September 18, 2001, 06:50
Local Time: 14:23
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Posts: 624
Originally posted by UberKruX
yes. i understand the pile of work dan has. and i understand that mark isn't allowed to release info. i just want a or a . i dont need any more than that.
Krux, it is crystal-clear that MP is *not* in. Do you honestly think developers would say "no comment" or "we haven't decided yet" at this point in time when they in fact had working MP code?
They also did confess they are now just playing and 'smoothing' things out. I don't think the major decision about MP is in the 'smoothing out' category.
It's high time the feeble hopes are abandoned. It will not be there, despite the fact that civ2 eventually got it a few years ago.
The only bright side to this is that the designers may have made the decision to exclude MP from a gameplay perspective: perhaps they wanted to really improve the online experience of civ2. Perhaps this goal is worth another wait and another handful of cash.
It might also be that Infogrames just didn't want to bother to set up some Civ3 servers, though.
September 18, 2001, 09:24
Local Time: 08:23
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Grim: there's still hope.
i understand that if there no MP yet then there won't be. and i understand it's very odd that no one commented on it yet, but Firaxis' employees could be on a GAG-ORDER about several topics.
could Firaxis have a multiplayer system to revolutionize the industry?
erm... maybe.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
September 18, 2001, 09:52
Local Time: 03:23
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Originally posted by UberKruX
could Firaxis have a multiplayer system to revolutionize the industry?
erm... maybe.
If so, they should charge a lot for it! (Maybe by splitting the product.) Revolutionary insights are worth cash. Especially when combined with super-popular content like civ2.
September 18, 2001, 09:52
Local Time: 08:23
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Personally I am extremely confused as to how they manage to post here. It's something rarely done with any degree of consistancy as far as game companies are concerned, so maybe I'm reacting with a 'confrontational' approach is because this is a relatively new thing going on.
Most gaming companies don't post on any boards or if they do it is on ones that they control themselves. They normally do not go to fan boards and post on them. They doing so is a great contribution to the community in my opinion. At this time in developement I don't think they need to say much on the boards. In fact simply putting things up on their website would be fine with me. But I would like the issue of MP dealt with.
The biggest problem with multiplayer?
Yes I agree this can be a problem. But it normally can be solved with patches. That is not the reason that MP is not ready. It appears the reason is because they did not start on it until August. So then any code they have done is not tested or ready. That is the problem with MP in this game.
I thought Dan was talking about your emails.
I've asked a question twice and did not even get an automated response back. Only absolute silence...
Yeah that is really really bad. There should have been an automated answer saying something to this effect,
"We thank you for your time for submitting a question to Civ3's Ask the Team feature. We appreciate your interest in the game and we are going to deliver you the best Civ experience ever. As you surely know, we get tons of questions every day asking many of the same questions that you probably have. We will try to answer your and other questions on a future edition of the Ask the Team feature but due to the amount of emails we get we cannot promise anything. Again thank you for your submission and your interest in the game. - The Civ Team."
Dan, I will let you use this free of charge if you don't have time to write your own
Firaxis is NOT ready to release info on MP at this time. Even if Dan didn't have any work and could go on a long, extended vacation he wouldn't be able to release info on MP. We all tried our hardest to retrieve the answer on MP but we had no luck. Now it is time to just let Firaxis take their time (they are going to do so either way) on releasing MP info and have MP release talks die down for now.
But doesn't this scare you to death. We are a month and a week from release. To not have any idea on what is going ot happen with MP is scaring me to death. What else is Firaxis and Infogrames unsure on? Come on do the right thing and delay the game.
I have read almost all responses to this thread now, and it keeps amazing me (no offense to anyone meant!) how much time we all have to occupy ourselves with these forums
Well I have been reading this thread for a week and so the reading has been limited. I use the forums between classes with the television on primarily so for me it something to do when I am not studying or hanging out with my friends.
