October 3, 2001, 08:28
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Dutch PC Zone Preview
The Dutch PC Zone has a very good preview of civ 3. With interviews with Sid Meier and Jeff Briggs. The interviewer went to the Firaxis studios and watched Jeff Briggs play for a while.
I don't know how much info is in there which isn't known already in this forum. One of the things new to me was that workers can be captured an turned into slaves and also that after the discovery of nationalism you can optimise your economy into either a peacetime-, war-, or global economy, where eg a peacetime economy wouldn't allow you to build "war" units.
Anyway, those of you who can will have to read it yourself. I think the article was well worth the money.
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October 3, 2001, 08:33
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Re: Dutch PC Zone Preview
Originally posted by Mannamagnus
after the discovery of nationalism you can optimise your economy into either a peacetime-, war-, or global economy,
This is potentially interesting
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October 3, 2001, 10:07
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Do we know everything about this game already
October 3, 2001, 10:09
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Any screenshots ?
October 3, 2001, 10:14
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Originally posted by OneFootInTheGrave
Do we know everything about this game already
Yes. I am afraid that playing the game is going to be like watching a movie after reading the book.
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October 3, 2001, 10:19
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Then don't read about it...let it come to you like a total surprise...
October 3, 2001, 11:41
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I'll be going home from work in about half an hour. See if I can buy a copy on the trainstation (Den Haag CS).
October 3, 2001, 12:01
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I think this should be a news item. Could anybody scan it for us or at least give us a rough outline?
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October 3, 2001, 12:13
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Ya!... any other news about the different types of economies?
No military units during peacetime? How would you be able to build units for defence?
There must be more to it than that!
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"It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."
October 3, 2001, 12:27
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It was confirmed by a Firaxian in some thread (I forget which one exactly) that Nationalism wasn't a government and that it's purpose was to allow one to mobilize the economy for war, peace, or normal. A war economy halves the cost of military units & buildings and doubles everything else. A peacetime economy does just the opposite. A normal economy keeps everything as it is.
"Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
"If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb
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October 3, 2001, 12:44
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The more I hear about this piece of software, the more I feel like playing it. It seems Firaxis has done a lot of work on this
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October 4, 2001, 04:23
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I've read the article in the train backhome lastnight. Quite a few things of which I hadn't heard before. Unfortunately I didn't have time to work things out. But I can say really interesting. Not the least to hear Sid Meier say that he's from dutch ancestry and that still half his family is dutch. And yes Meier is a frequent appearing name in the Netherlands (and also in northern-Germany) it can mean both mower or miller.
October 4, 2001, 05:50
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bs! Meier means overseer....
October 4, 2001, 06:38
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A meier is a sheriff (schout), bailiff (baljuw) or steward (rentmeester).
Now we only have to find the meaning of sid (buddha figure?).
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October 4, 2001, 06:51
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You both must have looked in the "van Dale" (leading Dutch dictionary). Like I just have done. And yes it also (!!) can mean those things. Semantically in that meaning of the word, it derives from major (domus).
But from there the word over the centuries got a few other meanings too. You only have to listen to folksongs to find that out.
October 4, 2001, 06:53
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Interesting! What about a kampmeier?
October 4, 2001, 06:55
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Heb je misschien familie in Haarlem, ik ken iemand die zo heet !!
October 4, 2001, 07:06
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Waarschijnlijk vier generaties of meer terug.
October 4, 2001, 14:54
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Originally posted by Earthling7
Yes. I am afraid that playing the game is going to be like watching a movie after reading the book.
I disagree.
I think it will be more like reading the book after watching the movie.
October 4, 2001, 17:42
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and what about erlenmeier?
(strange connection:baljuw,schout,rentmeester quite some difference in jobdescription)
BTW Meier can also be writen like this Meyer.
Back to topic:is it possible to put some more info from that article on this thread(or is there a copyright problem?),in Dutch or English,all the same for me.
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October 4, 2001, 20:33
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Originally posted by Xmudder
I disagree.
I think it will be more like reading the book after watching the movie.
Now that is something i really hated to do. You spent all that time watching the movie, and then realise that you've missed almost everything that went on in the background!! Grrr.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
October 6, 2001, 11:53
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new info!
Today I bough the PC Zone and it has a nine page article, what they call the "Coverview" about Civilization III.
