October 5, 2001, 22:02
Local Time: 07:14
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Tales of RP4
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October 7, 2001, 20:41
Local Time: 14:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Winfield, IL, USA
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Morgan Interstellar
The throngs of people were having a very good time, and Nwabudike Morgan did not begrudge them one minute of their well-earned party. After all, this was an auspicious day - the founding of the second colony on an alien world!
He put his glass down on a nearby table, which was really a Unity crate covered by a worn but clean white cloth. There were a few delicacies on a large handmade ceramic plate, which displayed a fanciful geometric design that hinted of a solar system, with Planet at its center. Morgan smiled a little to himself. This modest plate, quite crude and minimally artistic to his eye, did stand for what his people had achieved in these last few years. They had gone from a few thousand traumatized and shocked humans from all walks of life to a generally cohesive and productive community. Of course, they had turned to him for guidance, and leading these shell-shocked people during those first months after planetfall had been the most challenging job he had ever had. Gone were the sedate and lethal games of corporate politics, and the thoughtless luxuries he had come to expect were now long gone. At the same time, starting this community was much more satisfying than the Byzantine and ephemeral world of high finance. Now hard work and struggles would yield more than a 0.25% increase in the profit margin of a company he did not care about, since these companies were a mere construct - artificial and irrelevant. Such shells were created and destroyed by the thousands each hour back on Earth, and few marked their passing or heralded their birth. Here on Planet humanity was starting over, from scratch. The stakes were so much higher - the survival of the human race, since for all he knew there were no other survivors from the Unity disaster.
It was a new start, and so far the start had far exceeded his expectations. Morgan reached down to the table, picked up a finger cloth, and delicately selected a succulent-looking morsel from the blue platter. The cloth was slowly absorbing the highly acidic juices from the 'fruit', and he could feel the burning start on his thumb and forefinger. He took a moment to savor the aroma, and he inhaled deeply. It was spicy, with the expected sharp, acidic tang. Strangely, it did not smell sweet. There was a smell not unlike an oil of bergamot to it, pungent and pleasant, after you got used to it.
Morgan tasted. The acidic tang was still there, and it almost overwhelmed his senses. Then the flavor blossomed.
Ahhhhh! Delicious!
He put the wet finger cloth on a side plate, and picked up his 'grenade gin'. It was, quite frankly, an atrocious assault on the word 'gin', but it would be inappropriate to denigrate the best attempt to date at recreational alcohol. Morgan knew he would nurse this the whole evening, taking small sips and then sampling the fairly abundant fare to cleanse his palate of the almost revolting taste of the gin.
Across the room the improvised airlock cycled and a quad of people came in bearing another blue platter. It was stacked high with sliced 'fruits', each as strange looking as the morsel he had sampled. Some, in fact, looked downright dangerous. Each member of the quad was wet and they balanced the tray as they removed their rain slicks. They were struggling a little and a few of the party members came over to relieve them of their burden so they could join the party, too.
Evidently it was raining again, he mused. It always seemed to rain here, and there was virulent green foliage all around Morgan Interstellar, which was a stark contrast to the vaguely threatening pinkish fungus that was present elsewhere. Already the residents were calling it their 'jungle'.
Yes, this is a fine world, Morgan mused. Morgan Industries had abundant energy supplies, even if it was poorer in foodstuffs than Interstellar. In a year or two their third base would be founded. Who knows what rich resources were awaiting it? Minerals, maybe? Then their three colonies would be in balance, and mutually supporting. There were limitless opportunities here, and Morgan vowed to make the most of them. There was much that was new on Planet, and hidden threats abounded, but those would be conquered in time. And time would see great cities rise, as they had on Earth, and these cities would put those to shame. Yes, a new beginning.
Morgan moved on, kept nursing his 'gin', and sampled the fare on the new platter. He made polite conversation, working the crowd and making sure to offer discrete and pointed comments and compliments to the members of the colony, and to their leaders. It was a skill he had learned long ago and he always left his people smiling, and nodding in agreement and appreciation. So, Morgan kept smiling and glad-handing, as was expected. He left grins and thoughtful faces behind, and he made mental notes on those who showed promise and those who seemed to be well meaning oafs.
He knew it would be another long night, and in between the polite discussions of sewage treatment, personal problems, and infant breather mask fabrication a reoccurring question kept nagging him: had there been other survivors from Unity? It was a big question, and to date there was no evidence one way or another. But, Planet was an enormous world. Who knows what, or who, it holds?
October 7, 2001, 23:33
Local Time: 09:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: NC, USA
Posts: 777
Some earlier excerpts...just to keep the record all in one place
""Fools." This one thought echoes through General Deimos' mind as he stands upon the upraised tail of the wreckage of the survival pod, surveying the surrounding landscape.
