September 24, 2001, 16:36
Local Time: 06:45
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Turns of RP4 (Role Play Four)
This is a SMAC v4.0 game
Settings: Huge planet, abundant native life, average everything else.
Other settings: Standard (includes Unity Pod scattering - Believers severly disadvantaged in 50 years playtest without tech-popping capability.)
Additional rules:
1) A faction may not use any advanced SE setting that conflicts with its agenda.
Agendas (Choices) and Aversions (for those who don’t know these by heart):
Peacekeepers – agenda Democracy, aversion Police State
Hive – agenda Police State, aversion Democracy
Gaians – agenda Green , aversion Free Market
Believers – agenda Fundamentalist, aversion Knowledge
UoP – agenda Knowledge, aversion Fundamentalism
Morgan – agenda Free Market, aversion Planned
Spartans – agenda Power, aversion Wealth
Here is a run-down on the basic rules of incompatible agendas (miss-matched SE agenda or aversion):
* You may NOT pact with a faction that has an incompatible SE objective. For instance, the PKs could not pact with the Hive since the basis for their societies are too different.
* You may NOT pact with a faction that has a SE selection that your faction has an aversion to. For example, the Gaians could not pact with the UoP if they had a SE of free market.
* You may treaty with a faction that has an incompatible agenda or SE, but there has to be a very good reason for this. This rationale would be explained in a post to the other RP players, or in a storyline (like I did in RP1).
* If a faction with an incompatible agenda also has an incompatible SE selection then you may not have more than a truce. For instance, if Morgan is running FM, then the Gaians could only be at truce or war with them. If he later switches to Green (!!) then the Gaians could have a treaty of friendship with Morgan (for as long as THAT would last…) but not a pact.
* Likewise, if a faction has a SE that is on your agenda you should be friendly to them. The extent of that friendship is, however, up to the faction leader.
So, here are the following factions that can not EVER pact:
* Gaians-Morgan (Gaians hate FM)
* PKs-Hive (PKs hate Police, Hive hates Democracy)
* Believers-UoP (Believers hate Knowledge)
* Sparta-everyone (just kidding…)
(The Gaian agenda of Democracy is debatable. If she has an agenda of Green and Democracy then Dee couldn’t pact with either Yang or Morgan
2) A faction may not win a cooperative victory with another faction with an incompatible agenda. In this particular game, this means that the Hive may not win a cooperative victory with the Peacekeepers.
3) Research settings: Factions emphasize their "default" interests when researching.
(The default interests are:
Gaians: Explore
Peacekeepers: Explore, Discover
Hive: Conquer, Build
Morgan: Build
Spartans: Discover, Conquer
University: Discover
Believers: Explore, Conquer)
4) No cheats. Refer to the various cheats threads if you are unsure, or pose a question here. Allowable variants from the usual 'Poly list are:
reverse engineering (except probe to rover),
Design Workshop upgrades,
and stockpile insert after military unit
5) This is a role-playing-oriented game, so play your faction to the hilt, and don't worry too much about winning!
Players, in turn order, are:
Gaians - Kassiopiea
Hive - SPasmofiT
University - Levelisk
Morgan - Hydro
Sparta - Deimos
Believers - Smack
PeaceKeepers - Brendan
Passwords, and forwarding e-mail addies for the next player have been e-mailed to all of you
RP4 - 2100 has been sent to Kassiopiea
Good luck all
September 24, 2001, 16:47
Local Time: 08:45
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Location: of Mars, Son of Ares
Posts: 703
Thanks for setting this up! It's much appreciated!
September 24, 2001, 17:05
Local Time: 06:45
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No problem - I just wish we could get RP2 off the ground (that's the one I'm in)
Remember that I'll play Hydro's first few turns as Morgan until he returns from his 2 week trip
September 25, 2001, 12:08
Local Time: 16:45
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
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You have my alias wrong! Hnnngh...
2100 to the Hive.
Ummm... I don't have time to write anything, sorry  I think I'll write a bit lagging the actual game, so in 2101 I'll handle this turn etc. unless there's something important game-wise.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 25, 2001, 13:42
Local Time: 15:45
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My email is out... I'll try in the morning...
please send it also to
September 25, 2001, 14:12
Local Time: 15:45
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Not necessary anymore... I got the turn. thx
September 25, 2001, 15:16
Local Time: 13:45
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SPasmofiT, there is a problem with the save game. If you happen to check here before your email, go check it
September 26, 2001, 14:26
Local Time: 13:45
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2100 to the CEO's assistant
September 26, 2001, 16:14
Local Time: 06:45
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2100 to Deimos
September 26, 2001, 17:10
Local Time: 08:45
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MY 2100 to Smack
"Fools." This one thought echoes through General Deimos' mind as he stands upon the upraised tail of the wreckage of the survival pod, surveying the surrounding landscape.
