is that possible in civ3 ?
cos if it was possible, you could make map, where there is only water, and a few one-tile islands, and then if you make all the water tiles black, and all the land tiles black with a filled circle in the middle (like a planet), you would have space map
And if you can have more than one resource per tile, there would be planets with multiple resources.
And there would only be sea units offcourse, and they would all have to made.
All the tech would have to be changed also, to make it more futuristic, you are in space after all

Improvements would also have to be changed, don't think city walls will help against an invasion from space

And now the city images what you see on the map, they would, again, have to be changed.
The tile improvements would also change to something space-like
The city screen, that can stay the same ( mainly because i don't think that can be editted

I could offcourse just go buy a space game
on a somewhat related note : when will the mod section open
