Local Time: 23:56
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 440
OCC - Copernicus first
Hi all.
In the size4 OCC thread, I mentioned that Copernicus's Observatory
is my first Wonder of choice when I can get it. To support that opinion
I am posting the log of my attempt at OCC Fortnight#2 (Monarchy start).
That was a particularly apt candidate for a Copernicus First strategy.
I started the game with the idea of doing a Size12 city. But I bagged
that notion halfway through and played it straight.
(Some of my beaker count research notes were mixed in the log. I left them in.)
3700 BC Start.
Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws, Masonry, and Monarchy.
Two settlers, archer, horse, chariot. REVOLUTION.
3650 MONARCHY. Washington founded - 2 whales, 2 wine, 7 river squares. WOW.
3600 Researching Writing, Building Warrior. Taxrate: 30/70/0 - 22 beakers, 8 turns.
3550 Start mining wine.
3500 Hut-3 advanced tribe restarts, then barbarian horse. Killed by my chariot, becomes vet.
3450 Warrior.
3400 French - trade Monarchy for Writing, peace. Give Masonry, alliance.
Researching Literacy - 33 beakers, 11 turns. Give all techs to French, no reduction.
[me - pathetic, worshipful French - 3 spoons] French have Pottery, did not take it.
3250 Hut-100 gold! Size 2. Trade 8, Science 6, 6 turns.
3200 Literacy. Researching Republic, 48 beakers, 8 turns. Hut-horseman.
[me - moderate, French - 4 spoons] Give Literacy to French. No reduction.
3150 Buy Library.
3100 Library. Science 9, 6 turns. Start Temple. Wine mine finished. Hut-horseman.
3050 English - trade Literacy for Map Making, peace, alliance. Share maps, give all techs.
French - give Map Making. [me - moderate, French 4, English 1]
3000 French - share Maps. Hut-50 gold.
2950 Hut-barbarian horse, killed by Vet chariot.
2900 Start mining wine. Buy Temple.
2850 Republic. Temple. Starting COLOSSUS. Hut-25 gold. Republic to F and E.
Researching Mysticism, 66 beakers, 8 turns.
2750 Size 3, working wine. 12 science, 6 turns.
2650 REPUBLIC. Aztecs - give all techs, peace, no alliance. Share maps.
Taxrate: 10/80/10 science 19, 4 turns. Disband warrior.
2600 Babylonians - give all techs, peace, alliance, share maps. Have pottery, did not take.
English - gift, 25 gold.
2550 Mysticism. Hut-50 gold. F-trade Republic for Pottery, gift 50 gold. B-give Republic. E-give Republic.
Aztecs - give Pottery. Set taxrate 0/60/40.
2500 We Love! Hut-50 gold.
2450 Size 4, working wine mine#2
2400 Size 5. taxrate: 0/80/20.
2350 We Love ends. Science 27 beakers, 4 turns.
2300 Mathematics. Researching Astronomy. [117 beakers, pottery to English (4) drops to 108.]
Mathematics to E, gift 25 gold. Math to B, Math to F. Math to A. 4 turns.
2250 - 117 beakers.
2100 Astronomy. Researching Philosophy (140 beakers). Give Astronomy & Mysticism to all. 25g from B.
Switching from Colossus to Copernicus.
2050 50 gold from E. 25 gold from B.
2000 25 gold from F.
1950 Beaker cost drops to 120 (4 turns)
1900 Philosophy. University. Researching Gravity (156 beakers) 6 turns, 27 science. Give Philosophy to all.
1850 give University to all.
1750 Sioux - trade for Currency and Horseback Riding, peace. Give all techs, alliance, share maps,
150 gold gift. Give Horse and Currency to Babs and French. Give currency to Aztecs, Horse to English.
1700 COPERNICUS built. 25 gold from Babs. Horse to Aztecs, Currency to English. science 54, 4 turns.
1650 Celts - trade for Wheel and Warrior Code, peace. Give all techs, alliance, share maps, gift 100 gold.
Give Wheel to all other civs.
1600 Theory of Gravity, researching Trade. (255 beakers, 5 turns). Give W.C. to all.
Give Gravity to Aztecs, alliance! 150 gold gift. Buy University.
1550 University. B - gift 50, E - gift 25.
1500 Hut - Iron Working, give to all.
1450 Marketplace. taxrate 0/70/30
1400 Trade. We Love! Researching Construction (323 beakers) Trade to Celts (1, me 0) drops to 285.
give Trade to all.
1350 Size 6, taxrate 0/80/20, 4 turns. E - 25 gold, S - 50 gold.
1300 Gems caravan. We Love ends. S - 25 gold.
1250 Share maps with all.
1200 Construction. Copper caravan. Give Construction to all. S - 25 gold.
Researching Bridge Building (480 beakers, 20th tech) 6 turns.
1150 Gifts: C - 25, B - 50, A - 50, E - 50, S - 25.
1100 Trireme. Gifts: C-25,A-25,S-25
1050 Gifts: C-25,A-25,S-50
1000 Coal caravan.
975 Gifts: F-25, A-25.
950 Bridge Building. Colosseum. Copper Caravan to Teotihuacan: 75 gold(not demanded)
Gems caravan to Teotihuacan: 232 gold (demanded). Bridge Building to All. Gifts: C-25.
taxrate 0/80/20. Trade 33, Science 104.