As the second of this planet's suns begins to sink below the horizon, shadows creep up the far wall of the scar that the survival pod left upon the surface of the planet. Lights twinkle in the darkest sections of this trench: lights from the workers looking for any remaining survivors from the crash. Looking for salvageable material, too.
The rising wind snaps at the General's BDUs as he looks to the west, watching the dust plume raised by the Scout Rover company as it races the setting sun. The information they will provide before the sun rises again will help determine where the colony pods will be sent.
Initial reports from the scouts sent east indicate a dry, barren land surrounded by some sort of reddish-pink fungal barrier, that rises over 20 meters in height, in some places. Not a particularly hospitable place to set up a new base of operations.
Again the General's thoughts turn to the last few hours aboard the Unity. "If those fools would have been able put aside their bickering, and come together under a strong leader during that time of crisis, we may have been able to avoid this unmitigated disaster."
Looking down the spine of the wrecked life-pod, General Deimos returns the salute from his XO, Colonel Santiago. "Yes, Colonel?"
"Report from the Rover commander. She reports that they have found the headwaters of a river, and that they can see a body of water off to the west-south-west. The land along the river appears to be quite hospitable."
"Excellent. Assemble your troops. They will accompany me as I inspect this river and assess its potential for settlement."
"Very good, sir. Captain, get the men on their feet. We're moving out."
Hopefully, this news is the vanguard of more good news. And with it, brings the hope that we may survive and prosper on this hard world.
September 26, 2001, 18:41
Local Time: 08:45
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Text for Scribe to enter into 'Letters from a Centauri Missionary'
Volume One: Strangers in a Strange Land
"It is with great tripidation that I embark upon this journey of letters, for though my faith be strong, my confidence in our document security has yet to be tested. Still, one can hardly guess at what threats exist in this unfamiliar garden. Are there sentient beings about? Are they God's creatures? Surely, for I know that at least some other 'Factions' escaped the bloodiness upon the Unity."
"I am eager to excercise the Faithful upon this dusty soil. I have every confidence that our disciplines will hold us together. Even my good Cardinal Samison appeared uneasy this morning, and who could hold him in less than the highest esteem? It appears that God's children are indeed multiple for we have already word that life-forms here on Chiron are unlike any imagined on Earth."
-Bishop (Smack-turn to Brendan)
September 27, 2001, 12:40
Local Time: 16:45
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Brendan, some problems here? "Commissioner Brendan of the PK's, 2100" it says to me. Why do I have Brendan's turn in my mailbox?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 27, 2001, 15:33
Local Time: 06:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Prolly he forgot to rename it on saving it. Have you tried opening it to see if it is indeed your turn?
Oh, and k:
re: You have my alias wrong! Hnnngh...
you can change anything in your faction - go to the in-game menu, select "network" and then "customize your faction" - it'll change for the next turn.
Last edited by Googlie; September 27, 2001 at 15:41.
September 28, 2001, 16:07
Local Time: 16:45
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Originally posted by Googlie
Prolly he forgot to rename it on saving it. Have you tried opening it to see if it is indeed your turn?
Yes. It asked me for Commissioner Brendan's password
you can change anything in your faction - go to the in-game menu, select "network" and then "customize your faction" - it'll change for the next turn.
Oh, done that already, thank you very much.
Just call me Kass...
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 30, 2001, 14:07
Local Time: 16:45
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Gaia's Landing
Lord Kassiopeia glared through the makeshift viewing windows of the new and fresh headquarters. North of the colony pod landing site there rose a ridge, identified a meteor crater. Green grassland stretched from beneath his feet towards the rocky heights, like eager for seeds of Earth plants. South of the base there was a river, supplying them with invaluable fresh water that was found strangely flavoured, yet non-toxic.
But what was of most interest to the Lord and his sister Deirdre, was the strange orange-pink mesh east of the headquarters. Deirdre, a keen xenobiologist, was on her way there for closer examination, with the Unity rover discovered in a Unity supply pod. Kassiopeia would of assigned her a larger escort, just in case there was some animal life on Chiron - as the planet was called. He was, however, forced to spread his resources thin as there were interesting sightings in the western direction, and another patrol was going down-river to locate the nearest sea.
Kassiopeia was concentrating his thoughts on the beautiful forests the landscape would be filled with, when the anxious sound of his scientific advisor, professor Aristophanes Ferdinandez echoed behind him.
"Yes, Ari?"
"Lord, we have the first results on the atmospheric tests." They had used tight full-body vacuum suits whenever they had left the Pod or the small buildings erected besides them, now a small town called Gaia's Landing - in honor of Mother Earth who was the greatest victim of human progress.