The imagery looks good, but does not give new info. Four half pages are filled with the previes. One page interview with Jeff Briggs and one page with Sid Meier. The last fraze is "When I say goodbye Sid jokes: `Half of my family lives in the Netherlands, so be careful what you write, otherwise thay are going to get you!'"
I will not translate the complete article, I will only mention the points which contain information which I did not see before or seem to be more exact than elsewhere
The main menu contains a tutorial, and there is the quick start feature (I presume just like in SMAC, which prevented most pregame options).
Special resources exist in three variants: strategic (iron, horses, etc.), luxury (spice, etc.) and bonus (gold, grain, etc.).
Some buildings produce culture, the palace one point per turn, a temple two points per turn. When a building is more than 1000 years old this number is doubled.
A unit which wins a battle can become a veteran unit, it gets a longer healthbar.
As long you have war with another nation citizens with that nationality will be against you. When there is peace they are less happy, so you need more luxuries to keep them happy. When you start a war against them again before they are converted, the troubles start again. What exactly the type of revolt is, and how culture influences this, I do not understand from the article.
"Kidnapped workers can be used as slaves, but doing so you ask for anarchy. During an anarchy your cities are only half as productive and you cannot build warunits."
When you have five hospitals the small wonder battlemess can be build, it cures units on enemy terrain.
"In total there are 32 wonders and 12 small wonders ..."
"You can make six different types of agreements with other civilizations, like a military alliance." Economic emargo is also one of them.
Within your borders everything always remains visible, no fog of war. Other civilizations may not use your roads without permission.
October 6, 2001, 13:18
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Hmm.. hospitals...I wonder what their city benefit is. If a battle hospital SW allows units to reheal in enemy territory, does this mean a hospital or city is needed to heal units? Or a hospital heals units in one turn as the barracks use to?
No fog within my borders? Kick a$s!
October 6, 2001, 13:29
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Re: new info!
Originally posted by Tventano
A unit which wins a battle can become a veteran unit, it gets a longer healthbar.
Finally confirmed! Hitpoints won´t work the way they did in Civ2 (and let´s face it, firepoints are gone).
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October 6, 2001, 17:56
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What is the face?
Where does the face on the title of the coverview and on the coverpage of the magazine stand for?
See for the image: http://www.pczone.nl/dezemaand/
October 6, 2001, 17:57
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Originally posted by SerapisIV
Hmm.. hospitals...I wonder what their city benefit is. If a battle hospital SW allows units to reheal in enemy territory, does this mean a hospital or city is needed to heal units? Or a hospital heals units in one turn as the barracks use to?
May be an hospital is something like Sanitation in Civ II, a "need to have" to grow your city over a given population limit.
Perhaps an hospital make more people happy (or some unhappy turn to content), as Police station (better life condition, more happyness).
I'd like to add an hospital can limit a spreading disease (a random event in SMAC who can reduce population in every city three tile away from the original epidemic start), but Firaxis mentioned some weeks ago that Civ III will not have random events...
No fog within my borders? Kick a$s!
Hmmm, not sure about this. Surely is simpler to avoid to patrol your territory, but removing the whole concept of outpost, fortified sentinel, range etc. seems a bit too much for me.
Of course I'm assuming that "no fog of war inside border" include enemy troops always visible in my territory, not only "know territory always showed". That's a bit against early announce of relevance of troops on mountains and their better Line of Sight...
Why I have the feeling that there has been another backstep from the remaining "debris" of 3D Civ early prototype vs. the (IMO) aged flat isometric map?
October 6, 2001, 18:28
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Originally posted by Adm.Naismith
May be an hospital is something like Sanitation in Civ II, a "need to have" to grow your city over a given population limit.
This was confirmed by Dan. A hospital is required to grow a city above 12. Here's the link:
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October 6, 2001, 18:44
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I think the hospital should also do something productive, like for instance restore the health of a unit after 1 turn of staying in the city.
"Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
"If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb
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October 6, 2001, 19:09
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Originally posted by JellyDonut
I think the hospital should also do something productive, like for instance restore the health of a unit after 1 turn of staying in the city.
October 6, 2001, 19:27
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i also saw a "feild medicine" be ing built by a city. maybe the hospital and filed medicne speed up the units health, one speeds it up in the city one speed it up in the feild?
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