September 17, 2001, 07:26
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30 Years War PBEM
The scenario is 30 Years War (the significantly updated version 2.0 available here), the events files and scn file has been slightly modified to make the scenario more mp playable (removed no negotiation events and such), poland is not a fundamentalism to make it a little less easy for a human player playing poland.
Anyone interested?
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Last edited by Henrik; September 18, 2001 at 10:43.
September 17, 2001, 07:27
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And the first mp events file (should ofcourse be renamed to events.txt when used  ) :
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September 18, 2001, 02:59
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I'd like to sign up as the Protestants.
September 18, 2001, 06:01
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Ok, then the civs left are Polish and Imperials, anyone?
Updated list:
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September 18, 2001, 08:05
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See ya, guys!
September 18, 2001, 08:14
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Ok, only one more player needed:
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September 18, 2001, 09:54
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Nexus Baltici
Grant me command of the brave Armies of the Rzeczpospolita of Poland-Lithuania, please.
(And Thou will see what happens to Usurpers, Gustaf II Adolf, Duke of Soedermanland -and nothing else..)
Pro jure et popolo
Morn-morn, Henrik!
"Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)
September 18, 2001, 10:42
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Nay, for it is thou who will whitdraw thine false claims to the Swedish throne, Sigismund
Now we have players for all civs, I believe the danes are first to move (I checked this while editing the scen. for mp) so if you would Field Marshal, please start and send the game along to Poland.
Let the game begin!
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
Last edited by Henrik; September 18, 2001 at 10:51.
September 18, 2001, 13:14
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..We shall see, Our dear Cousin Gösta, we shall see.  We, by the grace of God, King Sigismund of Poland-Lithuania, are confident that after a short skirmish, You will realize that being Duke of Södermanland isn't that bad after all.. Convert to the True Church and You might even be allowed entry to Our exciting, annual summertime BBQ's in Warszawa.
Pro jure et popolo
"Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)
September 18, 2001, 13:29
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I amnot sure but I believe that Danish cannot move any unit so the turn has to be played by next one...(but I amnot sure  )
September 18, 2001, 13:35
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On the first turn nobody can move thier units in this scenario, still, they can change production orders and such (otherwise the AI will change production for them   ) therefore I think we should start whit Denmark, as I believe FMK wont enjoy the AI changing his production...
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September 18, 2001, 16:10
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Damn, you guys move fast!
The Danish Foreign Ministry was under the impression that the Danes were the last to move.  Now we are aware of the situation.
I ask the King of Sweeden if the domain of the Advanced Fortress has been changed to prevent their use as balast upon ships?
I shall bring word to our King that the world awaits our actions. For now I have been sent on a diplomatic mission to Sweeden to confer with our Nordic bretheren. I shall return post haste with the .sav for Poland as well.
On behalf of Christian IV, I welcome all players!
September 18, 2001, 17:36
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March, in the year of 1619.
I hope a '.net' is the type of file we are expecting to use. I can re-do my turn if needed. I am a bit rusty on the PBEM thing, its been awhile. (players, don't forget to password your Civ, and to use 'Ctrl-N' after you are done with your turn)
Kings, and Rulers of Mighty Europe,
On behalf of Kristian IV, all of Denmark wishes that peace prevail in Europe. Courts can settle our greivences, they need not be settled on our estates with the blood of our men. Let commerce and prosperity be the driving forces on the continent, rather then the cannonade of our guns. The Royal Fleet of Denmark has set sail... not under the flag of war, but as transporters of artisans, merchants, musicians, men of the Cloth as well as men of science. We should hope that the rest of Europe has the sense to do the same...
The scrolls of life have been sent off to the Polish Embassy and a copy has been posted here.
Wishes of Peace to All in Our time,
Duke of Klesh
Danish Foreign Embassy.
September 19, 2001, 20:54
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French King
Marquise du SunTzu le Lux of Avignon has taken the throne after King Beethoven of Arc died during hipposuction surgery.
SunTzu le Lux wishes that cooler heads will prevail but warns all nations that France will defend her country and her interests to the death....
September 19, 2001, 22:44
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Also everyone should agree to post any event popups that might show themselves during thier turn...