"And?" the Lord replied, not turning his eyes from the window.
"About 80 percent nitrogen, and 15 percent oxygen."
"So there is oxygen?" Kassiopeia said, half-asking.
He and Deirdre had had their arguments about this topic - Deirdre was sure there was oxygen, because green vegetation would not grow in an oxygen-free environment. Kassiopeia, being a well credited biochemist - as well as a physician - back on Earth, had believed on his theory of a thin hydrogen atmosphere.
"Yes. No hydrogen, no more then a fraction of a percent", Ferdinandez added.
So, Chiron could harbor them, and Earth plants. As a matter a fact, forests would grow at almost a normal rate here, and in time increase the oxygen in the air. Terraforming...
"Like on Mars", Kassiopeia muttered. But now there wouldn't be a friendly homeworld just by the corner to return to when things would get bad.
The Lord looked again at the pink barrier, and decided that he would go there also, as soon as Deirdre would return.
Turn happily received. Let's get this on the road, shall we? 2101 to Chairman Spasmotif.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 1, 2001, 13:57
Local Time: 13:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 174
2101 to the CEO, or rather his assistant
It has been one year since landing on this foreign world. Last year was a hectic one, trying to get our first University up so that our up-and-coming scholars could resume their educations. But we have finally gotten back to education, learning, and most importantly, knowledge.
The most thrilling thing about this foreign planet is the bountiful opportunities it is providing us for learning. We have seen a pink carpet made of who-knows-what. Our top biologists are thrilled to be studying them, hopefully the carpet will give us a more acute understanding of how to work with this planet to grow our Universities.
Further, we have spotted the most unusual of "lifeforms." These things do not seem alive at first, but rather a ball of tendrils rolling in the wind. But they are very much alive, as one of our cartography teams was quick to acknowledge. It seems that they imploy some type of psychic defense system, as our patrol team reported eerie images in their minds. Thankfully, they were able to defeat these things. Our scientists will be very interested in studying the carcass soon, and I hope they are fruitful in their discoveries.
Lastly, I must wish good tidings on my fellow leaders. Well, all but that annoying, ignorant cultist whose name has all but been henceforth banned from resonating the halls of any university halls. May they share a prosperous future on this planet with me, and engage in the most healthy of causes: research.
No offense or anything Smack. Just have to remind myself not to like the Believers in this game
October 1, 2001, 18:40
Local Time: 06:45
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Turn played on behalf of Hydro, and sent to Deimos (2101)
(I'll leave the narration to Hydro - will send him each of these first two turns unplayed so that he can see what I've done - or not done - and craft his storyline appropriately)
October 2, 2001, 20:56
Local Time: 08:45
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MY 2101 to Smack
Sorry about the reload message. I forgot my p/w and had to exit the game to look it up. Bad Deimos! No biscuit!
"Medic! Medic!"
"First squad! Fall back!"
"Second squad! Covering fire!"
"God, I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"
- Radio transcript ,1st Spartan-Native life engagement
Last edited by Deimos; October 3, 2001 at 13:06.
October 4, 2001, 11:26
Local Time: 16:45
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2102 to Chairman Spasmotif.
Nothing of interest on the Gaian Front.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 4, 2001, 15:09
Local Time: 15:45
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October 4, 2001, 17:13
Local Time: 13:45
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2102 to the Morganites
Well, University news has been slow the past year. I suppose that is good, as nothing bad has happened to us yet
October 4, 2001, 17:46
Local Time: 13:45
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Hi RP4-ers,
Back from my sojourn. I’ll be back in sync when I find out of master Googlie has completed turn 2 for me or not…
Hydro (aka CEO Morgan)
October 4, 2001, 20:01
Local Time: 13:45
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Posts: 174
2102 forwarded to Hydro. Just in case you haven't gotten it from Googlie yet. I don't think it's been played yet
October 4, 2001, 20:19
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It hasn't shown up yet. Be sure to send it to my home e-mail address:
October 5, 2001, 17:21
Local Time: 13:45
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Posts: 174
Resent. Sorry about the delay, but I had the wrong email address
October 5, 2001, 20:46
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General Deimos of Sparta,
2102 is off to you.
P.S. - are we starting a separate thread for fiction? It gets kind of messy to have it here.
October 5, 2001, 22:00
Local Time: 06:45
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Last edited by Googlie; October 5, 2001 at 22:09.
October 5, 2001, 22:48
Local Time: 08:45
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Turn received from the very friendly Hydro. You must be selling something, CEO.
MY 2102 to Smack
October 7, 2001, 14:41
Local Time: 16:45
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2103 to Chairman Spasmotif.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 7, 2001, 15:19
Local Time: 15:45
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Turn to Levelisk!
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