I have a question regarding the editing of the difficulty of the computer controlled players and how their Rows in Food Storage Box, Rows in Shield Box, and Science Increment values can be edited for the different difficulty levels. I know that these values can be changed for the human player in the rules.txt file, but I am not aware of how to edit these values for the computer controlled players. Here is an example: on the King level both the human and computer controlled players are given a value of 10 for Rows in Food Storage Box and Rows in Shield Box. (Human from the rules.txt file, and computer from ?????.???) Also on the King level there is the values for Science Increment for the human to be 12 and 11 for the Computer, giving the computer a slight advantage. I was wondering if there was a way to change the value to 11 (or any number) for both players, computer and human. If you know what I am talking about and would care to help me, I would greatly appreciate it, and I thank you ahead of time.
p.s. if you want to know where i got this information from, i got it from "Prima's Secrets of The Games: Sid Meier's Civilazation II The Official Stategy Guide" on page 41 in table 3-1, in the chapeter Game Setup and Options.
Thanks Again!!