So when they need more time to get it 'right', I can only applaud them for making the decision to hold it off the initial release. No one wants buggy software, and by using the extra time (and revenues that are brought in by the initial soft will provide) they can do it 'perfectly'. This never is a fun compromise, but often unavoidable. I'm sure no-one at Firaxis is happy that things turned out like this, but I have faith in them that they will fix this at a later stage.
I have no problem with giving them more time. In fact I am a advocate of this. However I fail to see how giving more time for only MP will help the entire game. I think by postponning the game until it is finished in its entirity will help with reviews and sales. As well it will help give Firaxis more time to perfect the entire game. Both MP and SP will benefit from a delay in release time. I think this is common sense and wish that they would do it in this fashion.
What the heck is "hotseat"? And now I'm dealing with this stuff anyway, what's PBEM?
I've occasionally played games across the Internet, and played civ also across a lan. But hotseat and PBEM....?
PBEM = play by email. In this fashion of MP, you play your turn then you email it to me so that I can play my turn. We continue to do this until all players have played their turns and then go on to the next turn where we again send it to each other.
Hotseat is done much the same way except that everyone uses one computer. So we sit down at the same turn and one player plays their turn. Then the next plays his turn until everyone that is playing has played their turn at the same computer. Then the next turn starts.
That is all I want as well. Just a simple answer. I don't think they know which scares me more than not including MP. But in the end I wish I could be treated with enough fairness to be told one way or the other.
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September 18, 2001, 12:02
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I spent too much time reading this thread not to put in my own 2 cents.
-Imagine the entire thread quoted here, in keeping with the apparent style requirements-
Assuming there is no MP in the initial release, I see only one potential bummer for an MP fan:
--That they may never publish an MP version.
Surely we would need some time playing (and debugging) the SP version before being ready to seriously take on MP. So if they release an MP patch at some later time, as they did with SMAC, it will not be a really big deal. Hopefully, they will be using the intervening time to good effect perfecting the MP and fixing bugs.
If, on the other hand, they sell the MP version as an independent package as was done with Civ(1)/Civ-Net, it may lead to bruised feelings of being ripped-off, but I suspect that anyone of us dedicated enough to be reading and posting here will have gotten very much more than twice our money's worth out of the combined package by the time all is said and done.
Thus, I would only worry about the possibility of there never being an MP release, as the others are not really that bad.
One thing I wonder about though is why there is this separation between SP & MP in the first place, given that there has been MP in the previous Civ/SMAC familly members and especially if they promised integrated MP many months ago. Are they spending the extra few weeks figuring out how to remove the MP features from this monolithic integration? Note to Sid: You are not being taken for Bill Gates; Sun and AOL will not bring anti-trust cases against you for bundling MP with the game.
Surely they had some version of MP going right from the beginning with whatever code they started from, the SMAC code, most likely, so unless this is all a marketing song and dance, they must have radically redesigned the MP and are not yet satisfied with the way it works. That is good if they came up with some improvements, which will be welcomed, but bad if they come to discover that they can't afford to finish it off and just drop it altogether.
The other thing I wonder is whether PBEM/Hotseat, whose code needs to be only slightly removed from that of SP, is being held economic hostage to simultaneous MP, which introduces a whole lot of different design and technical issues and could easily be responsible for delays and dissatisfaction. From a programming standpoint, I am sure that the simultaneous MP is vastly cooler, but probably even more vastly expensive than the SP option in development costs. Said hostage/linkage might suggest itself for marketing reasons in that just one half of the MP community may not be sufficient to justify development costs.
The rub here is that PBEM TBS enthusiasts may be asked to finance the simultaneous MP version which would verge closely on (and no doubt be marketed as if it were indistinguishable from) an RTS format, which the PBEM crowd would not necessarily be interested in in the first place. The furthest rub would be that having forged this linkage, if it turns out that Firaxis abandons the effort to create the Perfect Integrated MP CIV III, the whole thing then gets dropped, leaving the essentially development cost free PBEM option out in the cold.
September 18, 2001, 12:23
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Originally posted by johndmuller
I spent too much time reading this thread not to put in my own 2 cents.
