October 13, 2001, 14:24
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Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
World AI Peace, I would rather like AI alliance against other AIs or the human. And AIs should offer each other scince and trade pacts.
I have two stupid question.
Aren't science pacts buggy, so Dale removed them from Diplomod?
What are exact effects of Trade pact, a haven't noticed them?
October 13, 2001, 17:22
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Well I had a science pact once pre mods  ,and I took off one turn from my science every turn. So if an advace was supposed to take 10 turns it would take 5. So that might have been the bug.
I just recently started A new game with medmod 2: The Crusades and improved diplo mod. The mogols went to war with the spaniards and some turns later it might have been 50 since the game goes by so fast in the beginning, The war ended.  So the war over script does work.
For the trade pacts the library says its supposed to give one gold per trade route for every route you have have with that civ. So The more you trade with that civ, the more they're willing to pay for your goods.
Well you guys are doing great, I can't wait for this to be finished, the AIs will actually conduct diplomacy with each other. WOW!!!
October 13, 2001, 18:08
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Been gone a long time, got a new computer and decided to install all my games, updating CTP 2 and the mods. This could change the game dramatically. I'm so excited. I read Civ 3 would not have multiplayer. Funny since everybody thought Activision released their game too earlier. I guess it's better to wait. The good thing about AI-AI diplomacy is when the human gets too far ahead for them to gang up on the human player like Civ 2. Good luck you guys.....
October 13, 2001, 18:33
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Originally posted by Peter Triggs
The trouble is that 'IsHumanPlayer(g.player)' will return either 1 or 0, so this message will either go to player 1 (who's usually the human) or the Barbarians. If you use 'THE_HUMAN' you should get the generality you want.
A logical error, I don't like them, because you don't get any error message it only doen't work or worse it works but in a different as expected and you don't realize that.
int_t THE_HUMAN;
HandleEvent(BeginTurn)'NumofPlayers' pre {
int_t i;
NUM_PLAYERS= preference("NumPlayers");
for(i=1; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i=i+1){
if (IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
} |
This code is an improve but also buggy. "NumPlayers" is the number of civilisations with which you started. But if you set "MaxPlyers" higher than "NumPlayers" it is possible to get more than the initial players in a game and if you enabled the write protection of the userprofile.txt CTP2 won't change this number there. The result is that the loop will stop before the last player in this case it doesn't matter, because it is very unlikly that afterwards added players will be human players, OK you can change it via cheat editor.
Diplomod allready contains such a function, and I got some problems with it as I tested my GoodMod with debug=yes. Half of the world was suddenly covered with auxiliry tileimprovements, although the trigger should only fire at the biginning of the game also you reloadslic, therefore I implemented another disablement function.
So far I guess this code will also work if it would look like:
int_t THE_HUMAN;
HandleEvent(BeginTurn)'NumofPlayers' pre {
int_t i;
NUM_PLAYERS= preference("NumPlayers");
for(i=1; i < 40; i=i+1){
if (IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
} |
Maybe 40 is too high but I had no problems with it so far.
Originally posted by player1
Aren't science pacts buggy, so Dale removed them from Diplomod?
I don't know the exact effect of science pacts. So far as I know if you sign a science pact with a under advanced AI this AI will catch up in science. In theory both players should put their science together in order to research faster. And you are right this pact is not a option in my current game, but only Dale could tell us why he removed it or I have to search for an old thread.
Originally posted by player1
What are exact effects of Trade pact, a haven't noticed them?
I have no I idea but it seems that they have an effect and it is not very buggy. Here is a small discription from the interactions.txt:
Triggered when 1) no war has occurred between sender and receiver
for 10 turns, 2) sender trusts receiver, 3) receiver has no troops
on our territory, 4) receiver is pirating our trade routes, 5)
more than 10% of the value of senders trade is with the
receiver. 6) value of value of receivers trade with sender does
not exceed twice senders trade with receiver.
