October 24, 2001, 11:29
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Originally posted by LoD
Lepperson, Mankind, take it easy. Locuts said a while ago that one can vote in any language in this poll.
ofcourse! [it was a joke!]
October 24, 2001, 12:00
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I'd argue about the good taste of the "joke"...
October 24, 2001, 12:32
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[i don't know how this happened but i clicked "edit" and that posted one more post  anyways sorry  ]
Last edited by Mankind; October 25, 2001 at 05:48.
October 24, 2001, 13:39
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Locutus - my private message I sent you explains this further.
October 24, 2001, 14:42
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by Locutus
Well, your vote I couldn't accept unless someone would translate it to English for me (yes, I know it's not an actual vote), 'cause you apparently use a different alphabet. I have no idea how to translate something like 'W 33osi' or '_#ydzi' to something sensible
Just change code on east(middle?)-european one to see it correctly 
OK, do not do it. It was a joke. I've already voted before. I hope it is valid.
by alf
Niemcy is Germany in polish, I think so...
There are a traslator on line spanish-> english, i don't see polish-> english.
The spanish is spoken for 350.000.000, the polish for the tenth part.
In this year have visited Spain 25.000.000 of foreigh.
Perhaps, someday, you visit this wonderful country... will be good that you know some words like, comer, chorizo, jamón, paella, disfrutar, playa, mar, sol, tranquilidad, monumentos, mujer, baile, descanso, siesta, felicidad, vino, cerveza, calimocho, borracho, barato, AMABLE, EDUCADO, TRANSIGENTE, CONSIDERADO, DISPUESTO, ABIERTO.
The lasts words, in capital letters, define the spaniard, mean that when you need anything, information, etc, in Spain, some spaniard help you, though don't speak english, or polish, like me...btw, if you visit Spain, call me, i will help, je,je,je
Espero que te hayas enterado, aunque mi inglés es malísimo.
Otra cosita, tu alias te viene pintiparado,... serás de Lepe?, ja,ja,ja
Yes, Germans you're right... 
About 50m or even more speaks Polish all over the world.
Indeed, substantial less than Spanish. So is it a matter?
BTW: you can write in English quite well... Probably better than mine 
BTW2: I've already been in Spain. For a day, unfortunately, however beautiful indeed...
BTW3: it was only a joke, man!
October 24, 2001, 20:44
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well the Fatty's are obviously a joke race too. They have only 1 point!
October 25, 2001, 01:07
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Originally posted by Leppersson
I been in Spain. For a day, unfortunately, however beautiful indeed...
BTW3: it was only a joke, man!
In Spain somebody tell you, "speak only in spanish"?
A joke? bueno, no lo parecía.
El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz
October 25, 2001, 03:33
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Spanish PLAYAS
No war or battle sound was heard the world around...
Last edited by pithorr; October 25, 2001 at 05:33.
October 25, 2001, 05:41
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I'd argue about the good taste of the "joke"...
 Yes you're right..... it's not in the best taste... especialy last type "civ" of leppersson and my aren't in such a good taste too.....but...... .
btw>maybe visit the new chattie [if you haven't]
Last edited by Mankind; October 25, 2001 at 05:54.
October 26, 2001, 09:34
Local Time: 14:25
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Spain 20 points
Arabs 20 points
Turk 20 points
Incas 20 points
Portugal 20 points
Australia 20 points
Bizantium 20 points
Argentina 20
October 26, 2001, 12:01
Local Time: 16:25
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Spain 20 points
Turks 20 points
Maya 20 points
Arabs 20 points
Portuguese 20 points
Phoenicians 15 points
Celts 15 points
Dutch 15 points
¡¡¡fuera Bush!!! ¡¡¡fuera Chávez!!!
Israel = apartheid
"Cuando ha adoptado una decisión, el entendimiento humano se apoya en todo lo demás para corroborarlo. Y por grande que sea el número y el peso de casos que caen del otro lado, los pasa por alto o desprecia, o mediante alguna distinción los margina o rechaza, a fin de que la autoridad de su primitiva conclusión permanezca incólume". F.Bacon
October 26, 2001, 20:11
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Catalans -20
Crown of Aragon +20
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October 27, 2001, 03:01
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Originally posted by GP
well the Fatty's are obviously a joke race too. They have only 1 point!
HEY! I voted for the fatties too! So they should now have 2 points!
October 27, 2001, 07:00
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Polish is spoken by more than 100 million ppl.... these are the estimates on how many Poles are there in the world [so I don't count ppl who r not Polish, but speak Polish]
October 27, 2001, 16:18
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I know my post is from a while ago, but
-10 Byzantines
+10 Korea
October 27, 2001, 16:20
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Just pointing out, but you might want to link Yin's thread about Korea where you have links of expansion pack civs explained
October 29, 2001, 01:53
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Why is it every Civ de jour who puts up a thread seems to get all sorts of instint converts even if there really isn't a case? This is so depressing I might just go back to drumming up votes for Scotland. At least they have a semi-reasonable case for inclusion... unlike most of the other "why XXXX should be included" civs.
October 29, 2001, 12:40
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Ok, XarXo, you're a bit exagerated to me, but I agree your ideas, so...