-Imagine the entire thread quoted here, in keeping with the apparent style requirements-
Assuming there is no MP in the initial release, I see only one potential bummer for an MP fan:
--That they may never publish an MP version.
Very good insight.
One thing I wonder about though is why there is this separation between SP & MP in the first place, given that there has been MP in the previous Civ/SMAC familly members and especially if they promised integrated MP many months ago. Are they spending the extra few weeks figuring out how to remove the MP features from this monolithic integration? Note to Sid: You are not being taken for Bill Gates; Sun and AOL will not bring anti-trust cases against you for bundling MP with the game.
They have figured out they can make more money by "unbundling".
September 18, 2001, 15:28
Local Time: 08:23
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Originally posted by TechWins
Dan, I understand most of your position on the "ask the civ team". I just don't see why you can't answer maybe 8-10 questions at a time, instead of 4.
Plus, one question that you need to answer. When will you release info on whether or not MP will be included?
Tell you what, I'll do my best to get a couple more questions answered on the next edition..
emphasis on the unanswered... Plus, one question that you need to answer. When will you release info on whether or not MP will be included?
you can direct us to ATCT, you can say you still don't know, but at this point it's becoming a lot more clear that money is the primary reason for an early, MP-less release. I can only hope you guys at Firaxis come up with a solid statement for potential buyers as to exactly what a preordered civ3 would contain. And we still need an answer as to why there's an LE at all
quite frankly, some of you are incredibly inpatient...
Come on, give them a break!
But yeah, I'm just a settler, so what do I know...
impatient....maybe, but that's the way it is when our questions are avoided like this. I love Sid and his crew, but all this PR has no understanding for the consumer to back it. "We'll answer your question when appropriate" isn't good enough - I'm also pretty sure the only thing holding them back from a delay to put in MP is (our) money money money, and that's too bad. If you're on our level, and think and post like us, you'd be more concerned about releasing one solid game as opposed to two or three for the sake of the holidays. that inconsistancy leads me to question all of firaxis' posts and in some cases argue with them.
September 18, 2001, 15:29
Local Time: 06:23
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Thanks oh noble techwins for your effords !
Oh you are very much so welcome.  I'm just glad to see (I better see) that Dan is going to peform those tasks.
I'm still very optimistic about MP. Why, well I finally found that quote from Jeff that I've mentioned a few times before recently.
"Timed turns and simultaneous moves will be a part of multiplayer, but in reality it doesn't significantly reduce play time (at best ~15%). Often MP games take longer anyways because of having to coordinate multiple play sessions with multiple people, not to mention disconnects and restarts. For the average customer winning a solo civ3 game by space race, on default settings, can't really happen in one sitting. MP is the same way. We've got a pretty different approach to simul-move, and features like alliance simultaneous moves will reduce game time even more. The SMAC favorite of dynamically increasing turn timers will be present as well.
While these areas of MP aren't being ignored, most new stuff will be in turn based. Civ3 is a turn based game at it's heart, and we believe it can be a great internet game without ignoring or sidestepping that fact.
I guess not many people remember that thread, huh?
The only possibilities I can think of for why MP might not be included. Either Mister Pleasant is lying, Mister Pleasant was sent a false e-mail (whether that be false name from sender or false info on the e-mail), Firaxis decided that they could make a lot more money selling MP seperately, or Firaxis just ran out of time and/or money to finish MP.
This should really start some discussion.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
September 18, 2001, 15:35
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I'll tell you the truth (in other words, my opinion). Mister Pleasant is a soulless agitator who would like nothing better then to destroy firaxis and everything it stands for. Send him a mail bomb to show him how you feel about it.
Retired, and it feels so good!
September 19, 2001, 00:06
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"If you're on our level, and think and post like us"
Way to treat a newbe, eh?
Then the fact that I am not a newbe at all (I registered to this forum in 1999 - I just try to keep quiet and read your posts of divine excellence instead of making a fool out of myself as others do - and have been playing Civ since 1991) makes it all just more funny... For me, it feels that some of you are just very immature - even if you are a "Prince"...