It doesn't help me very much to understand what the exact effect of a trade pact is but maybe it gives you some hints.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
October 13, 2001, 18:41
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Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
This code is an improve but also buggy. "NumPlayers" is the number of civilisations with which you started. But if you set "MaxPlyers" higher than "NumPlayers" it is possible to get more than the initial players in a game and if you enabled the write protection of the userprofile.txt CTP2 won't change this number there. The result is that the loop will stop before the last player in this case it doesn't matter, because it is very unlikly that afterwards added players will be human players, OK you can change it via cheat editor.
afterward players wont be humans, just AIs.
I have also noticed that diplomod is not completly compatibile with multiplayer, since it often relies on human as player one.
I think that I read some post in General forum about Diplomod not working propely.
October 14, 2001, 06:39
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Originally posted by Cube
Well I had a science pact once pre mods ,and I took off one turn from my science every turn. So if an advace was supposed to take 10 turns it would take 5. So that might have been the bug.
In therory the science pact should work like this: Both players in a science pact will share the research capacity, they will also share the results. If the science outputs of both members are nearly equal, the result should be a halved research time for an advance for both players. Maybe the bug is that the research time is calculated on the science output of only your civ and the extra science is not displayed there. Another problem for the player is if he signs a science pact with another civ that is one tenth or less of the players science output he wouldn't see any effect on his science put, but the less advanced player will catch up very fast. As the science of that player is added to you and your science is added to him.
So far from your observation I guess it is only a display bug, but that should be tested more. But it is shure that AI-AI science pact would be a great help for AI science.
Originally posted by ENGINEER
The good thing about AI-AI diplomacy is when the human gets too far ahead for them to gang up on the human player like Civ 2.
That was  but unfurtunatly that didn't help, because I was too advanced and that helped me to stay in democracy and declaring or better to get to war with them. One AI of a concurrent block ask me if I like to get to war with another AI I accepted. I conquered one of its city every of its allies declared war on me. And this AI went to me with a peace/cease fire offer (I had to sign it, beause I was in Democracy) and ask me if I like to attack that AI that ask me to attack him. So I was able to repeat this game until there was no AI left. Actual these AIs were very stupid but it was very funny.
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October 14, 2001, 13:12
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Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
int_t THE_HUMAN;
HandleEvent(BeginTurn)'NumofPlayers' pre {
int_t i;
NUM_PLAYERS= preference("NumPlayers");
for(i=1; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i=i+1){
if (IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
} |
This code is an improve but also buggy. "NumPlayers" is the number of civilisations with which you started. But if you set "MaxPlyers" higher than "NumPlayers" it is possible to get more than the initial players in a game and if you enabled the write protection of the userprofile.txt CTP2 won't change this number there. The result is that the loop will stop before the last player in this case it doesn't matter, because it is very unlikly that afterwards added players will be human players, OK you can change it via cheat editor.
So if maxplayers is higher, make that the end of the loop:
int_t THE_HUMAN;
HandleEvent(BeginTurn)'NumofPlayers' pre {
int_t i;
MAX_PLAYERS= preference("MaxPlayers");
for(i=1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i=i+1){
if (PlayerIsAlive(i) && IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
} |
This will check all possible players, without wasting time.
October 15, 2001, 04:59
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the IMPROVED DIPLOMOD V1.15 is out
-Ending War sets regard between AIs to +250
(so AIs wont declare war on each other next turn)
This is of course temporary solution unitl Petter Triggis finishes
his diplomacy slic.
October 15, 2001, 13:57
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I think I should read readmes, here is the stuff that I found about science pacts in Dale's readme:
From Dale's Diplomod v3.6
The "research treaty" bug is where the AI will gain one advance per turn if you have a research pact with them. To counter this bug I have disabled Research Pacts entirely.
And here is the stuff about science pacts that I found in the interaction.txt:
Triggered when 1) no war has occurred between sender and receiver for 10 turns, 2) sender trusts receiver, 3) receiver has no troops on our territory, 4) sender generater has less science than receiver per turn, or 5) sender does not generate more than 20% more science than receiver.
To summerize it you should never sign a science pact with a player that has a science output that is 20% less than your science output.