925 We Love! Gifts: B-50,F-25
900 Aqueduct. Size 7, taxrate 0/70/30. Gifts: F-25,A-50.
875 Banking. Size 8. Give Banking to all.
850 Bank. Size 9. Coal to Teotihuacan: 88 gold. taxrate: 0/80/20. Gifts: A-50.
825 Size 10.
800 Size 11.
775 Seafaring. Size 12. taxrate: 10/80/10 Seafaring to all. Gifts: E-50, S-25
750 Harbor. We Love ends. 4 turns. Gifts: B-50,E-25, A-50.
725 Gifts: C-25
700 Engineering. Food caravan. Give engineering to all. Gifts: C-25,E-25. Science:192, 3 turns
675 Give Gravity to all.
650 Food caravan. Gifts: F-25,A-25,S-50
625 Invention. Give Invention to all. Gifts: E-50.
600 Food caravan. Gifts: B-50, F-25
575 Gifts: C-25, A-100
550 Democracy. Food caravan. Give Democracy to all. Gifts: S-50
525 DEMOCRACY. taxrate 10/80/10, 3 turns.
500 Food caravan.
450 Navigation. Food caravan. Trade Navigation to Aztecs for Economics.
Give Navigation and Economics to all. Gifts: A-50
425 ISAAC NEWTON's. taxrate: 0/90/10 science 342, 2 turns.
400 Medicine. Medicine to all, gifts: E-25.
375 Food caravan. Gifts: A-50, E-25
350 Physics. Physics to all, Gifts: E-25. taxrate: 30/60/10, 3 turns.
325 Food caravan. Gifts: B-25
300 Gifts: C-50
275 Sanitation. Food caravan. Sanitation to all. Gifts: E-25, S-50. Taxrate: 0/90/10. (744,354)
250 COLOSSUS built. Trade goes from 66 to 82, Science jumps from 354 to 444 ( 2 turns) Celts-25gold.
set taxrate: 10/70/20
225 Steam Engine. We Love! Give Steam engine to all. Gifts: E-25.
200 Sewer system. Size 13. Gifts: C-25, F-25. taxrate 0/80/20
175 Railroad. Size 14. Give railroad to all. Gifts: E-50.
150 Food Caravan. Size 15. Gifts: C-25, F-25, A-100.
125 Chemistry. Size 16. Give Chemistry to all. taxrate to 10/80/10
100 Food caravan. We love! ends. Gifts: C-50, F-25, A-50
75 Gunpowder. Give to all. Gifts: E-50, S-50
50 Food caravan. Gifts: A-75
25 Explosives. Give to all.
1 AD Food caravan. Gifts: A-50
20 SHAKESPEARE's THEATRE. We LOVE! Industrialization. Give to All. Gifts: A-25 Sell Colosseum.
40 Sell Temple.Gifts: A-50,E-50. Size17 Spice caravan.
60 Magnetism, give to all. Size18
80 Size19
100 Metallurgy, give to all. Feudalism from French. F-50. Size 20.
120 We love! ends. Give Feudalism to all. Gifts: B-50,F-25,S-50
140 Engineer. Electricity, give to all. size19
160 Gifts: F-25.
180 Refrigeration, give to all.
200 Supermarket. Gifts: B-50, A-50.
220 Corporation, give to all.
240 Food freight. Gifts: C-25,B-75,F-25,E-75, A-polytheism.
260 Refining, give to all.
280 Food Freight. Polytheism to all.
300 Combustion. Gifts: C-50,B-75,E-75,S-50.
320 Food Freight. Gifts: C-50,A-50,E-75
340 Electronics, give to all.
360 Food Freight.
380 Steel, give to all.
400 Food. Gifts: C-50,E-100,S-50
420 Automobile, give to all. Spice to paris, 196g.
440 Superhighways. Chivalry, give to all. Gifts: B-75,F-25
460 We Love! Gifts: B-50,F-25,E-100
480 Leadership, give to all. Food freight. size20.
500 size21. Gifts: C-50,B-50,F-50,E-50
520 Conscription, to all. Food.
540 Gifts: B-25,F-50,A-25,E-50,S-50
560 Mass Production, to all. Food. size24
580 We Love! ends. Gifts: C-50,B-25,A-25,E-50
600 Tactics, to all. Food.
620 Gifts: B-50,A-25
640 Machine Tools, to all. Food.
660 Gifts: B-50, A-25, E-50
680 Mobile Warfare. Food. Combustion to all.
700 DARWINS's VOYAGE. Miniaturization, Computers, to all.
720 Robotics. Techs to all.
740 Research Lab. Flight. Gifts: c-50,B-100,F-50,E-100,S-50
760 Gifts: B-50,F-75,E-50
780 Atomic Theory. Offshore platform. Gifts: C-50, F-75
800 Techs to all.
820 Radio. Factory. Radio to all.
840 Gifts: C-50,B-50,F-50,E-100
860 Advanced Flight. Hydro plant. Montheism from Aztecs, to all.
880 Gifts: B-50,F-50,E-50,S-50
900 Rocketry. Manufacturing plant. Gifts: B-50,A-50
940 Space Flight.
980 S1. trade SF to French for Communism. Gifts: C-50, F-100, B-50,E-100,S-50
1000 S2
1020 Nuclear Fission. S3
1040 S4 SF to English. Gifts:E-100,B-50,A-50, F-100
1060 Nuclear Power. S5 Gifts: C-50,B-50,F-100
1080 S6 F-100, A-50,E-50
1100 Laser S7 Gifts: C-50,B-50,F-50,A-50,S-50
1120 S8
1140 S9 Espionage. Gifts: C-50,E-50
1160 S10
1180 S11
1200 S12 Superconductor Gifts: C-50,B-100
1220 S13
1240 S14 Gifts: A-50,E-100,F-100
1260 S15 Fusion power. Sell research Lab
1280 C1
1300 C2
1320 M1
1340 M2
1360 M3 Launch 15-1-1-1-1-1
1396 Arrive AC.
That was my first attempt. I replayed the game committed to fullsize OCC
from the beginning, but still focusing on the science wonders,
and was able to land to 1355.
[This message has been edited by samson (edited April 19, 2001).]