Ok I played my bro last night who is staying at my apartment this week.Ill try to get him on apolyton for his perspecitve, but since its from my IP (2cpus)...I think it will be a DL

. I jotted down some notes, so maybe I can make a half arsed AAR

(aleast from my perpective)
Saddam: England
David: France
1492- I send traders out and wait for stability to move up. I make an allaince with Spain and Hessen. France makes alliance with Scotland, I am concerned about that. Up to 190 gold a year!!
1493-France DoW's war on Lorraine. Bye mid summer the fight is over. small forts are over ran and Dave has annexed the tiny country. Bye December my stability was up and I prepared to take scotland!
1494- with money in the bank, I DoW Scotland. France then DoW on me and AI Spain on france. As well as numerous other smaller nations. Men move into the highlands and defeat the scottish army. The fort was stormed and i moved in glassgow. France lays siege to calais, and sends troops against spain.
1495- Glassgow falls!! I move into highlands, and strachildea. Scottish army retreats and lays siege to glassgow (8k). France takes Calais. The french fleet blockades English harbors. I move my ships out to engage. But both of the engagments I lost, and many of my ships were lost. But majority of fleet escaped to ports to fight another day. I take a loan...
1496- French troops land in Cornwall and lay siege, unexpected..but the rat basterd will get whats coming to him

2 scottish provinces are taken, Grampians now holds out alone. I move men into it and lay siege. Then decide to storm it. Its done! I annex scotland and there men pledge allegiance to me. I begin sending troops to cornwall to fight off the 23k french army. As well as building lots of troops in Angila.
1497-France takes cornwall right before my men arrive, we destroy the decadent frogs and lay siege to the province. I send my navys out again, again they are repulsed. France controls the English channel-not good. I raise war taxes. I also accept a RM with Denmark.
1498- Cornwall is ours again..I arrange peace treaty with france. i have what I want. As I yell obsenitys on my bro in the other room

. I make peace, but I pay 76 Ducats and Calais-French get a spanish territoy. But Scotland is mine!! I broke for now...I must rebuild my finances. Only 30 days later, France DoW on Helvetia.
1499- I begin promoting baliffs, france annexs Helvetia. I get monopoly in angila and Venice. Stability is what im working on. It is -1 right now. I also expand forts on coastal provinces (wales and lands end)
1500- I get a random explorer + Conquistador and send him to the new world. Tho he made it, 2 ships lost. the Conquistandor embarked on Manhatten and began his short journey north when natives attacked forcing him back. A Colony is set up in manhatten! small, but hey...its a foothold! Another is set up on roanake right after are explorer was sunk bye attrition he found the province. Meanwhile France has also sent explorer ships to the new world. I suspect they have a foothold colony somewhere...(but where??)
1501- Stability is moving up finances rolling. Nothing to report from england. Russia did annex Kazan and then Golden horde the past 3 years of war.
1502- I reorganized my fleets..now there are two- one of 61 warships and the other with 12 warships and 22 transports. Also get a good general and build some cannons. Norfolk now has 26,000 men 2,000 cavalry and 70 cannons

. More traders sent. Russia DOW on Astrakhan. Turkey annexes malemukes. P-L @ war with Crimea
1503- I see my brother is on the move again

. I watch as he DoW on spain again. But I left that alliance long ago! And joined Burgundy, hessen, Thuringin and Saxony. Not much, but its what I need to keep him out of C.Europe. More merchants and traders sent. Colonys at Roanoke and Manhatten grow. Game moving along at 4m-m.
1504- Hehe

My bro is having trouble with the spaniards and portugal allies. bye the middle of 1504 they have taken 2 of his smaller provinces and have lay siege to Roussillion. In October he made peace ceding Rousillion..and 23 ducats. He must have been low on money. He took a large stability drop (bankruptcy) and his capital city was on Red.
1505- I DoW on Eire, bye the end of 3 months the war is over. Eire is annexed. there were no forts except in dublin. which made my job fairly easy. I annexed them for what it was worth. Colonists sent to new world. Our explorer with some reinforcements discovered the Iroquis Indians. i befriend them with a little bit of gold..and exchange maps. I see some things I didnt before. Among them, a french colony in Canada. Meanwhile Russia Annexes Astrakhan and Dowed war on Tuetonic Order last year.
1506- Traders and Merchants sent. I gain monopoly in Flanders and Paris. Apparently Dave did not like it

. He placed embargo.. I did not have tech level to embargo yet

. Anyway China DOW on Dai Vet, Where the hell are those guys

Balliffs go up, Legal counsils go up. Fortresses are expanding.
1507- A freakin rebellion in meath

. I quickly subdue the criminal traitors. France stability is back up to +2. I know he going to declare war soon.....but on who?? He could go to Spain to retake provinces. Or on the leg of italy? Or would he have the balls to attack Burgundy? Or would he annex Brittany, despite there vassalisation? Anyway I am prepared if he attacks me or one of my Germanic allies.
1508- Another general and explorer this year. Both are sent out. The general goes to scotland to form a new army. the explorer is being sent to Greenland and then to Canada. To get a better look at what the french are doing up there! Forts are now level 2 everywhere.
1509- France DoW on Brittany. Why didnt he just Diplo-annex them

. Well we paused at this point for beer and snacks and a ciggarrette. We came back.. Bye October Brittany had been assimilated and annexed. The french pounced on each province with an army. I get better technology. I return the favor and place an embargo on french Merchants in Angila

. He wasnt to happy, but thats beside the point. Meanwhile we continue to explore the new world. Up in Maine and Adirnodacks. tho every settler attempt is killed and failure

. P-L declares war on Russia and Denmark. France joins poland but I doubt france will send anything
1510- Burgundy DoW on france. I join my AI friends. Hessen and Saxony DH pact. Thuringin joins us. I move my larger fleet out of port. They engage and defeat the french fleet of 42 ships. the english channel is FINALLY mine!(for now

). War did not go good. Burgundy was facing 3 armys of almost 250k french men. I had nothing to match that kind of force. I stayed out of the war.. for the most part. Except sinking marauding french ships he would send the long away around scotland pennsiula just to land troops in the netherlands. I enventually discovered the route and disrupted it. He just went aroudn farther were I couldnt see him

. I never did see his fleet again which ran to Dieppe.
We then went to bed

. it was like 11:00 at night..we will continue tonight.
Sadddam, aka Faded Glory,