October 6, 2001, 12:52
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sorry about that, my e-mail is jerkwaterbox@hotmail.com
"The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me
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October 6, 2001, 15:02
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On your mark...get set...
Henrik, have those files worked out okay? What have you decided regarding the Diplomacy. Winston Churchill has contacted me with concerns as to if the diplomacy isn't allowed, the smaller nations may have no chance at all. But I dunno, this is how the game is built, and it might be a pain in the arse to have to make these changes every time. But maybe it is done already. If so, I believe we are ready to go! You should move first as the Axis with the settings we've discussed (prince difficulty level of course, thats about all for your settings). PC players must choose these selections in the batch program:
What difficulty?
What to do?
1.Start New Scenario
Please Choose Time?
1.May 1940
Please Choose Nation?
8. Multiplayer
Who Control Germany?
1.Germany Human Control
Thanks for the email Jerkwaterbox. Here is a list for our emailing needs:
Updated Players List:
And here is the final version of the map to be used. Added in are the Minor Nations' island off of Spain, and of course the USA and Canada 'city'. I hope players will update and use this as trhe game goes along. Makes things fun.
I am also working on a 'Secrect Project'  for us players here. Keep on the look out in your emails once it is finished. Should be quite nice indeed.
-Vasily Kleshnikov
Marshal of the Soviet Union
October 6, 2001, 15:08
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I'm still here if anyone drops out!
October 6, 2001, 18:44
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finnally  i can post again. *sings halliluia* no idea why i couldnt before something to do with changing my email or some such. anyway i would like to thank FMK and JMarks for bringing my plight to the notice of the moderators  and also to whoevere reactivated my account i give thanx. but anyway lets get this game rolling  also diplomacy is a thorny subject in this but it might be good to have limited diplomacy between the minor players and some such but not between the major players. ie no axis soviet alliance to clear out europe
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
October 6, 2001, 18:47
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also for the map i will update it every time it is my turn and then i will give it to mr klesh  for conversion into gif because i think im pretty good at making maps (not boasting) and alo i made them so their :P so i will update the maps on my turn and then pass them to klesh. give your assent to this or you will all suffer 
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
October 6, 2001, 19:08
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Yes, let's get this moving...
Originally posted by Grothgar
ie no axis soviet alliance to clear out europe.
I cannot believe I hear such talk from a country whom we have gallantly been assisting in the struggle against Franco's hated Nationalists!!!  The facists and the C.C.C.P. have an alliance merely out of convienience to our great state. We see no sign by the fascists they they are going to honor this treaty. It appears it is they who are bent on the destruction of the continent, not to mention Bolshevism. We shall band together with the likes of even the most ardent anti-communists such as Churchill to rid the world of the fascist.
"Our cause is just, the enemy will be smashed."
-Vasily Kleshnikov
Marshal of the Soviet Union
October 6, 2001, 19:47
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My apologies the ambassador to the SSSR has now been replaced. the old ambassador has been given to the russians for punnishment
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
October 7, 2001, 01:31
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Originally posted by Grothgar
My apologies the ambassador to the SSSR has now been replaced. the old ambassador has been given to the russians for punnishment
Very well then. The SMERSH officers shall make good use of him.
-Vasily Kleshnikov.
Marshal of the Soviet Union
October 7, 2001, 04:01
Local Time: 15:06
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Why not?
As this scenario starts the Mollotov-Ribbentrop stands, now if I am the leader of a civ I can act as one, if I am predestined to be forced to attack my "buddies" the soviets at a certain turn, then it isn't going to be much of a chalange, the russians will be building up thier defences every turn untill the time has come and I will be preparing for barbarossa.
All very predictable, and all very dull.
I want to atleast be able to chose when (and in my opinion if) to break the treaty.
And the soviets should also free to do so at any time.
We are not replaying WW2, we are playing it, it should be allowed to develop differently.
What if my advance into france is halted by the allies?
I wouldnt attack russia in 1941 then would I?
Also everyone here seems concerened that the russians and I will divide europe between us, well so was everyone back then, nobody ran up to Hitler or Stalin saying, "You can't do that, it is against the rules!
You are supposed to be fighting."
Diplomacy should be let free, we dont force people to win certain fights just becouse we want them to do we?
If that is the case maybe you should find yourself another player for germany, becouse although I am interested in playing WW2 I am not interested in recreating it, playing every turn as close to history as possible...
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October 7, 2001, 10:39
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Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
October 7, 2001, 11:34
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Playing as Yugoslavia, i think diplomacy should be open to keep me from being utterly crushed.
