Originally posted by MarkG
and i assume a discussion and a poll on whether such news should be posted is much more interesting, valueable or needed....
But it's not on the news, AFAIK!
Come on, every editor I know read letters from readers, some are critics about the magazine, some are from enthusiast.
I don't use to post message that feel too much "what a lovely job you do": I'm still here after two years, so I clearly appreciate your job (or I'd be a masochist, but that doesn't apply here

A poll you don't ask for, but you allow - showing great freedom

BTW - seems to have many considering that kind of news are not appreciate. You chose to keep them: that's OK - is your work.
My point is simply that this kind of (for me unnecessary) news force the scrolling away of more interesting news I'd miss.
I must fight my laziness scrolling a bit more
Keep up the good work DanQ and MarkG and every one else at the task.