Or is it just that I happen to use my real name and not some weird nick, that makes you think that I am not at your "level"? Or the fact that I don't have a cool avantar next to my name?
And believe me: I AM concerned about Civ3 being released as a "solid game", but lashing at the Firaxis people because they can't tell you anything about MP at this time isn't going to make it more of a "solid game", is it? You'll just have to wait and see!
Also, I am pretty sure that the deadline is set up by Infogrames, and not by Firaxis themselves. If Firaxis got to choose, I bet they'd wait to give a release date until they know that they indeed have a "solid game" ready. Inforgrames may be more interested in getting a release before x-mas however, which is why they have given Firaxis this deadline. So if you need to yell at someone, I guess you should yell at Infogrames. Of course, the Infogrames people don't read this forum, so perhaps you shouldn't yell at all after all...
Enough of
-- Roland
September 19, 2001, 05:29
Local Time: 14:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 624
Originally posted by UberKruX
Grim: there's still hope.
i understand that if there no MP yet then there won't be. and i understand it's very odd that no one commented on it yet, but Firaxis' employees could be on a GAG-ORDER about several topics.
could Firaxis have a multiplayer system to revolutionize the industry?
erm... maybe.
Haha, you sure are an optimist, UberKruX...yet I *did* note that you removed the reference to October 17 from your signature!
September 19, 2001, 21:16
Local Time: 07:23
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Posts: 193
Originally posted by Grim Legacy
Krux, it is crystal-clear that MP is *not* in. Do you honestly think developers would say "no comment" or "we haven't decided yet" at this point in time when they in fact had working MP code?
They also did confess they are now just playing and 'smoothing' things out. I don't think the major decision about MP is in the 'smoothing out' category.
It's high time the feeble hopes are abandoned. It will not be there, despite the fact that civ2 eventually got it a few years ago.
The only bright side to this is that the designers may have made the decision to exclude MP from a gameplay perspective: perhaps they wanted to really improve the online experience of civ2. Perhaps this goal is worth another wait and another handful of cash.
It might also be that Infogrames just didn't want to bother to set up some Civ3 servers, though.
Geez. I don't doubt they have the code done. Damn, they practically had a working format of the game months ago. It was actually finished a while back, then the polishing mode began.
But I have no doubt they have the code for MP. They of course have the old code from Civ II gold, and SMAC. SMAC would likely be a closer match.
But what they have said is that they are working on some new exciting concepts for turn-based multiplayer and trying to make it smoothe and a great gaming experience online. So to me that sounds like they have code for it done. They just want to tweak around with it. While there may be major tweaking to be done, I don't doubt they have the central code.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 19, 2001, 21:30
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Originally posted by tniem
I thought Dan was talking about your emails.
They never answered my "Is Sid Meir Gay? What does the team think?" question for a start
September 19, 2001, 21:34
Local Time: 08:23
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Civ3 will be released without MP. I searched the Infogrames site and looked at their other PC games. Any with MP have Internet access/Local Network listed under system requirements. I never recall seeing that as a Civ3 system requirement, NEVER.
So this basically means that Infogrames never really intended to release Civ3 with MP. Perhaps all that talk about MP from Firaxis was an attempt to get Infogrames to change their mind. Maybe they are saying MP will be available in the spring, as they figure it will take six months for Infogrames to figure out they screwed up and must correct their mistake of having no MP for Civ3. (They will actually find out sooner when every review calls lack of MP the only major flaw in the game).
All that is left unanswered is, will they charge us for it or not?
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
September 19, 2001, 21:39
Local Time: 07:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 193
Originally posted by Swissy
Civ3 will be released without MP. I searched the Infogrames site and looked at their other PC games. Any with MP have Internet access/Local Network listed under system requirements. I never recall seeing that as a Civ3 system requirement, NEVER.
