October 2, 2001, 08:34
Local Time: 08:03
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Sealurk Alert -Turn Tracking thread
This is a 4 player Smax MP game with the following cast of characters and turn order
Flubber University sharris4141@yahoo.com
Smartfart Morganites rozovko@inet.hr
NorthSwordsman Spartans northswordsman@yahoo.com
Gregurabi Peacekeepers greg@wooledge.org
The AI are the Spartans, gaians and Consciousness or as Googlie referred to them, the "three witches"
The moderator is googlie linfrew@aol.com . As a reminder, the rules to be used are as follows:
Do or Die: eliminated players are not restarted
Spoils of War off
Non-Blind (directed) research
No random events
All victory conditions allowed including cooperative
Unity survey off - map is unknown
Look first on
Normal starting conditions
PBEM specific rules/restrictions on exploiting bugs:
Multiple reloading of the game to try for different effects is forbidden.
Multiple drops or orbital insertions using the right-click menu is forbidden.
Inserting Stockpile Energy into the build queue after a military unit is forbidden.
If a player employs a tactic that causes a state of vendetta, they are not allowed to "accept" a pending diplomatic agreement with that faction, causing a change in diplomatic status or the transfer of energy or knowledge.
If a probe team action is employed against a Treatied or Pacted faction, the initiator must choose the "Declare Vendetta" option, unless permission is received in advance for the action (email).
Upgrading units with the design workshop is allowed at end of turn only.
Communications only allowed between factions that have obtained each others' commlink frequencies in-game.
Social engineering choice limited to one switch per line per turn. (no flip-flop within turn!)
Psi units cannot be assigned multiple point patrol routes (avoid instant demon boil bug!)
No base trading with the AI.
Reverse engineering of units is permitted with the exception of engineering rovers from the probe team rover chassis.
I believe that that is all for now so I will send along the turn to Smartfart when I get it from googlie
Last edited by Flubber; October 3, 2001 at 11:16.
October 2, 2001, 11:07
Local Time: 07:03
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Passwords and e-mail instructions sent to all
2101 sent to Flubber
October 2, 2001, 12:11
Local Time: 08:03
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Turn 2101 to Smartfart
Note that I found the graphics were "off" since I appeared as the consciousness colors and in the diplomacy screens. The morganites and spartans had their correct colors and graphics but the PKs appeared to be like the Drones.
I do not mind this bug and would tend to play through it BUT if anyone has a problem with this effect I am sure we could try to get it fixed.
This type of bug does not affect gameplay at all except to the extent you have to reorient your thinking as to what the colors mean. In another game I am in, the Cult is white and I have gotten used to seeing ZAKs face in the diplomacy screen even thouggh I am dealing with the prophet and the title on the comm screen indicates it is the prophet. All the titles remain correct to the true faction, it is only the graphics that are switched.
So play on or try to get this fixed?
October 2, 2001, 21:34
Local Time: 16:03
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2101...to Spartans.
You got this file from my 2ndary adress which is emperoratrix@lycos.com
Anyway...I don't care being white as Morgan,but if you really insist to fix it...go ahead as long as I don't have anything to do
Go Arsenal!!!
October 2, 2001, 21:51
Local Time: 07:03
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It happens on nearly all smax games that are scenarioed - apparently a fix exists that involves rejigging the faction graphics, but neither Tau nor I have ever learned how - most of the AXT series have this "feature."
When I set up the game and set the pods etc in pace, all the faction graphics were correct - and they are correct when I playtest the twenty or so turns as well (I understand it has something to do with the factions played in the last game that each individual player played - they carry forward in the .ini file)
October 2, 2001, 21:58
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So we will just go ahead-- its really no big deal.
October 3, 2001, 06:19
Local Time: 09:03
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Turn to the PK's. I had the University graphics, lol. Not a problem.
October 3, 2001, 06:46
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Turn 2102 sent to Flubber. I have the black (Spartan) color.
October 3, 2001, 09:19
Local Time: 08:03
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Turn to smartfart as 2102 rolls on
University scout report
October 3, 2001, 12:54
Local Time: 16:03
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2102 to Spartans.
Go Arsenal!!!
October 3, 2001, 15:21
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2102 to the 'keepers.
October 3, 2001, 17:52
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2103 to Flubber. Dontcha just hate it when you can't get the tech you wanted?
October 3, 2001, 21:27
Local Time: 08:03
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2103 to Smartfart
It can be annoying when the tech you want does not come up-- thats for sure
October 3, 2001, 22:20
Local Time: 16:03
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2103...to Spartans.
Go Arsenal!!!
October 4, 2001, 09:49
Local Time: 09:03
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2103 to the Gregster's PeaceKeepers.
October 4, 2001, 19:12
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2104 to Flubber.
I appear to have the commlink frequencies for the other 3 human-controlled factions, yet I believe I've done nothing in the game that would have caused that to happen. Is this supposed to be the case?
October 4, 2001, 19:30
Local Time: 08:03
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It always happens that way in MP IIRC but we play with a no contact until we meet rule. . . so you don't use the comm until we run into each other.
October 4, 2001, 20:34
Local Time: 08:03
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2104 on to Smartfart
WE have surveyed the nearby lands and find the terrain to be extremely rocky and infertile. There are huge patches of a pinkish growth which frustrates our attempts at penetration. The only good feature are two rivers which speed our exploration of this land as our explorers have fashioned small rafts.
There is no sign of other factions to date but we have been getting a carrier signal from 6 distinct groups. Perhaps when we get closer our comm equipment will permit contact.