An example from my current game, I am the most advanced player. I have more than 50 cities. Player 2 has three cities he is currently researching internal combustion this advance costs 75504 my current science output is something like 72000. His science output is very low. Now if I sign a science pact with player2 he will get his current advance in one turn his science output is added to my science output and his science output is added to my science output. As his science output very low I won't notice any effect. But he will get an advance every turn.
Player 4 is researching currently mass media in Apolyton pack it cost 81276, therefore a science pact with me would cause that he get an advance every second turn.
The other AI players are all researching something that cost 20000 and 90000 science points. Therefore the result will be same irrespective which AI signs a science pact wth me. Each AI will get a science boost, because of my high science output. Each AI will get their advances in one or two turns.
In that case it is no bug that the AI will get a science boost and I wouldn't see any effect. It is just the superior human science output. In unmodded games the human has such a high science output compared to the AI or higher normally. It is only a user bug if the human signs a science pact with a such under advanced AI.
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October 16, 2001, 05:07
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On Impossibile level Advances costs for player are increased for 80%
and AI Advances cost is for -75% to -50% cheaper
That is about 3.6 to 7.2 times quicker research time
And since you get just a litte boost from AI science with sci. pact
AI would get yours science multiplied by 3.6 to 7.2 times so evetualy
AI will (on harder levels), if you sigh sci. pact become
superior in science & you wont't be able cath up with him.
October 16, 2001, 05:10
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Anyway, on Hard+ difficulty, science pact does no good for human player.
October 16, 2001, 06:42
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So science pact would only be usefull in AI-AI diplomacy.
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October 16, 2001, 09:59
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int_t THE_HUMAN;
HandleEvent(BeginTurn)'NumofPlayers' pre {
int_t i;
MAX_PLAYERS= preference("MaxPlayers");
for(i=1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i=i+1){
if (PlayerIsAlive(i) && IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
} |
Now this code covers the case if MaxPlayers is higher than NumPlayers, the other case if is NumPlayers is higher than MaxPlayers is missing.
This code will cover both cases:
int_t THE_HUMAN;
HandleEvent(BeginTurn)'NumofPlayers' pre {
int_t i;
MAX_PLAYERS= preference("MaxPlayers");
for(i=1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i=i+1){
if (PlayerIsAlive(i) && IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
NUM_PLAYERS= preference("NumPlayers");
for(i=1; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i=i+1){
if (PlayerIsAlive(i) && IsHumanPlayer(i)) {
} |
Unfortunatly thereis another problem the code will cycle through all players and the last human player that is found will be THE_HUMAN, irrespective of the fact that there could be more than one human in multiplayer games.
For messages I should get the generality that I want. If I write the code like:
HandleEvent(CaptureCity) 'MG_KillCityOption' post {
if (city[0].population>1) {
if(CityIsValid(city[0])) {
message(player[0], 'DestroyCityMSG');
city[0] = DestroyCity;
} |
But for Dale's main rotine that should work:
// Main routine
HandleEvent(BeginTurn) 'DIP_MainRoutine' post {
if(IsHumanPlayer(g.player)) {
DIP_turns = DIP_turns + 1;
} |
As if(IsHumanPlayer(g.player)) { returns true or false like if(g.player == 1) {
In multiplayer AI-AI diplomacy would happen more than one in a turn.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
October 18, 2001, 17:57
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This is turning out to be a lot more complicated, difficult, and tedious than I ever imagined. But I've been making notes as I go along and here's a preliminary version for anyone who wants to have a look. Even if you're not interested in Diplomacy, there's an appendix that has a fair amount of information on most of the poorly documented/undocumented SLIC functions. Any help in filling out the gaps in this information would be greatly appreciated.
D*mn, it doesn't like rtf files!!!
Last edited by Peter Triggs; October 18, 2001 at 18:02.
October 18, 2001, 18:06
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So I zipped it.
Last edited by Peter Triggs; October 18, 2001 at 18:19.
October 26, 2001, 04:14
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I'am not sure abaout regerd scale in yours rtf file.