As the second of this planet's suns begins to sink below the horizon, shadows creep up the far wall of the scar that the survival pod left upon the surface of the planet. Lights twinkle in the darkest sections of this trench: lights from the workers looking for any remaining survivors from the crash. Looking for salvageable material, too.
The rising wind snaps at the General's BDUs as he looks to the west, watching the dust plume raised by the Scout Rover company as it races the setting sun. The information they will provide before the sun rises again will help determine where the colony pods will be sent.
Initial reports from the scouts sent east indicate a dry, barren land surrounded by some sort of reddish-pink fungal barrier, that rises over 20 meters in height, in some places. Not a particularly hospitable place to set up a new base of operations.
Again the General's thoughts turn to the last few hours aboard the Unity. "If those fools would have been able put aside their bickering, and come together under a strong leader during that time of crisis, we may have been able to avoid this unmitigated disaster."
Looking down the spine of the wrecked life-pod, General Deimos returns the salute from his XO, Colonel Santiago. "Yes, Colonel?"
"Report from the Rover commander. She reports that they have found the headwaters of a river, and that they can see a body of water off to the west-south-west. The land along the river appears to be quite hospitable."
"Excellent. Assemble your troops. They will accompany me as I inspect this river and assess its potential for settlement."
"Very good, sir. Captain, get the men on their feet. We're moving out."
Hopefully, this news is the vanguard of more good news. And with it, brings the hope that we may survive and prosper on this hard world." - Deimos
"Text for Scribe to enter into 'Letters from a Centauri Missionary'
Volume One: Strangers in a Strange Land
"It is with great tripidation that I embark upon this journey of letters, for though my faith be strong, my confidence in our document security has yet to be tested. Still, one can hardly guess at what threats exist in this unfamiliar garden. Are there sentient beings about? Are they God's creatures? Surely, for I know that at least some other 'Factions' escaped the bloodiness upon the Unity."
"I am eager to excercise the Faithful upon this dusty soil. I have every confidence that our disciplines will hold us together. Even my good Cardinal Samison appeared uneasy this morning, and who could hold him in less than the highest esteem? It appears that God's children are indeed multiple for we have already word that life-forms here on Chiron are unlike any imagined on Earth." " - Avenoct 2101
"Gaia's Landing
Lord Kassiopeia glared through the makeshift viewing windows of the new and fresh headquarters. North of the colony pod landing site there rose a ridge, identified a meteor crater. Green grassland stretched from beneath his feet towards the rocky heights, like eager for seeds of Earth plants. South of the base there was a river, supplying them with invaluable fresh water that was found strangely flavoured, yet non-toxic.
But what was of most interest to the Lord and his sister Deirdre, was the strange orange-pink mesh east of the headquarters. Deirdre, a keen xenobiologist, was on her way there for closer examination, with the Unity rover discovered in a Unity supply pod. Kassiopeia would of assigned her a larger escort, just in case there was some animal life on Chiron - as the planet was called. He was, however, forced to spread his resources thin as there were interesting sightings in the western direction, and another patrol was going down-river to locate the nearest sea.
Kassiopeia was concentrating his thoughts on the beautiful forests the landscape would be filled with, when the anxious sound of his scientific advisor, professor Aristophanes Ferdinandez echoed behind him.
"Yes, Ari?"
"Lord, we have the first results on the atmospheric tests." They had used tight full-body vacuum suits whenever they had left the Pod or the small buildings erected besides them, now a small town called Gaia's Landing - in honor of Mother Earth who was the greatest victim of human progress.
"And?" the Lord replied, not turning his eyes from the window.
"About 80 percent nitrogen, and 15 percent oxygen."
"So there is oxygen?" Kassiopeia said, half-asking.
He and Deirdre had had their arguments about this topic - Deirdre was sure there was oxygen, because green vegetation would not grow in an oxygen-free environment. Kassiopeia, being a well credited biochemist - as well as a physician - back on Earth, had believed on his theory of a thin hydrogen atmosphere.
"Yes. No hydrogen, no more then a fraction of a percent", Ferdinandez added.
So, Chiron could harbor them, and Earth plants. As a matter a fact, forests would grow at almost a normal rate here, and in time increase the oxygen in the air. Terraforming...
"Like on Mars", Kassiopeia muttered. But now there wouldn't be a friendly homeworld just by the corner to return to when things would get bad.
The Lord looked again at the pink barrier, and decided that he would go there also, as soon as Deirdre would return. " - Kassiopeia -2102
It has been one year since landing on this foreign world. Last year was a hectic one, trying to get our first University up so that our up-and-coming scholars could resume their educations. But we have finally gotten back to education, learning, and most importantly, knowledge.