So this basically means that Infogrames never really intended to release Civ3 with MP. Perhaps all that talk about MP from Firaxis was an attempt to get Infogrames to change their mind. Maybe they are saying MP will be available in the spring, as they figure it will take six months for Infogrames to figure out they screwed up and must correct their mistake of having no MP for Civ3. (They will actually find out sooner when every review calls lack of MP the only major flaw in the game).
All that is left unanswered is, will they charge us for it or not?
I don't care. ALl of the oldschool people should buy the game. And even new people are continually interested.
My thing is I would just like the HOTSEAT feature to tide me over. And I mean, comeon, it would not be the hard to add even right now.
Why is the swap file necessary for the game again? Curious. I don't think they will charge us this time. However, I suspect a 50% chance it will be released with a quality expansion(not the game gold edition) that would be worth 20 or 30 bucks.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 19, 2001, 22:51
Local Time: 07:23
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by Roland Ehnström
And believe me: I AM concerned about Civ3 being released as a "solid game", but lashing at the Firaxis people because they can't tell you anything about MP at this time isn't going to make it more of a "solid game", is it? You'll just have to wait and see!
No, that's not how I see it.
They're taking preorders for this game: I think this puts them under some obligation to tell me ONCE AND FOR ALL if the game I'm preordering is going to have a MP feature that has been previously alluded to, or if they're not going to have it. Otherwise, it's a bait-and-switch, which is not what I call good business ethics.
Come on, it's not rocket science! If the extra-busy programmer can take 3 minutes to respond that he can't tell us anything cause it's not his job, how come some PR person (who's job it IS) can't just come out, put the best spin on it he can (which is what he supposedly is PAID to do) and tell it up front -- if I send them money to preorder this game is it or is it not going to have a MP (heck, or even a HotSeat) feature?
We've asked through the PR channels. We've searched their website. We've *****ed and moaned all over everywhere: why can't they just tell it straight upfront?
That's why they ain't getting my money. I don't even care anymore whether it's SP, MP or BFD.....I don't do business with people who exhibit such shifty business ethics. It might be different if they weren't actually selling the game already (which is what preorders basically are) but this close to release date, and basically they want me to buy a pig in a poke? no way. screw it. There are plenty of other games to play where I know what I'm buying when I buy it. So they've disgusted at least one consumer
Way to go! Give those PR people a raise! pppppbbbtt
September 19, 2001, 23:18
Local Time: 07:23
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Posts: 193
Quit complaining, buy it, enjoy it. And if MP is not in yet, then it's not. If it's added later so be it.
It's my belief they are making some serious changes to mplayer in the turnbased genre. Which, they want to make sure they are doing it right. Which is what I want.
I would buy it without MP regardless. All of us who bought Civ II didn't care that it wasn't mplayer at the time.
To say the least, the game looks awesome. And it's what we, the fans, asked for. I'm banking that they are not going to have a gold edition game with the mplayer feature. My money is on free download or cheap expansion pack.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 19, 2001, 23:24
Local Time: 06:23
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Originally posted by Swissy
Civ3 will be released without MP. I searched the Infogrames site and looked at their other PC games. Any with MP have Internet access/Local Network listed under system requirements. I never recall seeing that as a Civ3 system requirement, NEVER .
Never say never ... Swissy, go to and check out the system requirements for Civ3. They still have it listed as MP compatible. Just some food for thought.
"One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
"If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
September 19, 2001, 23:41
Local Time: 09:23
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Ok Apolyton people, I have a shocking, disturbing, and outright surreal revelation to make.... brace yourselves, because I know you won't believe this...ready?
Most CIVers only play Single Player!!
OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!Explative!Fainting!Sighing!Swoons!!Memory loss!!Late bill payments!! AIIIEEEE!!
I was actually surprised by this, but I knew it to be true after I had talked to some people at my local game retailer. I also learned this from other sources, and was absolutely amazed by this.
So I guess we are a minority.
[I think that most of you already knew this though]
September 20, 2001, 14:23
Local Time: 08:23
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Originally posted by Roland Ehnström
"If you're on our level, and think and post like us"
Way to treat a newbe, eh? 
