Checkmate, Year 2251
New Gaian Headquarters, Mindworm Pass
Personal Log, Druid Tenchusatsu
After many sleepless nights, I've come to the conclusion that in order to prevent further loss of life, the Gaian nation must surrender to the Drones. Perpetuating the war any further would be futile for us, and the Drones would be less apt to show mercy.
Earlier tonight I had dinner with Lady Deirdre. I told her of the hopeless state of the war as well as my plans to surrender. She has been in a depressed mood for the past several years, so the news hardly came as a shock or heartbreak to her. She claimed that she understood and that she agreed with my decision, but I wasn't sure if her depression was speaking in her place.
The mood of the evening was peaceful, yet awkward and sullen. We found it awfully hard to eat our food, which consisted of the finest hybrids from Deirdre's personal garden. Yet I know that tomorrow we could very well be taken captive by the Drones for "war crimes." The only warm part of the evening was after we had finished our dinner. Lady Deirdre came over, gently kissed me on the cheek, and said,
"Thank you, not only for doing such a great job being my main administrator and first advisor, but for also being my one and only true friend all of these years. Whatever happens in the years to come, whatever may become of us, I want to let you know that our friendship will last forever. Good night, my friend."
I'm not sure if tomorrow will be the last time we see each other, or even the last time I see daylight. Once we fly to Free Drone Central, we'll be at the mercy of the Drones.
But before that happens, I have just one more thing to do ...
Druid Tenchusatsu
Well, there you have it. I have taken records, files, transcripts, and log entries from over the entire life of the Gaian nation in an effort to make this compilation of our history. Tomorrow the nation of Gaia will be in the hands of the Free Drone empire. Whatever becomes of our heritage, our values, our philosophies, only Gaia knows.
Usually history is written and rewritten by the victors. That is my reason for putting together this compilation. I know all of this was put together in haste, but of course, I didn't have much time to refine and edit the contents. It's all right there, raw and untouched, so that historians in the future may have an unadulterated look at our heritage.
Once I finish writing this, I will transmit a copy of this compilation to every citizen of Gaia, every network node, and every computer. I will also bury an electronic version and a paper version in a secret time capsule, just in case the Drones decide to destroy the existing copies or rewrite our story to suit their benefit. This way I can ensure that our legacy will live on in one form or another.
I only ask one thing from you, the reader. Please do not let the legacy of our Gaian nation die. Pass on our ideals. Stress the importance of environmentalism, of economic efficiency, of sensitivity to Planet, of pacifism and non-violence. Make sure you learn from our mistakes so that history might not have to repeat itself. Do not let whatever society you are living in fall victim to the same fate Old Earth did in the late 21st century.
This is my hope and prayer. May Gaia watch over the souls of all of humanity forever and ever.
Druid Tenchusatsu