Thanks for all(Hendrik The great and gothmod), the problem was probably psp3 I just borrowed psp5 and did everything again, keep saving and testing if it works all the time, and it works now. I do not know surely know what was the problem, but like I said, it was prob. psp3. I am beta testing my patch version 0.9 with my 3 friends, any more volunteers ?

(volunteers need fw278)
What do you think about changing units a/d and H/F points growing "quicker" when recearched new tech., making it more realistic, or keeping old style? I know that changind a/d growing progressive is a easy way to unbalance the game, that is why i "test" my patch so much with my friends.
Anyway is anyone interest about new patch? And I ask(again) if keeping "the old Civ2 style" is better trying make it more realistic ? I have downloaded and tested all those Betterciv Reality etc patchs, I Do not think that they are very well made, most of graphics are ugly and unbalanced, and new units are weird.
And should I made new topic for this subject?
If you think you would like to try a nice patch(not like fasict or other weird and sick ones, sorry for authors...) It would be a big help for me to have more volunteers to test my patch( I have played about 50h and made patch for 20...)