The most thrilling thing about this foreign planet is the bountiful opportunities it is providing us for learning. We have seen a pink carpet made of who-knows-what. Our top biologists are thrilled to be studying them, hopefully the carpet will give us a more acute understanding of how to work with this planet to grow our Universities.
Further, we have spotted the most unusual of "lifeforms." These things do not seem alive at first, but rather a ball of tendrils rolling in the wind. But they are very much alive, as one of our cartography teams was quick to acknowledge. It seems that they imploy some type of psychic defense system, as our patrol team reported eerie images in their minds. Thankfully, they were able to defeat these things. Our scientists will be very interested in studying the carcass soon, and I hope they are fruitful in their discoveries.
Lastly, I must wish good tidings on my fellow leaders. Well, all but that annoying, ignorant cultist whose name has all but been henceforth banned from resonating the halls of any university halls. May they share a prosperous future on this planet with me, and engage in the most healthy of causes: research." - CEO Levelisk 2101
"Medic! Medic!"
"First squad! Fall back!"
"Second squad! Covering fire!"
"God, I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"
- Radio transcript ,1st Spartan-Native life engagement " - Deimos
October 7, 2001, 23:50
Local Time: 09:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: NC, USA
Posts: 777
Text for Scribe to enter into 'Letters of a Centauri Missionary'
Volume One: Chapter Two
Surely God is with the faithful on this hostile untamed planet called 'Chiron'; How else could we have survived that opening of the gates of hell known colloquially as a 'Worm Attack'? These worms almost seem determined to target our weaknesses, striking at night, at the helpless, at those fool enough to wander alone through the patchwork red hills. It's the red of hell I tell you...as though the unnamed one succorred these 'worms' just to torment and prostrate our efforts to bring God's works to this desolate place.
Nonetheless, I am pleased to record that we have trebled our numbers despite our trembling in the effort. But numbers alone will not save us, nor will work or faith alone. We shall need to develop an understanding with the very soil, or perhaps a truce, for our people will soon starve. I have determined to form a comittee of 'Negotiators' to formulate new methods for dealing with this accurrsed place. They tell me it will take them seven years to even begin their 'research', which is just as well. We need these years to sharpen our swords and beat back the fungal forest.
October 12, 2001, 17:31
Local Time: 14:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 174
Researcher's Log: Provost Levelisk:
These first years have been rough. The masses of tendrils that resort to psychic warfare have been kept in check, mainly by a light patrol of our troops. But who knows how long that will last?
What is more interesting is that one of our patrols showed us yet another sign of life: some wierd looking artifact, obviously the result of an ancient and intelligent lifeform, likely the same one who left these monoliths. I have ordered it to be sent to the nearest Network Node at . Hopefully my scientists will be able to decypher the information held within. Maybe it will explain to us something of these tendril masses, or maybe hold the reason that the ancient civilization is now gone. Whatever it is, it will more that likely help increase the knowledge our libraries hold, as they are unbearably empty now. It is a moment I look forward to with great anticipation.
October 12, 2001, 22:32
Local Time: 14:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Winfield, IL, USA
Posts: 2,533
Morgan Industries
Morgan Interstellar Base Manager Cecil Newman,
I am delighted that the river located near Morgan Interstellar was appropriately harnessed, increasing energy reserves at Intersteller by 50%. If only we can keep up such growth in resources, since resources are the source of growth and prosperity! The nutrients from the virulent jungle, and raw materials will allow you to outstrip Morgan Industries in short order. Not that I am jealous - not at all. I wish you the best of luck!
Progress toward our third base site is not nearly as fast I would have hoped since the valiant crews were agonizingly slowed by that curse of this planet, the xenofungus. And the terrain of the new base site is not even half as favorable as that of Intersteller. The limitations of the native terrain will, however, prove to be but a temporary setback. If our researchers are correct next year we should have the ability to reshape the land to our liking, since it would not do to let this primitive and unimproved land be without the guiding hand of Man. We will not allow the constraints of nature to hold back progress!
I look forward to your next report, and especially more good news.
October 16, 2001, 22:30
Local Time: 14:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Winfield, IL, USA
Posts: 2,533
Morgan Industries
No one could accuse the good CEO of being unobservant, and he immediately grasped the import of what he was being told.
"I think I understand. So these devices will allow us to modify the land around us so we can build such things as build large-scale automated farms, solar collectors, and forests? Well," Nwabudike said as he leaned back in his now somewhat worn Unity chair, "I must say I am pleased. This is a splendid advance. We will be able to better harvest and use the resources of the lands around us! Growth! Yes! Well done!"
CEO Morgan positively beamed. The trio of scientists and engineers that had come to announce this breakthrough, in person, had long since been caught up in their own enthusiasm, and now they basked in Nwabudike's, too.
