Carolus you invited me to rant about my frustrations to come ,
well here they are(the first)
-an OMNISCIENT AI(it's leading units to cities that are so newly founded I'm not even aware I founded them

-an AI who only knows agression toward me(even if it's the first beeing I meet!!!!)=>first contact goes like this
*AI: Hey you *%$=+µ*$+%ù$*$ù%%(you can fill this in yourself),you will give me this tech and that tech and while you're on it give me all your cash.or I will destroy you.

thinks hell no why should I)Consequences ....
-Diplomatic bureaucratie of the AI
(with this I mean,AI X has an alliance with a,b,c,d,e...,but my intellegence only talks about an alliance with a and c,and when I ask the AI(X) to declare war at a,b,c,d or e the response is :I never met them,I don't have contact with them.

Shade(I have the feeling more will come)