So that we all can properly react to that rebelion problem the imperials are having...
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September 21, 2001, 11:38
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September 21, 2001, 13:37
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Heretic 'Calvinist' Rebellion in the Province of Bohemia
We, Sigismund III, by the grace of the Lord King of Poland and rightful Heir to the Wasa Throne of Sweden, also Grand Duke of Lithuania and Master of Courland and Livonia, greet Our Brothers on the Thrones all across Europe with Wishes of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation.
We are most concerned over the News reaching Our Court of a Calvinist Rebellion in Bohemia. Rebels are rumoured to have taken control of the entire Province of Bohemia and to have driven the Armies of His Imperial Catholic Majesty Ferdinand II of the Holy Roman Empire from the City of Erlau.
In addition, alarming Reports from the Duchy of Savoy are telling of the assembling of a Savoyan Reinforcement Army for the Heretic Bohemian so-called "Calvinists".
In these Times of Conflict, We urge all Nations to act civilized and to keep their Calm.
Our own Kingdom have also seen Conflicts the last Month, as heathen Ottoman Forces crossed Our southern Border.
But with the Grace of God, the heathens were defeated by Our brave Army and forced to a retreat southwards.
Our Armies are now poised to take the Battle to the Ottoman Empire, that the Christian world no longer shall need to fear the Ottoman.
Our Army is mobilized - wherever Our Enemy does lift his grim Head, be it in the south or in the north, he will be facing the victorious Armies of the Rzeczpospolita of Poland-Lithuania.
Sigismund III
We have passed the Scroll of Wisdom to Our good Brother King Friedrich V of the Protestants.
"Hon äro ful som Fan oc hafwa en Djäfwulsckt stor Käft." (The young King Carl XII of Sweden explains why he's not willing to marry a Princess of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1697.)
September 23, 2001, 07:31
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For some reason I can't seem to be able to play the file, it doesn't recognise it as a saved file.
Try uploading it here or sending it to instead, mixmail has a record to screw up attachements.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
September 24, 2001, 14:48
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In the great year of our lord 1619, the wise Frederick, leader of the Protestant secessionists (no idea what else to call this scattered nation that I have inherited  ) has announced that the intentions of peace are everpresent in his mind and wishes to avoid a war between his nations and those of his brothers, whatever religion they may profess:
We ask for these nations with which the Protestants share the continent to see that the Protestant nation is neither warloving nor anti-catholic, it is merely another christian nation like the great Byzantium was, not an anti-Chatholic nation, but a Christian nation with different origins, and it is in the best interests of the Christian world for Christian nations to continue a peaceful existence.
After that, the edicts of The Hague were signed, by which great public works were issued accross the Netherlands in the forms of defesive edifications, as well as theatres and banks for the great prosperity of the Protestant nations.
Accross what is now being called the Protestant German Confederation, the clime is not so amicable. The close proximity of Austria and Poland, two belligerent nations, has caused the Kaiser to order the construction of great fortresses in the Protestant cities in order to deter attacks and the various armaments contractors revel in orders for muskets and cannons, which the Kaiser has stated are to form immobile defensive forces within the cities.
In the celebration of a new year of peace, the wine ran with delicious vigour through the streets of the protestant cities and economic prosperity is expected to continue in the coming years.
Sent to Sun Tzu.
September 24, 2001, 16:27
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SunTzu le Lux of Avignon issued an executive order, issueing the French Holy Armies to capture all of the surrounding, rebel-held cities. Montepellier was seiged and captured in 2 days.
Rochelle is coming under seige.
Relations between France and Sweden seem to be improving....
September 24, 2001, 18:45
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Traveler's Report...
Cristian IV has sent his emissary, the Duke of Klesh, to meet with the French emissary and Swedish King in Lund. He is curious as to why the two nations on either of his flanks are meeting without his nation's imput?
Klesh has reported back to Demark that he was greeted with a most warm reception from both nations' delegates. He will be returning with in the next few evenings with a more full report for the Danish King.
September 25, 2001, 07:48
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Re: Traveler's Report...
