Question about city radius
I have a question about the city radius that I am hoping that one of you can help me with. If this has been answered before, perhaps you can point me to the correct thread. I did a search and did not see what I was looking for.
Anyway, my question is this: During the game I am playing, when I capture an enemy city (that has a radius that conflicts with one of mine) and then disband it, the radius of my city never resizes to accomidate the newly captured land. I am not sure I am stating this right, but hopefully one of you can tell me if there is a way around this or if it is another great "feature" from Activision.
As a programmer myself, I must say that I am somewhat disapointed in Activision for releasing a game with so many flaws. If I was to do that to one of my clients, they wouldn't remain a client for long. Cheers to Apolyton and the ModMakers for doing a good job at fixing some of the worst bugs. I will continue to play this game, perhaps even after the release of CIV3.