...far too many...
To the issue. For the past ____ months (insert a fairly large number, I'm sure it's up around 24 or 25) I've tinkered around with the idea of a Multi-player Cold War scenario. It's been through so many mutations that the original files MD sent me look completely different than what it looks like now.
For starters: it's not close to done. Seeing some of the artwork around here recently has made the units I have sort of...errrm...feel inadequite. Therefore, I need new ones. A big list has been around for as long as the idea has, and (thankfully) is finally completed to take advantage of civ-specific units and time periods (thanks to multiple files). Lots of other ideas have been implemented, and the game SHOULD be an interesting and unique scen when it's done.
Which segues into my next topic. Completeness. A new map was made by moi, comprising of two gigamaps that need to be linked together. More than likely by CSPL or whatever that is. You can see the map
here. Typically angelfire hates me, so just type in the url if it doesn't want to work...
All four maps are used, because a second pair of maps will handle ICBMs. An F-4 will NOT be able to take out an ICBM here...
A tech tree was made, but that too has been tossed out. I'm working from scratch again, and will hopefully have a bit more creativity than a straight "Mobile Warefare I" - "Mobile Warfare IV" deal this time.
Since the map is new, terrain improvements and city populations haven't completely been placed (Mainly in the USSR). Click
here to see what Europe looks like.
The only other images I need are improvements/wonders (I heavily edited some new rivers with new mouths, a new ocean/shoreline, etc., etc.)
In effect, this all depends on if people will play. I know of...errm...3 people that will play, and this scen needs at least 4 (US, USSR, NATO, PRC). I figure it'd be good if people are willing to play a good 100 turns (that's basically a decade/file) in a session, but then again it doesn't matter. If this doesn't interest anybody than I'll just post up what I've got, unveil the new ideas and release the maps (which were drawn by hand BTW...and don't say anything about the Kalihari!).