stalingrad? Where was America's pity then? I felt sorrow for the victims at WTC, but I scorned the selfishness of my country. American lives are all that they want you to cry for. I doubt Americans will shed one tear for the millions that will probably die from American retaliation.