Yup, it's Eddie popping in to give relative newbies a history lesson...
Version 2.42 - Only 2.42 scenarios.
Conflicts in Civilization - Doesn't count
Fantastic Worlds - Either 1.42, CiC, or FW scens.
Multiplayer Gold Edition - 1.42, CiC, FW, or MGE scens
Test of Time - Only TOT
Get MGE. The CIC scens that come with it bite total a$$, but you can play any scens on the net that your machine can handle. And BTW, stay away from CTP. And NEVER USE THE FW EDITORS, and just d/l a map off the net, there's a map for every part of the world on here. Besides, it takes forever to make good map.
Friendly advice from a long-time civer...

...And his helper St. Leo...
[This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited September 02, 1999).]