September 26, 2001, 20:38
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Naming your own troops
I think this feature is not in, but it will be interesting to have, and not so difficult to implement.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to name your own units? escpecially the naval units. All those navy ships have name, so why shouldn't ships in Civ3.
September 26, 2001, 20:43
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I don't know if I'd have the patience to name individual units, but it would be nice if we could name our stacked armies.
September 26, 2001, 20:45
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they should make that, if you don't name them, they just go without a name, so that you don't have to name each an every units.
September 26, 2001, 20:57
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If you ever played the old White Wolf game 'Empire Deluxe' every unit had its own random title like '201st Division', but if you wanted you could rename them to have your elite Republican Guard unit, Bismarck, or 'Emperor Seeker's Personal Guard'....
"Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
"...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
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September 26, 2001, 21:07
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no, i never played that game, But I played Panzer General, I think units comes with a numbering system, the first infantry will be named 1st Infantry, etc. But you can still rename it to what ever you want. That's cool, and isn't too hard to do in Civ i guess.
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September 26, 2001, 21:18
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I would love to be able to designate unit names on two levels. The first would be their "parent formation". That is, perhaps 4 armour and 4 mechanized units make up the "5th Guards Tank Army" or the "1st Armored Cav". Back in Civ 2 when I had hordes of soldiers embarking, disembarking and attacking and fortifying it's just not "neat". Even though we can now stack armies, i would prefer to be able to stack armies with units from the same formation.... and when they are moving through the enemy territory it'll be much easier to keep track of which formation is doing what. (e.g. the Guards are supposed to be going north to while the Cav boys are clearing the roads)
And of course, once a unit has reached veteran or elite status it would be cool to give them a unit name ... it could be a level of micromangement that some players don't give a damn about but it'd just give that unit personality.... and instead of "Americans have taken Karachi" why not "The American 101st Screaming Eagles have taken Karachi" ?
September 26, 2001, 21:26
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About the ONLY cool thing about the Star Wars: Rebellion game was the naming feature. You could name every ship you produced, or it would get a numbered name (i.e. Imperial Star Destroyer 23). And, in addition to that, when you joined ships into fleets, you could name the fleet. So I would have Coruscant Fleet, which consisted of 3 Star Destroyers (always something like "Terror," "Invincible," and "Conquest") and eventually my FAVORITE, the Super Star Destroyer "Gigantic."
Heehee, I'm a dork.
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September 26, 2001, 21:41
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Terror, Invincible, and Conquest sound good. (There is an "actual" ISD named Conquest. Gigantic though?
September 26, 2001, 21:45
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Army names......"Im going to kick your ass "
Nuclear missile/Airforce names...."If you see this You are most definetaly ****ed 
Navy names......"Welcome to the bottom of the ocean"
September 26, 2001, 21:48
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I can see how this function could inject some more enjoyment into the game... Having the Aztecs launch an aircraft carrier, the A.E.S. Quetzcotl (or something to that effect).
September 26, 2001, 22:23
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Originally posted by Seeker
If you ever played the old White Wolf game 'Empire Deluxe' every unit had its own random title like '201st Division', but if you wanted you could rename them to have your elite Republican Guard unit, Bismarck, or 'Emperor Seeker's Personal Guard'....
Hehe still is a great game
The eagle soars and flies in peace and casts its shadow wide Across the land, across the seas, across the far-flung skies. The foolish think the eagle weak, and easy to bring to heel. The eagle's wings are silken, but its claws are made of steel. So be warned, you would-be hunters, attack it and you die, For the eagle stands for freedom, and that will always fly.
Darkness makes the sunlight so bright that our eyes blur with tears. Challenges remind us that we are capable of great things. Misery sharpens the edges of our joy. Life is hard. It is supposed to be.
September 26, 2001, 23:15
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Re: Rebellion
Originally posted by Boris Godunov
...and eventually my FAVORITE, the Super Star Destroyer "Gigantic."
Heehee, I'm a dork.
Yes, but you're MY kind of dork.
I'm the sort that wishes this feature was in Civ, but the only things I can name in Civ are cities. Some of my city names are pretty weird as a result.
I tend to have an earthy style when naming cities, often naming my cities after the terrain that surrounds them. So I might get names like "Lake Mountain", "Pheasant Bay", "Jungle River", "Mount Buffalo" (which is a real mountain in Australia that looks like a buffalo), etc. Then the terrain names start to repeat and the weirdness starts....
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
September 26, 2001, 23:31
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I liked the army naming convention used in Warlords. Each unit a city produced was named after the city, like Dormoth 3rd Cavalry, or Carmel 204th light infantry, so for ppl who dont have an imagination (like me  ), these names could be the default ones. And for those ppl with an imagination, they can name their units imaginatively
Its all good.
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September 26, 2001, 23:52
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I wouldn't use it. No time for that, and it's rather irrelevant.
Not that it wouldn't be fun, for a while. But it's just not an important feature for a game of such grand design.
September 26, 2001, 23:53
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Interesting idea.
Giving specific names to your units and armies in Civ III
could be fun. In Civ II I have often split my
army into a few armies with specific tasks.
For instance the Celtic Liberation Army
is my fast combating army (paratroopers,
helicopters, etc).
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September 27, 2001, 06:06
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I love the ability to name your units or army-groups.