"The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me
"I regret nothing and apologize for less." -My motto
October 7, 2001, 11:41
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Well maybe it should be open to you, but they can't just remove Barbarossa from the game. Hitler would easily have won if he hadn't gone to russia so prematurely, and it has to be a challenge for him to win after his mistake. Knowing how WWII went, anyone can say "No. I won't go into Russia." but the hard part is going into russia without dying in misery.
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October 7, 2001, 12:52
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Henrik has some very very good points y'all.
As this scenario starts the Mollotov-Ribbentrop stands, now if I am the leader of a civ I can act as one, if I am predestined to be forced to attack my "buddies" the soviets at a certain turn, then it isn't going to be much of a chalange, the russians will be building up thier defences every turn untill the time has come and I will be preparing for barbarossa.
All very predictable, and all very dull.
This has weight fells. I dont want this to be dull at all. I was first concieving of a 'play by history' type of WWII here. But that is lame...its not that way for other PBEMS, and i dont think it should be for this one either.
I want to at least be able to chose when (and in my opinion if) to break the treaty.
And the soviets should also free to do so at any time.
Yes, what is to say that I do not invade him whilst his armies are toiling in France? WHAT IF Stalin was the one to break the treay in real life?!? These things are what makes PBEMing a dynamic thing...free from the confines. Diplomacy is always key in these games.
I thik full diplomacy is the only thing that is going to possibly... 1)save France, Jugoslavia and Minor Nations holdings 2) Keep the Soviets from spending their time untill July '41 (read:14 turns!) preparing for the invasion the aren't supposed to know is comming. If I did that, Henrik wouln't get passed the frontier!
So here it is fellas: not to be a d*ick, but... I started this game, so I think I get to call the shots. I really think we need this Diplomacy or else this will lose alot of the fun dynamics of the PBEM style. If current players aren't down for this, let me know and we'll get a replacement toute-suite . I dont wanna crash the party or nothin. But thats how I wanna play this. Nothing is stopping a different non-diplomacy TSFE game from being played.
With this said...Henrik, make the changes and start your turn you silly Kraut. Players who wanna drop out let us know quick so we can replace your arse!  New files will be posted by Henrik thatwill allow the Diplomacy to take place... and oh yeah, get those diplomats ready!!!!
The Struggle for Europe HAS begun!!!!
"Our cause is just, the enemy will be smashed."
-Vasily Kleshnikov
Marshal of the Soviet Union
October 8, 2001, 01:41
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In 1940, France had the second largest army in Europe. Only the Red Army was larger. Yet in doing a trial run of this game in single player, I can't help but note that the Germans have more tanks (basically) than the French have infantry in Europe. Even if the French have mostly (crappy) infantry, they should still have lots and lots of (crappy) infantry. The fall of France was due to good German and bad French tactics, not because they were outnumbered or something like that. The size of the French Army--it even had more (mostly crappy) tanks than the Germans--made the fall of France that much more surprising.
October 8, 2001, 05:34
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Scattered Reports...
07:39... Muskova time
Unconfirmed reports are flooding into the Kremlin regarding what appears to be a German invasion of the Low Countries...
One after another, we are hearing signs of a complete collapse of Allied resistance...
No word yet of how la Armé Française is reacting, whether they are engaging the Germans or not...
Nothing is clear at the moment, but it seems that War has broken out yet again on the continent of Europe...
We are expecting a statement by the German government as to exactly what they are up to. For now, all we can do is wait...
-Boris Ivanovski
Muskova Red Press
Last edited by klesh; October 8, 2001 at 07:38.
October 8, 2001, 07:35
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Hitler Dances a Jig....
Oh Boy, are you guys in for a surprise. I talked with Henrik as he played his turn... I'll let him have the honors. But wow, good luck in the West...
-Vasily Kleshnikov
Marshal of the Soviet Union
October 8, 2001, 13:08
Local Time: 15:06
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Here is the new events file:
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October 8, 2001, 13:18
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got the new events
"The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me
"I regret nothing and apologize for less." -My motto
October 8, 2001, 13:26
Local Time: 11:06
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Have you people ever heard of "warforums"?
October 8, 2001, 15:19
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As panzerkampfwagens where parading the Champse Elysees, the officials in Paris signed the capitulation of the city.
A third of france has now been occupied, and Field Marshal Heinrich von Efst is confident that within the end of next two months all of France will be under german controll.

A picture of der Fürher after he has been handed Paris by Field Marshal Heinrich.
Field Marshal Heinrich was awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub for his excelent comanding of the german invassion.

Germany now controlls all of the Be-Ne-Lux area, as well as all of north-eastern and parts of central france, no german units are as of yet reported missing in action.
A major allied force in Dunkerque was overrun and later surrendered to the superior german forces after intense fighting in the area.

Surrendered brittish soldiers are escorted away by german soldiers...
In the north an enemy force in Norway surendered after a short bombardment from the Luftwaffe...
