July 3, 1999, 16:21
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New World War 3 Scenario - Help Wanted!
Well, first off I have only made one scenario in the past (didn't turn out too bad though, if you want it, e-mail me). Needless to say, I am fairly inexperienced, so for me to bring this off I will need some help.
Anyway, the scenario I am wanting to start is a World War 3 NATO/Warsaw Pact scenario set in the late 1980s. Yes, I know, this has been done before, but the only really good scenario, IMO, has been Red Storm Rising.
What I am wanting to do is to make totally new units, new graphics, unlimited events (yes, it's possible, see Rise and Fall of the Third Reich for an example), and several other things.
I will probably want to set up the map, unit placement, probably the events.txt file, and that kind of thing, but I will need a lot of help with the graphics and building the units.gif - I am just not good with that kind of thing.
So, is anyone interested in helping me with this? I will be using MGE, by the way, and it will be a multiplayer scenario - I don't like how the computer messes it up
Units/Concepts I am considering using...
Tanker aircraft - done by making aircraft carriers that fly - hard to explain, but I think it would work.
Transport aircraft - basically flying transports, but I need to know if there is a way to keep tanks and the like from being put on them.
APCs - basically transports on land, but I need to figure out how to keep tanks from being put in them AND how to make sure they can't go into the water.
A way to keep stacked units from being destroyed if one loses a battle - I think the way to do that is to make every land square be a fortress, but take away the defense bonus, then build another fortress in selected areas with the defense bonus, if that is possible.
True ICBMs - that is, nukes that fly across the map, obviously done by giving them 99 movement points.
July 3, 1999, 18:51
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I don't multiplay, so PLEASE make a 2.42-compatible version!
About your unit concepts:
Tanker Aircraft - a good idea. Should work.
APCs and transport aircraft - I haven't got a clue about how that would work, but good luck!
ICBM - I am afraid there is a maximum movement rate of 42 or something, but that should be enough.
Each square a fortress - well, why not?
My ideas:
Remove the Radio tech - building airbases is cheating. Instead you should have ground units that work as airbases - I have started a thread about this idea.
Should any civ have superior Partisans? Say you want the Americans to have Patriots instead.[*]Make Partisans go obsolete with the tech U. S. Nationalism.[*]Make Patriots available with U. S. Nationalism.[*]Give the Americans U. S. Nationalism and Leonardo's Workshop (renamed to The Pentagon or something).
Remember that the Partisans are not upgraded until the Americans' turn.
[This message has been edited by Ecce Homo (edited July 03, 1999).]
July 3, 1999, 20:27
Mike Daumen, techumseh and I have been working on a cold war scenario for awhile now. Are you going to be usinng the global map that comes with the game?
July 3, 1999, 21:21
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Actually I am planning on using one of the custom Euro/USA/Canada maps, because what I am thinking of is really just an Atlantic/Europe conflict.
But if this goes off well, and it doesn't take up all of my time, I might do some kind a sequel in the Pacific/Indian Ocean theater, maybe something like US and allies vs. China or something like that. I might even think about doing a series of scenarios based on hotspots all around the world, such as Europe, Asia, Middle East, etc. that all tie in together, but that's way in the future.
Actually I just want to make one good scenario before Civ3 comes out and makes Civ2 obsolete, so to speak.
However, I will probably have to do a lot of Photoshop editing, and things like that, and like I said I know nothing about graphics, so I could use help with that.
July 3, 1999, 21:46
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I can try and help you with the graphics, as long as it's not something overly complicated. Just say the word.
Fluff duffie du beppiballongifjallagong
-- Thomas Breivik
July 3, 1999, 23:49
Oh, we were going to use the polar map, w/ multiple folders and as many units as we can. And it's going to be made on MGE because the AI would just want to nuke the other players immediately.
I don't think that the APC thing would work well. Not only would it be impossible to make, but then you could also get tanks and howitzers to be carried along with it. It would be better just to make it move faster and have more defense than a regular infantry.
Transport aircraft are easy to make!!! Just make a sea transport that can paradrop, all the unit on board are taken with it!! Make sure you give it one movement point, or else it can't paradop.
I saw what happened when John Ellis put fortresses all over the map in his Napolean scenario. Barbarians fortified, and it was totally innaccurate combat in the English Channel. If you DO do that, you would have to give city walls to every city to make it better. It also takes a HELL of a long time to do.