October 4, 2001, 21:27
Local Time: 16:03
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2104...to Spartans.
Narrow piece of land. Hope it will spread some.
Go Arsenal!!!
October 4, 2001, 21:52
Local Time: 09:03
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Turn to the 'Keepers
Spartan Battle Report:
Classification: Confidental.
Colonel, we have encountered some rather odd looking reddish root-like structures. Imbedded in one of the patches was an pod from the Unity.
We ventured into the mass, opened the pod, and some kind of pinkish wormlike creature came out, attacking the squad.
We lost 7 members of the squad to some kind of "mental blast" that had them screaming in agony, unable to use their weapons. Our flamethrower, Corp. Devries, was able to burn the horrid thing dead before he, too, succumbed.
I am recommending Corp. Devries for a posthumous Medal of Valor for his conduct. Somehow, Pvts. Dawson and Urkami and myself were able to resist the "mental blast". I recommend that we increase the number of flamethrowers to 3 per squad, as these are the only weapons that seem to have an effect on these "mindworms", as Pvt. Urkami has named them. I sincerely hope these things are not going to be a problem.
Msgt. David Trazski,
commanding, 1st exploration squad.
Private Log, Col. Northswordsman.
After reading this disturbing report, I have cautioned the exploration teams to be wary and to be armed if at all possible with flame-throwing weapons as a precaution.
We now have 3 functional bases up and running, providing some sanctuary for our brave soldiers. It's better than a tent breathing recycled air. At least one can breathe in here. I'm not one for luxuries, but this is one I appreicate more than anything. Even sharing quarters with 3 non-comms doesn't bother me, as long as I can breathe freely. I hate those blasted masks. Never liked them back on Earth during the chemical attacks we endured. Sigh... have we left one hell for another?
End Log.
Game Note: Guys, both Flubber and I like to "roleplay" our factions, so you will see storyline interwoven in here. We both would like to encourage you to write how your factions are doing, encounters, etc. They add excitement to the game.
October 4, 2001, 22:20
Local Time: 14:03
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2105 to Flubber.
"Commissioner, we've been finding these strange -- err, well, I guess the best word for them is 'monoliths'. Seems we can hardly turn around without smacking into one. And there's more. It's pretty disturbing, to be honest. When you touch one, it gives you a tingly feeling, and a bit of a high. It's almost like a drug, but much more subtle. I advise you to keep this little bit of information confidential -- we don't want civilians running out into the fungus and catching Shiva-only-knows what sort of diseases. I mean, there doesn't seem to be anything dangerous out here -- but I'd be a pretty poor security officer if I let appearances lull me into a false confidence."
-- scouting report, Mission Year 2105. Classified, for Commissioner Gregurabi's eyes only
October 4, 2001, 23:47
Local Time: 09:03
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Hey Greg! That's pretty good.
October 5, 2001, 00:02
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2105 to Smartfart
October 5, 2001, 01:43
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MY 2105...to Spartans.
Go Arsenal!!!
October 5, 2001, 12:45
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turn to Greg. Nothing to report.
October 5, 2001, 20:03
Local Time: 14:03
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Turn 2106 sent to Provost Flubber.
I appear to have lost some research to a strange overflow that I never paid attention to in single-player mode. At the end of 2104 I had 1 point more in research than was required for the tech -- F2 showed "0 turns remaining". At the start of 2105 I had research only from my 2nd and 3rd bases, not from the HQ.
So it appears that even if you're past the number of research points needed to gain a tech, your HQ's research is still added to the pool before the game checks to see if you get your tech.
Thus, the question becomes "How did I end up with more research points than I needed on the previous turn, without getting the tech?" I can't answer that one.
October 5, 2001, 21:48
Local Time: 08:03
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2106 to Smartfart
I don't know what does it but it seems intermittent and strange bug. I even started two threads on it entitled "The Where's my tech bug" and "where's my tech? the sequel". You can take a look at them http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...highlight=tech and http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...highlight=tech
We never came to any conclusions but my experience was that I kept the "overflowing" research points. So the tech showed up a turn late but but I had the right number of points toward the next tech.
I can confirm that it is some kind of bug because after it happened to me I tracked research points in a lot of my games for a while and you will get your tech as scheduled in the VAST majority of cases. In most cases your HQ's research is NOT needed to be added to an already sufficient number of research points. I intentionally got the exact number of points needed in a couple of tests and the tech appeared exactly when it should.
October 6, 2001, 01:10
Local Time: 09:03
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2106 to the Gregster.
October 6, 2001, 01:27
Local Time: 16:03
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2106...to NorthSwordsman.
- Our 1st former is finally finished and it's already in position CEO. What do you think we should construct here?
- Solar collector,my dear lieutenant. I just love solar collectors.
- OK...we have 2 reports from our initial scouts. Would you like to hear good or bad news first CEO?
- Good one.
- Well,it seems that our southern patrol found some strange monolith. It is definitelly of alien origin.
- Alien ?!? Here?
- They were here a long time ago,but that's not important. Our monolith have high resource value.
- Do we have a base near it?
- Yes CEO, Morgan Hydroponics already have workers on the field.
- What's the bad news?
- Native fauna. Northern scouts barely survived attack from some kind of worms. Very dangerous and carnivorous thing.
- Very well lieutenant. Bring more formers on the field. We don't wanna any potential resouce go waste.
- At your command CEO.
Go Arsenal!!!
October 6, 2001, 08:42
Local Time: 14:03
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M.Y. 2107 for Flubber.
Some of us don't have Formers yet, grrrr.
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