Correct observation Smack, wrong figures.
The WP increases the former "speed" by 50%
This mean a WP former makes 3/2 the work of a normal one.
This means the time it takes to complete a TF task is 2/3, or 66% of the normal one, NOT 3/4.
If you actually check the reak figures in a real example, you'll see that a WP former can complete a BH in 16 turns, not 18. QED
So, a WP SuperFormer has a speed of 3, and the time required for his tasks will be 1/3rd, or 33%, i.e. 8 turns for a BH.
Also note that a non-WP SuperFormer is faster than a WP normal Former.
About Fungus, you correctly report that WP has no effects on FungiForming. Superformer ability does instead apply to FungiForming too.
As Smack says, the benefits of Super- and Fungi- are cumulative.
Actually, as the cleaning of any patch of fungus takes 6 turns of terraforming work, a normal Former will take 6 turns, while either a FungiFormer OR a SuperFormer will take 6/2=3turns.
A SuperFungiFormer instead will have a speed of 4 (on fungus), that is it will perform 4 turn-equivalents of FungiForming tasks in one turn.
His power is partly wasted, as 6/4=1.5 turns, and as they're rounded up (i.e. partial work tallied each turn), it will take 2 turns, as if its speed were of 3.
Look at it this way tho:
to clean Fungus you need 3x speed-2 Formers (Super-OR-Fungi) to clean a patch in one turn.
If you use SuperFungiFormers, you will need two of them (investing 8 turns of FungiForming capability where 6 are needed).
But knowing the actual speeds of the various Formers, you can clean a Fungus Patch in one turn without wastes of FungiForming potential, using 1 SuperFungiFormer coupled with 1 either-Fungi-OR-Super Former.