CTP2 and Imperialism2 allowed you to name army-groups, units respectively. And yes Star Wars Rebellion was cool too in that you could name individual ships as well as fleets. I guess I'm a dork too when it comes to naming units like "Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera", or the "Judicator" as many of you Star Wars fans may recall. Grand Admiral Thrawn was probably the greatest military tactician of all time!
September 27, 2001, 06:37
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Originally posted by Madine
Terror, Invincible, and Conquest sound good. (There is an "actual" ISD named Conquest. Gigantic though?
By the time I got into the late game, I had at least 6 SSDs, and they would almost always be:
Executor (the first, of course)
When I was really running short of names, I started using old ocean liner names. Olympic, Majestic, Leviathan, Imperator, etc...even used Titanic!
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September 27, 2001, 08:21
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Titanic is probably a bad name for ships!!!!
I would name my carrier the Floating Fortresss.
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September 27, 2001, 10:47
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Yes, you should be able to rename your troops indeed. When I played Imperialism, this option was available too, and I used it often.
September 27, 2001, 10:56
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Re: Re: Rebellion
Originally posted by star mouse
I tend to have an earthy style when naming cities, often naming my cities after the terrain that surrounds them. So I might get names like "Lake Mountain", "Pheasant Bay", "Jungle River", "Mount Buffalo" (which is a real mountain in Australia that looks like a buffalo), etc. Then the terrain names start to repeat and the weirdness starts....
Hehheh... In civ2 it's nice to give yourself and your empire a certain name and with the cities to stay in the same line. For Example, Empire called "Nerdland", citizens called "Nerds" and cities like CPU names and stuff like that. Gives a pretty weird look at your civ.
However, my wife used to name them like vegetables.
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September 27, 2001, 11:09
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One of my favorite things to do in CIV II or SMAC when I was futzing around was to take an enemy city, rename it and then let them have it back. The names would then be "Dirtbag Town," "Scumville," "We Suck *ss," etc.
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September 27, 2001, 11:18
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Originally posted by Fresno
Yes, you should be able to rename your troops indeed. When I played Imperialism, this option was available too, and I used it often.
I used to do this too. If someone like switzerland joined my empire then I would name the units I got from them 1st Swiss Rifles, 2nd swiss rifles etc....
"I know not with what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks & stones". Albert Einstein
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September 27, 2001, 12:22
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This would be a good feature if... and this is a big if... the Replay function keeps track of the victories and eventual defeats of named units and armies. 1902 A.D. Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders defeat Persian riflemen near the American city of Miami. 1843 A.D. USS Brittain destroys 2 French galleons and 1 French ironclad. 1780 A.D. Death from On High defeats 2 defending Pikemen in the Babylonian city of Nippur. That sort of thing. I'd also like the Replay to keep track of things like the first civ to discover each tech. 1540 A.D. Steam Power discovered in Russian Republic.
"Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."
September 27, 2001, 14:18
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There has been no talk of this feature from any of those Firaxis guys, so I guess this feature is not in the game.
But it's very easy to implement, simple add one more data member to the unit (or whatever) class, and have the screen display it when needed. I don't know why they don't put this in the game. I think it's too late to ask them to make any change at this point. But, maybe in the future patch, it will be there
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September 27, 2001, 14:52
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i think this would be a very cool option
September 27, 2001, 15:17
Speaking of attaching things (like names) to units. What I'd really wanted in Civ2 was the ability to attach notes to units. For example, attached to a caravan might be "en route to Moscow". I realize that caravans will no longer be an issue in Civ3--so I'm not sure whether such a capability would be useful or not.
The interface would be fairly straightforward. A unit with a note attached would have a small icon indicating the same. Move the mouse cursor over the unit and the note would display. Right-click on the unit, select 'add/edit note' or 'delete note' to manage your notes. If it was up to me, I'd also include a hot key that would let you jump to, and center on the screen, the next unit with an attached note. That way it would be easy to review notes. Just a thot.
September 27, 2001, 15:32
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Boris, you forgot Lusankya.
I always loved keeping captured Rebel characters on it.
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September 27, 2001, 15:44
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I wonder if we can "upgrade" our units directly rather than indirectly through the Leonardo's Workshop Wonder, maybe at the cost of one or two experience levels.
After all, soldiers don't just fired when they are obsolete. They are issued new equipment and retrained all the time. Disbanding them, even though it adds to the shield resources, would be such a waste.....
That way you can have like a unit with 5000 years of history, much like many European nations which have regiments that were founded hundreds of years ago....
September 27, 2001, 15:58
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i think the units should be automatically numbered with toggles to turn the number on/off at anytime during the game
it could be divided
then a number,, probably starting from 101 and going out..
September 27, 2001, 19:51
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Originally posted by Rakki
I wonder if we can "upgrade" our units directly rather than indirectly through the Leonardo's Workshop Wonder, maybe at the cost of one or two experience levels.
After all, soldiers don't just fired when they are obsolete. They are issued new equipment and retrained all the time. Disbanding them, even though it adds to the shield resources, would be such a waste.....
That way you can have like a unit with 5000 years of history, much like many European nations which have regiments that were founded hundreds of years ago....
My hope is that they follow SMACs way of upgrading. When new technologies became available for units, you coul spend money to upgrade to the new, better models. It was very costly, so there was balance to it. They could still retain the Leonardo's Workshop wonder (note: have they???) and just have it make such upgrades much cheaper or possibly free. But, having been playing Civ I for the past few days, having to upgrade is a royal pain in the patootie without some sort of automation.
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