if you don't ask how can you learn?
to set up an internet game one person needs to host (preferably the one with the fastest and most stable connection). the host sets up by selecting: multiplayer game --> internet game --> type of game (pre-made map, custimized world, scenario, etc.) --> settings (world size, number of civs, barb level, etc) --> select net name --> game name --> verify ip address --> wait til everyone joins in --> start game
to join: multiplayer game --> internet game --> join multiplayer game --> select net name --> enter ip address --> wait til host starts
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.