And again I want to post screenshots. but 200,000bytes is the limit. Mines around 900,000

. If anyone has a way to resize them, plz notify me. Thanks
After years in Ethiopia, we had abandoned it for the Rebels. I made the decision not to go back in, for very reasons. Maybe at a later date! Turkey declares war on Malemukes! Persia joins there Shii'te neighbors and another huge regional war has erupted. 70,000 Turkish troops have immediatly taken Syria and Kirkuik. Shii'te scum on the run! My congratulations to the Sultan!
The Island Socorates, a small island at the mouth of the red sea. I wanted it for economic reasons. In september 1508 I sent a colonist to the island. Success!!! The island has now been added to Allahs collective! I decided to send a trading post to Mogadishu, hoping to get a foothold on Africa. No go the first time. The second finally set one up. Despite a Native contigent of 8,000 tribesmen who allow the post to remain. In december I feverishly begin rebuilding my economy. The trade in Ishafan, Alexandria and Venice is very benificial.
Finally we are up to 137 gold a year! Economy is doing good, despite an economic embargo bye the Mamelukes. Turkey makes peace with the Malemukes, Syria and Lebanon to Turkey and 250 ducats. Also the Hafsid finally makes peace with Malemukes, Cyrenica to Hafsid. The Malemuke scum are on the run!
1510-1511- War with the Malemuke Infidels
In Febuary the Malemuke Shi'ite decalered war on my weak vexed nation realing from the Ethiopian disaster. Immediately they layed siege to Jordan. I was granted 500 gold bye the finciars in Mecca. I recruited an army. In september Al-Hussien was brought up and an army of 60,000 men was assembled. 110 cannon 60,000 infantry and 5 thousand cavalry. Immediately the Infidels were repulsed at the fortress walls of Amman. I sent the army to clear the countryside. At that same time, Turkey joined me in my effort declaring war on the malemukes again. Siezing on this oppurtunity I sent my army in Judea. The fort was no match for my massive array of cannon. Like wise happened in Sinia, the fort fell with no noticeable losses. I then pushed on to Cairo in hopes to bring the war to a rapid conclusion. After a long painful siege, the capitol fell in october of 1511. And my demands of 250 ducat, and the territorys of Judea and Sinai were agreed too. The war was over, I emerged in a good state and ready to tackle my next challenge.
In 1512 I began the work of promoting legal counsils in the new territorys. I also put more funding into Trade level and Land technology. Economy was strong, at 192 gold a year and 4 monopolys in Muscat, Venice, Astrakahn, and Alexandria I was on a roll. Late in 1512 an explorer approached me named Hahmed. He wanted to explore Africa. Eager to see what lies in on the massive unexplored continent, I shipped him off to Mogadishu. There he began his short journey. As soon as he began his exploration, the Natives in Mogadishu rose up and destroyed the colony and the explorer force. I was angry, But I decided to let it slide. Considering my past expierences in the horn of Africa.
Russia Annexs Crimea and Sibir. More of my Khanite Muslim brethren destroyed bye Russian criminals. Turkey annexs moldovia! Good news..... I have promptly signed an official alliance with my new turk neighbors.
Rebels in Issas and Afars create there own independant countrys. Somalia still held bye rebels, but not declaring independence. All are repricussions from my disasterous incursions. I continue working my economy! In july I begin construction of a Manufacturing plant in Mecca.
1514 Turkey Annex's Serbia. More good news from our allies in Istanbul. Portugal declares war on Morrocco. I dont like it, but I pray that my Muslim brethren will blunt any agressive invaders from Europe.
Manufacturing plant has been built. Trade level up, I am begining to grow extremely angry at the malemukes. They have attacked my friends in Nubia. I immediately begin building an army. My troops have also just acquired early pistols. Excellent work!
In december of 1516 I decided to go to war. Sadly its war again. I could no longer tolerate the Shi'ite scum in Cairo! With my Turkish, Hafsid and nubian allies. We prepared to rid the world of Malemuke scum once and for all. I immediately sent Al-Hussien's army of 40,000 troops to the capitol province. The capitol fell with no trouble, in fact not a single soldier was lost. The morale inside the fort was horrible. And siege lasted only 9 days. Fortunes of war turned, Nubia layed siege to Nile and replused that pathetic invaders. Hafsid moved on Alexandria. It would not be long. In september 1517 We proposed a peace treaty: Full annexation of Malemukes Bye Nubia Hafsid and Hedjaz. They accepted and the city of Cairo now flew the Hedjaz colors of Red and black.
Continue building the economy. Infidels in Cairo revolt, Al-Hussien swatted them aside within hours of there rebellion. The persians lift there embargo, we send our merchants to crowd it immediately. Turkey declares war on Venice!
Nothing to do, 7,000 cavalry built in Arabia province. Continue work on economy. Russia annex's Uzbekistan...Not sure where that is, but they were Sunni muslims
1520 Turkey annexes makes peace with venice on the following terms- Full annexation of Venice. Again, my congratulations to the Sultan for gobbling up the balkans.
I have another ambitous plan. This time I dont need to approach the bankers in Mecca. I wanted Ethiopia! I wanted revenge for the tens of thousands lost in the earlier disaster. Revenge I shall have! I began work on a massive army... The likes of which, have never been seen on this continent. 64,000 Infantry men are being ammassed at the port of Aden. 120 cannons and 7,000 cavalry. Ethiopia had declared war on the rebel provinces, not suprisingly she had retaken and annexed them all.
Second Arab-Ethiopian war!
King Mustafa could no longer tolerate the very real threat of an Invasion bye the ethiopians

