Firstly, Nemo is being a good Civ 3 team player. Can he please have his custom avatar back? At least he is asking politely.
This string proves my point. There are some, a minority in number, who have already judged Civ 3 as being lacking in some quality (mostly AI). No matter how good the game is, these folks will cry foul about what they are already complaining about and say, "I told you so!" after they have played one game. It is akin to Kasparov saying that Deep Blue wasn't good enough. When the critics have played their first game and have not won (on a respectable difficulty level), will they at least admit that they were outgamed by the AI? I'll make a deal here: post the zipped file of a saved game on one of the top 2 difficulty levels on November 2nd that shows you won the game and I will give you the free gratis right to say Firaxis screwed you and will sign your Internet petition to get your money back. Of course, if you truly stood on principle, you wouldn't buy Civ 3 when it comes out because you are certain it will stink.