Then the fact that I am not a newbe at all (I registered to this forum in 1999 - I just try to keep quiet and read your posts of divine excellence instead of making a fool out of myself as others do - and have been playing Civ since 1991) makes it all just more funny... For me, it feels that some of you are just very immature - even if you are a "Prince"... 
Or is it just that I happen to use my real name and not some weird nick, that makes you think that I am not at your "level"? Or the fact that I don't have a cool avantar next to my name? 
And believe me: I AM concerned about Civ3 being released as a "solid game", but lashing at the Firaxis people because they can't tell you anything about MP at this time isn't going to make it more of a "solid game", is it? You'll just have to wait and see!
Also, I am pretty sure that the deadline is set up by Infogrames, and not by Firaxis themselves. If Firaxis got to choose, I bet they'd wait to give a release date until they know that they indeed have a "solid game" ready. Inforgrames may be more interested in getting a release before x-mas however, which is why they have given Firaxis this deadline. So if you need to yell at someone, I guess you should yell at Infogrames. Of course, the Infogrames people don't read this forum, so perhaps you shouldn't yell at all after all... 
Enough of 
-- Roland
I was referring to Firaxis and Mike, who try to be on the level with us, and think and post like we do, in order to win over our undivided support. I don't treat new people like that, and like you said, you aren't even new, so there you go.
sorry if you took it the wrong way
September 20, 2001, 15:15
Local Time: 14:23
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Posts: 99
Ah, that makes a lot more sence Wiglaf!
I'm very sorry for misinterpretting you... Sorry!
I blame the English language - the double meaning of the word "you" have caused misunderstandings more than once...
I wrote:
"I just try to keep quiet ... instead of making a fool out of myself"
 Maybe I should keep on doing that some more, don't you think?!
-- Roland
September 20, 2001, 15:25
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Originally posted by Anunikoba
Ok Apolyton people, I have a shocking, disturbing, and outright surreal revelation to make.... brace yourselves, because I know you won't believe this...ready?
Most CIVers only play Single Player!!
OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!Explative!Fainting!Sighing!Swoons!!Memory loss!!Late bill payments!! AIIIEEEE!! 
I was actually surprised by this, but I knew it to be true after I had talked to some people at my local game retailer. I also learned this from other sources, and was absolutely amazed by this.
So I guess we are a minority.
[I think that most of you already knew this though]
AI's= Weak walkover pointless games  . AI probably wont know how to use diplomacy, and will probably irrigate there whole continent like in Civ2. All weak preplanned BS. Also I disagree, mplayer is getting bigger each day.
Human opponents= real challenges. Cant beat someone who lies and decieves like you. A game is not a game without MP.
Example is CTP. Im in PBEM, but I would have quit the game yonks ago had it not been for me stumpling upon the CTP- multiplaying section.
September 20, 2001, 16:21
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faded glory:
I think you exaggerate the problem. MP will apparantly be added in later, maybe even as a free download. It's not a big deal either way, so don't get all upset about it. I really believe that civ3's AI will be subpar mainly because of SMAC and all the new features that seem to have been tossed in at random, with no concern for the overall play experiance. These are all opinions, so this big mp vs sp war isn't making much sense. it's a game - expect the worse and it only gets better.
don't worry about it
September 20, 2001, 20:29
Local Time: 07:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 193
Originally posted by faded glory
AI's= Weak walkover pointless games . AI probably wont know how to use diplomacy, and will probably irrigate there whole continent like in Civ2. All weak preplanned BS. Also I disagree, mplayer is getting bigger each day.
Human opponents= real challenges. Cant beat someone who lies and decieves like you. A game is not a game without MP.
Example is CTP. Im in PBEM, but I would have quit the game yonks ago had it not been for me stumpling upon the CTP- multiplaying section.
You're wrong. You're so wrong it's hilarious. You are in essence saying a game is not a game without graphics, a game is not a game without this, a game is not a game without this.
Multiplayer is not an end in itself. Just like special affects are not an end in themselves.