Late in 1522 I declared war after spending 2 years building this massive army.Immediately things were not so good. Upon landing in Issas, attrition killed 6,000 men in the first month. But I was undeterred. I marched into Afars and Somalia. Then I turned my attention to Keren. The ethiopian army this time, was no match for my soldiers. There entire army fled to Issas retaking it. I prepared for a long siege.....The weather took its toll. I tried reinforcing the garrison in Keren. Not enough! I was losing 8,000 men a month. It was progressively getting worse. The fort had 15,000 men and bristled with 25 cannons. My troops could not keep it besieged. Before long, my beautiful army of 70,000 had been reduced to 19,000. The 9,000 ethiopian troops in Issas began moving north. They engaged my besieging troops.
Disaster My army was routed from Keren, only 4 foot soldiers survived the brutal march back. I cannot believe it. From 70,000 infantry to 4 survivors(no not 4k...4 men left!!). Again we have been smited bye one of the weakest nations on earth

I regathered my witts,sent a courier to the Mecca bankers and promised revenge
Again we went to work, the 4 surviving men in Issas were pulled from africa and sent to Aden. They are national heroes! Al-Hussien is dead, Al-Jezeer was put back in charge of the new army. Immediately all provinces began recruiting. We worked feverishly. Through all this, the Turks send a force of 22,000 men into Issas via ship. They were slaughtered, whilst to the man trying to lay seige to Keren. Late in 1524 the armies began assembling. 37,000 infantry 13,000 cavalry and 210 cannons. A massive army. But I was not done. I sent out a call for 15,000 more infantry before the years end.
The army was now assembled. They boarded a growing fleet of ships in the Red sea. And again, they landed in Issas. Such a familiar province at this point. Troops were then sent and retook afars and Somalia. Our men were scared upon thinking of entering Keren. So many the world over had been killed. Most did not want to go. Knowing that the desert is unforgiving. But regardless, Jezeer's troops arived in Keren laying siege in september of 1525. The desert took a terrifying toll the first 3 months. 36,000 dead. Unbearable! But the Siege must continue. Troops continued to lay seige. but as the months went bye. It became clear. Confounding the situation. Ethiopia had a colony in Mogadishu and further south into the Africa unknown. 13,000 man army appeared from the unknown terra below mogadishu. At this point I knew what was coming.. I promptly withdrew the tattered remince of Jezeers army. Now only 21,000 men. What a disaster! Revenge? I got no revenge!