"Not only will I authorize our three colonies to switch production to these new terraformers, as you call them, I will authorize the vehicles and manufacturing plants to be rushed to completion this very year! It will deplete our energy reserves somewhat, but two new terraformers will be able to work wonders!"
The CEO stood up, pushing the form-shaped metal chair backward. He walked to the 'window', which was little more than a reworked clear-poly resin that was semi-transparent. His leg brushed against the side of his 'desk', and he looked down to brush away the all-invasive dust that made it through even the best airlocks from his navy blue pant leg.
He stood silent for a moment, absorbing what he could see from his fourth story tower window. In his mind's eye he could already see a forest rising where that strange pod of plant life blossomed from the flat and otherwise bleak desert, and he could see it would yield a rich harvest of all resources where now there was only food . Over to the east he could envision a farm gracing the moist, rolling land that harbored the strange energy source they were harnessing for energy, but minimal nutrients and minerals. Even their newest city, Morgan Transport, would be useful now, even though it held an unpromising stretch of land at the end of the peninsula to the south of Morgan Industries.
"The land will be changed as we see fit," he said softly, almost to himself. He breathed it out as if it was a benediction, as if he was invoking a higher power.
Abruptly he realized he had committed a gaffe, and he turned back to his guests - his research leaders. Ignoring them when they had given him such a comely gift? How rude! "And what marvels to you have planned next?"
Sahim looked to each side, and nodded to his colleagues, and then returned the CEO's winning smile. "Great marvels, indeed, is what we promise. Soon our growth will be such that our peoples will need entertainment, and diversion - a well-earned reward for their hard work. We plan to organize the infrastructure of the colonies that will be needed to help our citizens enjoy themselves, increasing their productivity and contentment! It will have a modest material cost, and minimal maintenance, but the benefits will be enormous!"
Nwabudike kept his smile glowing, even if he was somewhat disappointed. Entertainment? he thought, when there is so much to be done? Still, the concept does have merit.
"I fully approve," he said as he shook each of their hands in turn. "You have all earned my gratitude, and the gratitude of what may be the last of humanity. Congratulations!"
With that the CEO expertly, and discretely, changed his body language to suggest this meeting was over. Without consciously realizing it the team started to leave, and Morgan guided them with a skillful touch or graceful movement toward the door, all the while entreating the group to stay for a drink of fungal gin (which he detested).
Each begged pardon, and excused themselves. Morgan gave each a hearty slap on the back, and another round of congratulations. In the end he was sure his message to them had been loud and clear: success will be rewarded, and amply. The larger the pie, the larger the fruits for the innovative and successful.
Nwabudike was sure that this accomplishment would promise a much larger pie, and he could hardly wait to taste it. Indeed, he could taste it already, and it tasted so sweet.
November 14, 2001, 20:24
Local Time: 14:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Winfield, IL, USA
Posts: 2,533
November 30, 2001, 19:56
Local Time: 09:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
Posts: 2,108
News* sources report that President Brendan Hurd III "disappeared" while swimming in the ocean off his palatial estate in Hurdonia. As of this date it has not been confirmed as to whether or not Father Smack, reportedly* the President's drinking buddy was also a member of the swimming "party"; the Believers' Head-of-Faction has not been seen since the day of the tragedy. "Witnesses" reportedly* described a "huge floating mass", said to be composed of "smaller writhing, squirming creatures - not unlike eels or worms" and said that it enveloped the President, smothering his petulant cries of "You can't do this to Me!" and "Don't you know Who I am!". Hi! officials were quoted as saying "The President died with the same profound dignity as he lived". Other sources* indicated that the episode at the beach was only the final act of a drama which began at a contentious meeting at which the Hi! officials announced that they were fed up with the corruption and the opulent and degenerate lifestyle of the former President.
Spokespersons for the new Head-of-Faction, Hi! Commissioner J.D. "Johnny" Muller said that the Commish had offered his condolences to the widows and orphans of Mr. Hurd and promised a new administration committed to Education and the Environment, respectful of all Religious beliefs, strong proponents of Collectivized Independent Businesses and ever mindful of Factional Defense and the Peoples Right to Bare(sic) Arms. The Hi! Commissioner also declared a day of Factional Celebration to commemorate the President's passing. The Commish was variously quoted* as saying "This's the way Old Bubbly would have wanted it", also "Back where ah(sic) comes(sic) frum(sic), we ulways(sic) dunces(sic) at funnerals(sic), why'dja(sic) think we calls(sic) them 'funnerals'" and/or "Now we're gonna put the 'Party' back into 'Party'".
* Note: For subscription information on The Party Organ, please contact CEO Hydro of Morgan Industries - Div: Morgan Multimedia - Dept: Morgan Publishing - Sector: Morgan Periodicals - Publication: The Party Organ
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