You should talk to this Prushka guy. He seems to be doing a series of Cold War scenarios. One on the Global map, another of just Europe, Korean War, Vietnam War, etc., etc. He might be interested in doing this with you.
I think that the main difference between Our scenario (Mike, tec, and I) and your scenario would be that ours is focused on economical and moral victories, while staying away from brute force. Yours seems to be a set em up now knock em down sorta thing. Lots of fun is guaraunteed for all! I'm not knocking it, and I do wish you luck on something that many have tried to do but failed miserably.
.....Damn, that sounded like I was totally ripping on you....I really wasn't, just attempting to point out noticable differences, so that these two scens would be different enough that we could both retain interest in them long enough to finally finish them.....
July 4, 1999, 00:08
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Hey, Floyd. I was thinking about working on a Today's World scenario right after I got done working on my ww2 scenario. Wanna team up and do a world map?
July 4, 1999, 04:53
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Hi Floyd! I think there is one thing that can make economical struggle more realistic.
1) Make units with movement 0 and name it ICBM Factory.
2) Give them to nations that posess modern technology (USSR and US, maybe UK and China)
3)Make an event that will make the ICBM obsolete after destroying of this unit.
4) Place that units in strategecal places for esch country (for example Sverdlovsk for USSR and Albukerque for US)
Also you can make game more challeging b ydecision where this units should be place - in city or away, will this strategical place have SDI or not an so on.
BTW it can be iteresting not to allow anyone to build SDI during the game or, maybe until any special event that will be triggered by capturing important idustrial or scientifical cities (like Moscow or Chicago)
And the last point IMO USA and USSR shoul posess an enourmously great nuke arsenals in the beginnig of the scenario.
P.S. That idea about Factory units is no mine it was introdused in "Der Ansteig und der Fall des dritten Reich".
July 4, 1999, 07:29
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If you just want the northern hemisphere, why not use a flat map centered around the North Pole?
I have made two, and there might be others in the Database.
July 4, 1999, 14:48
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I haved toyed with this idea for a US/USSR game:
1. make two separate scenarios, one for the US and one for the USSR.
2. in the US scenario, give Leo to the USSR and vice-versa.
3. make a unit called ICBM silo, 0 move and submarine (so its harder to spot).
4. place silos throughout the countryside of the NPC superpower (ie give to the USSR in the US scenario).
5. when a nuke explodes/city is taken, give the computer superpower a tech that upgrades the silos to true nukes. Bang -- 1st strike.
Note to Eddie and techumseh, I don't want to do this in ours.
Michael Daumen
"the future is not yet"
July 4, 1999, 18:14
david-I'd be happy to help you with any technical aspects, but I can't draw. Go look in SLeague for a thread called something like "Has there ever been a good cold war scenario" It's got a lot of ideas.
July 4, 1999, 20:02
Yup that was one that I started. It got REALLY long because I made some posts with a lot of units we needed/wanted to use.
I'm still trying to find out which bombers I should give the Soviets. I remember the Bison, and then the Badger, and the Bear, but that's it for the early game.. Later on there was the Backfire, and then the Blackjack. I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT THE EXACT NAMES/NUMBERS FOR THE PLANES WERE!!!!....grrrr. Has anone found a Russian Air Force site that talks about the history of it's bombers?
I don't think that Leo's would upgrade that silo to an ICBM, cos it has a different domain. There might be a way to upgrade it (aside from switching files), but it would be tough to find.
July 5, 1999, 08:04
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Sure it would, just make sure your silo has a domain of 1. With a move of zero it won't make any difference and if you make it a sub (I think I remember that) land units can still attack it. Again the only problem is that it only works with 2 nuclear civs, the one the player is controlling and the second with the silos and Leo. Of course, with switching files I bet you could easily pull it off . . . .
July 6, 1999, 13:16
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Here is a scenario update. I have made a preliminary list of the units that I want to include. Obviously, I will probably be adding some and taking away some, but here is the list as it stands now. I will also be needing graphics for all these - I can probably "borrow" some from the Great Icon Library, or d/l some real images and edit them in Photoshop, but on others I might need help to actually make them.
