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Old September 12, 2001, 07:10   #1
Local Time: 13:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Boulder Creek,CA,USA
Posts: 105
WTC Shaming & Shunnnig
A pox on all your houses for intorance, you awful puritans who model war and cultural genecide but point fingers at poor aebbake who's sin was to have an honest question.

This is a ligitimate subject for discussion and it should be modeled in the game, if only because it's not new and your going to see a lot more of it. Terrorisim, in and out of declared war is an inescapeable fact, what is a needed is a sensable model that allows us to understand why it is done and how those who do it perceve a benefit.

Get off you high hyppocirtical horeses use your brains. You should all appologize to him because it is the spirit of what you displayed that is at the heart of what happened to the WTC.

We have nukes in the game but not a word about Hiroshima victums, Stalin murdered 40 million but we model communism. WE needlessly firebomed Dresden but we have bombers in the game.

We don't learn about anything by ignoring it or making it 'prettry' or politically correct. I intensly dislike attacking people personally for their ideas, but what you have done is a personal attack on Aebbake for very poor reasons and you are fools for having done so.

Go shun yourselves, you deserve it.

And by the way, I've personnally stood in Auswich and seen the handiwork of the Nazies, held in my hand the mud from the pond where they dumped the ashes of hunderds of thousands of men women and children. There is a place of true evil and no person but a hardend sociopath can walk away from there without tears, and I would model it in the game without hesitation bucause it is true.

You have no standing to cirticize aebbake (or me) until you also have stood in that place (or some similar place) and understood the truth of human evil. When you do, the firs thing you will understand is that the most important thing in the world is truth, and tolerance, because that is what saves us from ourselves.

Again, go shun yourselves, and I spell that with a F, a U, a C and a K, just for you.

And I oppologize to the rest of you for my anger.
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Old September 12, 2001, 07:19   #2
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