Sorry for the delay and thanks for waiting
News from Spain:
We are very sad about seeing the uncooperative actitude of French king, we believe that Catholics Monarchs have to be friends against common enemies (remember the Hugenots  )
Nothing important from Spain happened all are peace with all nations 
September 25, 2001, 08:20
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Hmm perhaps spain should send a more trusted messanger whit the scrols of wisdom, since the king of Sweden although having looked forward to receive them, havent found traces of any messanger
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September 25, 2001, 09:44
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Anno Domini 1619, April:
These are the words of Gustavus Adolphus, Supreme King and archduke of Swethens, Goths and Vandals, Grand duke of Finland, duke of Estonia, and Vestmanland:
The false claimant of the Swedish crown Sigismund Vasa, who our own father, late duke Carl IX, Supreme King and archduke of Swethens, Goths and Vandals, Grand duke of Finland, duke of Estonia, and Vestmanland, king of the Laps of the northern lands, had to throw out of our beloved and blessed nation, the usurper Sigismund Vasa has now been preparing an invasion of Estonia, as a response to this the glorious Swedish army has siezed controll of all land north of Danzig!
The rich baltic port itself will soon fall to our mighty forces as well.
It has come to our knowladge that heathen Catholic soldiers of the Polish-Lituanian comonwealth, having heard of our advance, has been destroying the roads and burning the villages in our path of advance, this is ungodly behaviour and it will not be tolerated, the blasphemous soldiers will hang, and so will the cursed comander who ordered this Atrocity!
We, Gustavus II Adolphus, is indeed the true ruler of Sweden and untill the wretched and misshapen king of the Poles and Lituanians has renounced his claims we will endavour to save this world from his unhooly lies!
Sigismund will be brought to justice by our own glorious person.
A picture of Gustavus Adolphus in a polish millitary coat near Riga...
The news of the rebelion in Bohemia where the opressed Protestants are overthrowing thier catholic masters hasnt stirred a great deal of reactions in Stockholm, whit the war whit the succesion war in Poland-Lituania and all...
I have in all quitness started to reform our bureocracy, the slow moving heap of malcontents that it is now (if it even exists) is far unsuiting for my plans and designs...
The construction of several warships has been ordered as well as the recruitment of several new companies of soldiers, cannons are being casted in our manufactories, Sweden is preparing for war
Axel Oxenstierna
Chanselor of Sweden
Count of Södermanland
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September 25, 2001, 09:50
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Spain needn't worry themselves about the safety of their messanger, we fetched the message ourselfevs (downloaded it from your post)
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September 25, 2001, 10:47
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Does anyone want me to make a map for you to show this scen and how it developes.
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
September 25, 2001, 11:13
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Yes, that would be great
I was thinking of that, but I am not able to make one myself 
So: please do
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September 25, 2001, 15:51
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Right i have this map. It took 2 hours to draw and then 2 hours to colour in and then another hour to add those bloody borders. In the end as you may notice i didnt put borders on the independant civ unless it bordered a playable civ. However if one of you conquers some of them ill have to put the borders in. so please dont
Even after all that work it is a bit off but i think it will suffice. this is only a jpeg because i cant save as gif files. If anyone wants the 24bit bmp then just say so and ill email it to you and you can make the alterations.
Anyway here we go. This was much more difficult than the Age of war map!!!!!
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
September 25, 2001, 16:22
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Booyah! Cartography!!!
Yo, that looks awesome Grothgar!
Send me the original, and I'll convert her to a gif no problem.
I can only imagine how tough that was to make. Thanks alot!
September 25, 2001, 16:38
Local Time: 13:30
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The map was a bloody nightmare to make. The fact with all the independants in the middile and on the sides of the playable countries made it really annoying. However it was this that caused me the most problems because to solve that all i did was to cover it in the colour of the country and then overdo it with the independant colour. Drawing the map wasnt that difficult because i had a good guide from my age of war map but this extended up further so my hopes of using that and shortwening it were dashed  . No the most horrible part of this map was that mess in the middle of europe. That was so hard to try to figure out what colour went where and im sure i got the blues a little thin but it will suffice. I just wish the 30years war was a simpler affair
FMK what is your email? because i dont know how to find that out and you cant attach things using this
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
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