(Anyone cares?!)
You know that various units share the same sound. There are, however, more sound restrictions that have to do with the unit domains. For instance, if you change the domain of a ground unit to that of an air unit (0 -> 1) , say of a musketeer, then it won't play the musketeer sound (Infantry.wav) but a default Air unit sound. Same goes for changing the domains of air/sea units:
-Unit with wrong domain 0 (land unit) has the Swordfgt.wav sound.
-Unit with wrong domain 1 (air unit) has 2 default sounds: Divebomb.wav (against ground units) and Aircombt.wav (against air units)
-Unit with wrong domain 1 AND 0 turns fuel (helicopter) also has 2 default sounds: Helishot.wav (against ground units) and Aircombt.wav (against air units)
-Unit with wrong domain 2 (sea unit) has the Biggun.wav sound.
So you could give Crusaders a different sound then Knights, by making them Flying Crusaders. For further information on unit slots/sounds, see the excellent Unit sound map by Blackclove in the Scenario League.