High amounts of allied ships sunk in the atlantic and the North Sea...
As of now only brittish and french ships are targeted...

A brittish freighter hit by a german torpedos
The undefeated german wermacht is preparing to strike the finall and fatal blow to the degenerated republic of France. An allied counter invassion is expected in Norway, but it will undoubtly be repulsed quickly!
Meanwhile diplomatic activity in the Kremlin and in Berlin has been increasing the last few days, the russian and german foreign ministers are meeting, discussing secret afairs...
The Soviet Unions official stance towards the german attack is not yet known though, Stalin is said to be in a state of shock...
After hearing about the invassion Yugoslavia canceled her treaty with germany and thier priviously rather warm relationship has gone increasingly colder...
The German foreign minister von Ribbentrop has continually asked for a private audiance with the ruler of Yugoslavia since he feels that new treaties could be made, but as of yet this has been in vain.
It is belived that the ruler is currently ill and that the recent diplomatic tensions are the effect of his ill-informed ministers.
Germany urges him to personaly contact the german foreign minister for more information on future treaties.
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
Last edited by Henrik; October 8, 2001 at 15:27.
October 8, 2001, 15:24
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and the save itself:
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
October 8, 2001, 17:42
Local Time: 14:06
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Ok, I downloaded both of Henrik's files there. The save zip and the event's document.
Now, which file am I supposed to replace with the new event's file? The one that's created after I run the batch file?
And, can we get a list of how the turns run? IE Henrik plays first, FMK second, etc. etc..
I think i'm missing something else but I can't remember it at the moment.
October 8, 2001, 17:54
Local Time: 09:06
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you replace the events text that came with the scenerio, but make a backup of the original so you can play normally without dplomacy if you want to.
also, the list of e-mails at the top of this page are in the order of how the turns go so it is jugoslavia's turn now and then it is your turn.
Retired, and it feels so good!
October 8, 2001, 18:00
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actually what you do is just setup the game and then copy henriks file into the directory because this only overrules the events being used by the bat file and this creates a backup anyway
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
October 8, 2001, 22:03
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Ahh, cool. I got it now, I think.
October 9, 2001, 14:47
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woohoo me next after mr warvoid. the might of spannish power will be used to crush its enemies
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
October 9, 2001, 15:10
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Ah so I see that it is my turn. sorry i cannot play it right now but i will have it done by tonight. thanks for the patience everyone.
one question, how do i end my turn without the AI kicking in for the otehr players?
"The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me
"I regret nothing and apologize for less." -My motto
Last edited by jerkwaterbox; October 9, 2001 at 15:24.
October 9, 2001, 15:58
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PBEM techniques...
Originally posted by jerkwaterbox
One question, how do i end my turn without the AI kicking in for the otehr players?
Make sure you have the 'Wait at the end of Turn' thingy checked under the game options (i think). Now, move all your pieces, manage all your production etc. You are now done with your turn. There will be a white, flashing 'Hit Enter to End Turn' text blinking in the lower-right corner of the screen. Now, hit 'Cntrl-N' (it will look like nothing has happened, same blinking text message will be there). You have now cancelled all the movement points for anyof your units that remained fortified through the course of the turn and which remain so at the end of the turn. If you don't do this, the AI will send them out of your cities, and the production of the cities will be changed as well (read: Very Bad!  ). Now go to 'Set Password' (under the file menu) and set a password for you Civ. Now save the game, and viola! Pass the save (which is actually a '.net' file) along!
Your map will be showing and your game will be opened while you are doing this, but you turn has ended. When the next player loads up the game he will chose his Civ, and he will not see any of your information. The adding of the password ensures this.
But note: As I found out the hard way... Remember your password!!! If you loose it, there isn't even a way to hack into the game so as to retrieve your Civ. Unfortunately you'll have to relinquish command of your Civ to the AI after that.
Hope that clears it up...
-Vasily Kleshnikov
Marshal of the Soviet Union
October 9, 2001, 20:01
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 135
i can't save as a .net! what is the deal?
"The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me
"I regret nothing and apologize for less." -My motto
October 9, 2001, 22:07
Local Time: 14:06
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Posts: 1,350
Ok, slight problem. Suddenly my extremely old and crappy comp has decided that it don't wanna let me run MGE on it anymore. Keeps giving me general protection faults, CD burnouts and a bunch of other crap. SO....
I'm gonna sneak the CD into work tomorrow and install MGE at my workstation.  No doubt this could get me fired but a game of Civ is worth living in a box in central park.
So, needless to say, if I don't get the saved game back to everyone (once JWB gets done with it) in a couple of days (two or three at most), don't shoot me.
I'm also gonna try and install it on this even crappier laptop and hope it don't lock up....
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