i didn't succes to resolve the "no-info" units bug !
musketeer's and knight slots attack/defense have been set to "0"
and i don't use these slots (prereq: no- obs: no)
that's not a disturbing bug, Players or IA can build AND build theses units !
but i've notice that i can "create" them via events !!!!
as i said , i'd never seen such a bug before when i created FW scenarios !
The other bug (palace build and build by IA) has i said... that's no more a problem ! (even if here again, i haden't really resolve it)
so i write because I've finished the basic scenario
it's in french and it can be download
there's also a screenshot of the scenario.
for "test" the bug then try to help the TEST1.ZIP (22 Ko)
which contains rules.txt, japan1.scn and events.txt is