What did I gain? My prosperity is now threatened bye the future bankruptcy from the loans.
Why oh why, Allah must you be so cruel
After the second disaster, the Island colony of Socrates revolted. Nothing I could do right now. Peasants in Judea and Arabia angrily demanded my head. I sent the shattered army to quell them. Fortunately they did. I am trying to build up my money. Im going to have to repay 1000 gold worth of loans in 4 years. Inflation is now getting to be a problem at 37%. Rising .86 a year.
Inflation still rising, I have 126 gold in bank account. Interest rates are really high. All Trade monopolys lost thusfar! This is seroius economic decline. Other news-Turkey declares war on Persian Infidels. Congratulations to the sultan for liberating Baghdad and kurdistan right away.
Still trying to get the gold up! No luck looks like bankruptcy is right around the corner

.....Ethiopia has demanded white peace. We grudingly accept. First 2 bank loans have come in! We extend them. Which makes the interest situation worse. Inflation is now at 40%. Cannot afford new merchants.
More Economic troubles. The Bubonic plague wipes out half of the population in Mecca. Seroius drop in existing tax revenues.
We have no choice but bankrupty. That will clear our high interest. We now have no money to pay back the bankers. And they will not be so smart to lend us money again. Turkey accepts peace with Persia- Iraq, Kirkuik and Kurdistan to Turkey. Russia declares war on something named "Poland".Not visible on Hedjaz maps.
1531 A Naval Explorer in Mecca. We immediately send him to the Indian ocean to check the area out.
We are desperately trying to recover our economy. Its very difficult. Things will never be the same. Merchants arent as witty as they used to be. Competition in the wealthier COT's is fierce.
Our Naval Explorer had rounded the indian pennisula. He has also gone to Indonesia and the dutch east indies. Very interesting world.... Lots of strange natives are observed.Tribes living in a place time forgot. A few sparse European colonys. But the majority of the land is untammed.
Turkey declares war on Greece. Again, good luck to the sultan. We are desperately trying to regain a monopoly in Muscate. No luck, the portuguese merchants are fearsome.
Turkey annex's Greece and declares war on Persia again. Morrocco is annexed bye Portugal. Imperialist Euro basterds
Finally monopoly in Muscate! We now turn our merchants towards Alexandria. Socorates islands have been retaken. Our explorer has discovered a new nation. The Chinese.
1537-38 Enthusiam for the army. 10,000 troops volunteer in Arabia. Great! But I plan no war. I have entered an alliance with my northern nieghbor Oman. Spain declares war on Inca. Dont know where either of them are

We continue our economic recovery. Inflation is horrible...47% things arent so cheap anymore. There are talks we will begin promoting mayors to deal with Inflation. But we dont have the money right now. Late in 1538 we are approached bye an explorer named Sharma who wants to discover the India subcontinent. I agree to let him, and prepare for a ship to arrive at Aden harbor.
Our monopoly has been lost in Muscate, we quickly move to regain it. But to no avail! Our explorer has happily discovered the japanese. However Nippon did not return the favor. Instead they declared war and sunk the explorer ship

and a few months later claimed that they were closing there waters to outside influence.
turkey declares war on Austrians. Scotland,Hungary, England, Portugal, Spain and the hansa join Austria on one side. Turkey, Wallachia, Algiers, Nubia and Hafsid on the other side. A huge war between Muslim and Christian superpowers. I chose not to get involved for many reasons....
In september 1540 Troops from Scotland have invaded the lesbo islands. Turkey is forcing the austrians and Hungarians back. Massive battles of hundreds of thousands of troops are waged in the balkans. Turkey is emerging victorious from each one. Spaniards have invaded Algiers. They will most definetaly pay
Ok that is all for tonight! Im off to bed. I see that i have made a few mistakes. That second war on Ethiopia was a ****in mess. Such a pathetic nation as ethiopia has such rugged terrain. The climate is so bad...I still am in a state of shock they wooped my ass twice now
I dont think I will be sending anymore troops to Keren in ALONG time.
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