For exaple in IMP. DIPLOMOD v1.15 I set regerd betwwen AIs after a war on 250 & their Foreign screen give them content or Smiley face,
but in yours file it is a Cold War.
October 26, 2001, 09:35
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From the Alexander The Great scenario.slc:
PHP Code:
// Make the Persians and Independents REALLY hate you
if(IsPlayerAlive(4)) {// if Persians aren't dead
LogRegardEvent(4, 1, -9999, 0, ID_AG_REGARD_EVENT_NEG, 9999);
if(IsPlayerAlive(8)) {// if Independents aren't dead
LogRegardEvent(8, 1, -9999, 0, ID_AG_REGARD_EVENT_NEG, 9999);
The regard here for you is really lowered for you. From here possible values could be -9999 to 9999. But from the WW2 scenario it is OK to use -1000 to make the enemy really hate you.
Another way to realize a science pact would be a technology transfer pact. The content would be: Each civ get the advances of the other civ and the way around. If one civ discovers an advance the other civ will get this advance also. This would make human and AI equal in a science pacts.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
October 26, 2001, 10:55
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The info about the regard and trust scales is from an answer that Azmel2 gave to a question from Locutus in the Conversations with Richard Myers (Azmel) thread. The only thing I can think of is that when you use the CancelAgreement function to end the war, it triggers some regard event that ups the regard between the two civs a bit more. How about temporarily putting some messages into your code to try to monitor this:
int_t my_regard01;//now globals
int_t my_regard10;
//War Over script for DiploMOD
int_t my_warturn;
int_t my_rnd;
my_regard01 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[0], player[1]);
my_regard10 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[1], player[0]);
message(1,'PreEffectiveRegard');//new monitoring message
if(!IsHumanPlayer(player[1])) {
my_warturn = TurnsAtWar(player[0], player[1]);
my_rnd = random(100);
if((my_warturn > 10) && (my_warturn <= 20)) {
if (my_rnd >= 1 && my_rnd <= 2) { //2% chance
CancelAgreement(player[0], player[1], 31);
LogRegardEvent(player[0], player[1], 250 - my_regard01, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_SENDER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
LogRegardEvent(player[1], player[0], 250 - my_regard10, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_RECEIVER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
my_regard01 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[0], player[1]);
my_regard10 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[1], player[0]);
Message (1, '401WarOver');
if((my_warturn > 20) && (my_warturn <= 30)) {
if (my_rnd >= 1 && my_rnd <= 4) { //4% chance
CancelAgreement(player[0], player[1], 31);
LogRegardEvent(player[0], player[1], 250 - my_regard01, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_SENDER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
LogRegardEvent(player[1], player[0], 250 - my_regard10, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_RECEIVER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
my_regard01 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[0], player[1]);
my_regard10 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[1], player[0]);
Message (1, '401WarOver');
if((my_warturn > 30) && (my_warturn <= 40)) {
if (my_rnd >= 1 && my_rnd <= 6) { //6% chance
CancelAgreement(player[0], player[1], 31);
LogRegardEvent(player[0], player[1], 250 - my_regard01, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_SENDER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
LogRegardEvent(player[1], player[0], 250 - my_regard10, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_RECEIVER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
my_regard01 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[0], player[1]);
my_regard10 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[1], player[0]);
Message (1, '401WarOver');
if((my_warturn > 40) && (my_warturn <= 50)) {
if (my_rnd >= 1 && my_rnd <= 8) { //8% chance
CancelAgreement(player[0], player[1], 31);
LogRegardEvent(player[0], player[1], 250 - my_regard01, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_SENDER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
LogRegardEvent(player[1], player[0], 250 - my_regard10, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_RECEIVER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
my_regard01 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[0], player[1]);
my_regard10 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[1], player[0]);
Message (1, '401WarOver');
if(my_warturn > 50) {
if (my_rnd >= 1 && my_rnd <= 10) { //10% chance
CancelAgreement(player[0], player[1], 31);
LogRegardEvent(player[0], player[1], 250 - my_regard01, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_SENDER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
LogRegardEvent(player[1], player[0], 250 - my_regard10, 0, ID_REGARD_EVENT_POSITIVE_RECEIVER_DIPLOMACY_RESULT, 0);
my_regard01 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[0], player[1]
my_regard10 = GetEffectiveRegard(player[1], player[0]);
Message (1, '401WarOver');
messagebox 'PreEffectiveRegard' {
Text (ID_PreEffectiveRegardM) ;
//PreEffectiveRegardM "Pre my_regard01={my_regard01}, my_regard10={my_regard10}"
} |
and likewise put "my_regard01={my_regard01}, my_regard10={my_regard10}" into 401WarOver.