"A special affect without a story is a pretty boring thing."
The same is true of Mplayer. If the game sucks, it sucks, mplayer isn't going to change that.
I think you will be surprised about the AI. They are doing some very neat things with matrice complexes, and AI design. As is true of many of the new mplayer games. Except the Civ III team is at the cutting edge.
Mplayer is huge. But worth any wait to get the mplayer right.
Yes, I can beat someone who lies, cheats, and decieves you. Do it all the time actually.
And if anyone noticed in the Making of Civ III video. It was mentioned that the AI will trick, and raw deal you. Because of their character reactions you may think one thing about the leader but they are thinking something completely different.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 20, 2001, 20:31
Local Time: 07:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 193
Originally posted by Wiglaf
faded glory:
I think you exaggerate the problem. MP will apparantly be added in later, maybe even as a free download. It's not a big deal either way, so don't get all upset about it. I really believe that civ3's AI will be subpar mainly because of SMAC and all the new features that seem to have been tossed in at random, with no concern for the overall play experiance. These are all opinions, so this big mp vs sp war isn't making much sense. it's a game - expect the worse and it only gets better.
don't worry about it
Have you seen the making of civ video. I would disagree. This game is going to be immersive. It's not just at random, or done just for the sake of doing it.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 20, 2001, 21:28
Local Time: 13:23
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Location: Fascist party of apolyton.
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Will you be able to talk to the AI players..if so, will they respond in the same manner in which you spoke to them? Plan a global campaign of War with world leaders with ambitions liek you or just settle a border dispute? Gather the leaders of all nations of the world in one chatroom to discuss a PBEM or MP disputes? Will you be able to make demands like no-fly zones and demiliterized zones? Can you conspire? Can you be decietful?Can you role play and be creative, i love doing that? Can you send expeditionary forces to help a friend in need and have that friend actually work with the forces and not block there path? Can you devolop free trade zone's that actually mean somthing? Can you rally belligerent leaders around a global cause? Can you Condemn a leader, yet not declare war on them? Can you arrange agreements like restrictions were to place what? Can you threaten them with the harsh language? Can you make the AI be like the real world leaders, you know with diplomacy and all? Can you convince all the AI players to join you in a crusade against a Meglomanical mass murderer? Can you make unnofficial treatys declaring you only build so many ships or tanks? Can you form a treaty with all your AI leader friends declaring "any nation which builds another factory will be nuked"
The AI is too friggin boring and predicitable. I think the people from Call to Power PBEM would back me up on every point I have made on this thread
I think my point here has been made
September 20, 2001, 21:39
Local Time: 07:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 193
Quit mentioning CTP as if it actually had some credibility. That game is a software whore.
I know all about Mp. Ok. Dear god.
Yes, Mp can do all this and that. But it has to be done right, for god's sake have some patience and put your pants on.
Mp still does not make any game. OK. Gameplay has and always will make the games. You can have awesome graphics and the game will still suck sometime. Look at WWIIonline, completely online game that is a piece of crap.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 20, 2001, 21:48
Local Time: 13:23
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Location: Fascist party of apolyton.
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Lots of people are buying games because of MP. Lots more than you think  Try Gamespy and Zone...Then Kali and
September 20, 2001, 21:53
Local Time: 13:23
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Location: Fascist party of apolyton.
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Look strom i dont mean to piss anybody off. Im just stating the obvoius here... Mplayer is the future of computer gaming. It would be very foolish to deny it. And very foolish for Firaxis to exclude it.
Please reply to my Private message! Again I apoligze if I come off sounding harsh
September 20, 2001, 22:40
Local Time: 07:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 193
Originally posted by faded glory
Lots of people are buying games because of MP. Lots more than you think Try Gamespy and Zone...Then Kali and
I know a lot of people are. But a lot of MP games promise way more than they deliver and end up being a crap experience.
I still like a lot of SP action. I can start and finish when I like, I don't have to play at 5 am if I want to play someone in Europe, and I can do other things besides wait.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
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