Container Ship (Ro/Ro)
Transport Plane (C-5)
APC (Bradley, maybe Marder)
Tanks (M1A1, Leopard, Challenger)
Aircraft (F-16, F-15, F-4, F-111, GR.1, B-52, A-10, F/A-18, F-14, A-6, E-3(E-2 also?), Mirage, Harrier, S-3 Viking)
Helicopters (Apache, Huey?, Blackhawk, Kiowa)
Infantry (US Infantry, British Infantry, German Infantry, Allied Infantry, Combat Engineers)
Artillery (155mm, MLRS, 105mm)
Anti-aircraft (Stinger team, other battery)
Warships (John Paul Jones-class, Invincible-class, Nimitz-class, Ticonderoga-class, Iowa-class, Spruance-class)
Submarines (LA-class, Sturgeon-class, Ohio-class, Trafalgar-class)
Missiles (Tomahawk, Harpoon, SLBM, ICBM, SRBM, IRBM)
Other (B-61 Tactical Nuke - treat as hefty cruise missile, not full-blown nuke)
Transport Plane (IL-76?)
Tanks (T-55, T-62, T-72, T-80)
Aircraft (MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-29, Su-27, Su-25, radar plane, Backfire, Blackjack)
Helicopters (Hind)
Infantry (Soviet Infantry, Allied Infantry)
Artillery (Rocket Artillery, 155mm, 172mm)
Anti-Aircraft (SA-3, SA-6, AAA of some kind, maybe Tunguska)
Warships (Kiev-class, Kirov-class, Sovremmeny-class)
Submarines (Akula, Alfa, Foxtrot, November, Yankee)
Missiles (SLBM, ICBM, SRBM, IRBM, cruise missile of some kind)
Other (Tactical nuke of some kind, treat same as NATO nuke)
July 11, 1999, 02:04
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Two questions: 1) how can you get to computer to use nukes on other computer opponents sometimes? I'm the only one getting attacked by nukes. 2) is their anyway I can get helicopters to carry air units? I tried the flag and didn't have much luck. I want helicopters to be able to carry cruise missles (like an apache or something).
July 11, 1999, 02:31
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I can help with the graphics if you want.
July 14, 1999, 09:09
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I was kicking around an idea for a Fulda Gap scenario, and I'll be more than happy helping out before I go solo on one.
July 14, 1999, 10:43
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Sure, I can use everyone's help on this project. Right now, I am mainly trying to hash out how to set up the civilizations, what units to include and how to balance them.
July 14, 1999, 23:58
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Reply to Wesley 32:
1) The only way I know to get the AI to nuke a non-human civ is to create a LAND nuke (a ground unit with a 99 attack factor) controlled by the barbarians (the events text must be modified manually for this), near the city you want to attack. The computer will NEVER have one AI controlled civ nuke another.
2) Air units cannot carry any other units of any type. I wish it were otherwise.
July 15, 1999, 00:39
Ugh, I never liked that Su-25, the -24 was sooooo much cooler.....
Frogfoot was funny though....
July 15, 1999, 02:17
Yup, tech's right...
July 16, 1999, 16:33
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Hmm. I have seen the AI nuke other AI's in the regular game. They did their usual Nuke-followed-by-Paratrooper. The AI that did this was huge.
July 22, 1999, 17:54
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I agree, it happens all the time. As for the icons, there was a new scenario, Cold War X, that had some seriously cool icons, for both sides. You could probably find alot of stuff in there.
July 23, 1999, 16:34
P.S. That idea about Factory units is no mine it was introdused in "Der Ansteig und der Fall des dritten Reich".
I'm sorry, I just had to say this. JP used those factories in the WW2 scen before "Ansteig". It was called "The New Germany". There might have been another one before I got online, but I dunno.
Anyway, I thought that "Cold War X" had a lot of problems with it. I know that Prushka is making an updated version of it, and now it's got Hungary. Yea! But the icons. Hmmmm. I don't know. The one that I liked was the Cruiser image. And some were just too plain (ex - Jet Plane) It was good for a first try. That's my two cents....
July 23, 1999, 22:32
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David -
If you are still looking for units, you might want to check out my "HiRes" modpack - you can download it here on Apolyton - it's listed as a "patch". You will find some of the units you are looking for (e.g. Leopard I, M-113, B-52, Aegis cruiser, Iowa-class BB, etc. ). You can use them freely. Good luck!
- Tim Smith
July 29, 1999, 05:17
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You can get AI civs to nuke each other... If you dont belive me I can give you my lame ww3-Pacific scenario If you want
Iceman- Email Iceman88888888@yahoo.com
ICQ 37582632
August 5, 1999, 13:43
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If you need any help with icons, Id be gald to help.
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