October 29, 2001, 03:02
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This is really great stuff, I never thought there'd be a day where AI-AI diplomacy was possible in CTP2, and I haven't check out the forums here to much in the past couple months, so imagine my surprise when I find this. I hope this continues to yield breakthrus in what was thought possible of Ctp2
November 10, 2001, 08:47
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One question player1: Did you added Peter Triggs AI-AI diplomacy handler. So far I examined your diplomod.slc but I wasn't able to find it there.
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November 10, 2001, 13:45
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No, I didn't since as I figured, it isn't finished.
Of course if you want, you can add it yourself.
I have retired from CTP2 moding community anyway.
P.S. Of course, when it becomes finished, some of the lines from IMPROVED Dioplmod v1.15 should be deleted, since they where temporary solution for the problem (like War Over script, etc...)
November 17, 2001, 17:43
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Now I tried to make Diplomod more MP compartible therefore I used your version of Diplomod player1.
I replaced the entries that are depending on g.player == 1 by something like IsHumanPlayer(g.player). But as I tested my version of Diplomod, CTP2 crashed, just two turns after I reloaded slic. Therefore I tried it without reloading slic and I was able to finish the crucial turn, without a crash. I tried the same thing with player1's unmodified version, but the same thing happend. Therefore I disabled the war over script and the result was that CTP2 didn't crash.
Here is my Version of Diplomod with the better MP support. So far it looks that no one had any problems with the war over script, therefore it is enabled in the attached file.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
November 17, 2001, 18:11
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Martin, I haven't gone away, honest. It's just that the flame wars over in the Civ3 forums have been so distracting.
I came to the conclusion that the best way to proceed would be to start from scratch with Diplmod. There's a lot of things you just can't do, even though you should be able to do them. But I think I've made quite a lot of progress and will post a report soon.
November 17, 2001, 18:37
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Nice work Martin.
Now somebody can play MP or Hotseat.
Since I won't give more updates, I think you shold call it IMPROVED DIPLOMOD v1.2
November 17, 2001, 18:39
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Hmm, I haven't noticed.
You have already named it v1.2
November 22, 2001, 09:17
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Now, lets make it official:
IMPROVED DIPLOMOD v1.2 by player1 & Martin Guhmann
-has better MP support
December 8, 2001, 00:04
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So would this Dipmod be good in something like Craddle?
December 8, 2001, 09:42
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Yes, it would.
Althought maybe some small modifications are needed (not sure about it, you should ask hexagonian about instructions)
It works well in Aoplyton pack.
And in MedMod (some small chages needed, like replacing Diplomats with Nobles)
Try and see.
Main improvement over basic Diplomod (v3.6 used in Apolyton & MedMod, v3.5 used in Cradle) is WarOver script.
Which is temporary solution to ever lasting AI wars, unit Petter Triggis finaly makes Diplo-AI complete.
I have retired ftom CTP2-moding community so this SLIC is left to you people to MOD it, and to suit it to your needs.
I think it is already part of GoodMod (Apolyton compatibile) by Martin.
December 10, 2001, 13:35
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Not tested, but I took a look at the file, updated the enable advance for diplomatic interaction (In Cradle it's Dynasty)
Located at my site...
The Land of Hexagonia
in the SLIC options section.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
December 10, 2001, 15:13
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Now, we have a Cradle version of Improved Diplomod.
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