Catalans -20
Spanish -20
Crown of Aragon +20
Castilla +20
Now, please, use the thread to post info about Aragon, not only for useless discussions.
La nacionalitat és una cosa, la cultura una altra, però desvinclar-les és ignorància.
October 30, 2001, 11:42
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My votes...if can give. (Modified)
I've been trying to follow the threads on this topic, but with their length, it has been hard and gave up. Jumping to the end, I would like to give a couple civs. My choices are based on being a history teacher, an American, speaker of 4 languages (and dabbler in ~ 5 others)....strange for an American, I know!
Here they are:
Poland +20 (Central Political Figure In East/Central Europe 900- [w/ leader Kazimierz III Wielki] 1795)
Spain +10 (Political Force/Colonist 1490-1800's)
Arab +20 (Major Political/Cultural Force)
[w/ leader Mohammed (faceless of course)]
Magyar/Hungary +10
S.E. Asian (Khmer/Thai/Etc.) +10
Kush (region of current day Sudan--offsets power of Egypt) +10
My humble additions...hopefully I didn't miss something important in the "overlooked" posts. (Modified to meet rules of thread)
Kazimierz - Minnesota, USA
Last edited by Kazimierz; October 30, 2001 at 13:18.
October 30, 2001, 12:13
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I'm afraid I can't count your post like that. As described in the rules (second post of the thread), you must vote for at least 6 civs and give at least 80 points (and at most 16/160). If you change it I will count it of course...
I considered linking to the Korean thread but a large portion of that thread is fairly irrelevant discussion and the whole things doesn't exactly have the compactness and overview of the other threads. If noone else beats me to it I'll make a summary of all the info in that thread (and possibly other sources) and post it in a new thread (together with the Poles, for whom the same applies).
I will try to update soon again but with Civ3 being released and me having an awful lot of duties for both school and CtP2 modding (contrary to Firaxis I *do* keep my promises, no matter how inconvenient they can be), it might take a few days...
October 30, 2001, 17:25
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Hello all, these are my votes:
Spanish 20
Mongols 20
Arab 20
Inca 20
Vikings 20
Turks/Ottomans 20
October 30, 2001, 18:09
Local Time: 06:25
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Point Adjustments
Point Adjustments (after reading various additional points & counterpoints on these civs as well as giving additional thought to balance on this):
Turks/Ottoman + 4
Inca +4
Dutch + 2
Poles/Polish +1
Byzantine -6
Huns -6
Difference = -1
New List
Mongols = 20
Spanish = 20
Vikings = 20
Arabs = 15
Australians = 11
Brazilians = 11
Inca = 11
Turks/Ottoman = 11
Dutch = 7
Phoenicians/Carthaginians = 7
Poles/Polish = 7
Czech = 6
Hungarians = 6
Swedes = 6
New Total = 158 (was 159)
October 30, 2001, 18:22
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The list needs to be amended as the Mayans are in Civ III - look at the barbarian cities list in the editor
October 31, 2001, 14:13
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Are you saying Mayans are in Civ3 as a barbarians?????
If so, I can't doubt the guys in firaxis are completely crazy.
"Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
"España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
The Spanish Civilization Site
"Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico
October 31, 2001, 21:05
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Go Polynesia!
C'mon people, Vote Polynesia! One more vote (maybe two after Locutus updates) and they make the top 16!
By the way, I assume we're making Polynesia represent a general Pacific civ, including Hawaii, Micronesia, New Caledonia, New Zealand etc. (well maybe not NZ). If so, may I suggest we move the New Zealander votes to the Polynesian category? This is especially true given that, if the screenshots are accurate, there isn't a New Zealand on the Civ 3 world map.
Fun Pacific Fact of the Day:
The island country of Nauru is the smallest republic in the world. It is also the only country which does not have an official Capital City.
Also, did you know that scientists believe the Australian Aborigines invented seafaring centuries, maybe even millennia (I don't remember) before ANY other civilization, got to the Australian continent, then promptly forgot how to navigate the ocean?
PLEASE don't smack me!
-Niffiwan, Spathi Regent
October 31, 2001, 22:50
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I just wanted to say a little something about Huns, which many persons have put in their choice.
I saw somewhere (Encarta?) that in fact they would be a last part of the Mongol civilisation.
October 31, 2001, 23:27
Local Time: 14:25
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i don't really think it would make sence to have the hebrews as a civ (despite the fact that i'm jewish). its just that they never really had much of an empire. it was just that tiny strip of land about the size of connecticut. but, i think that there should be some jewish influence in the world.even though it's like .002% of the world, can u name one person who hasn't had bagles and locks (smoked salmon for all you non-new yorkers)? the arabs though, would make for a good civ
November 1, 2001, 08:37
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My second update after doing a bit more research:
Austrians -15 (Austria was part of medieval Germany)
Mayans +10
Mali +5
Altered Post
Arabs 20
Spanish 20
Turks 20
Mongols 15
Vikings 15
Incans 10
Dutch 10
Mali 10
Mayans 10
Phoenicians 10
Portugeuse 10
Assyrian 5
Celts 5
November 2, 2001, 03:10
Local Time: 22:25
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a changing
By reading a little of the Britannica Encyclopedia (on computer, I like it :-), I concluded that Goths were in fact more a division of some other cultures and were in fact englobed in Germanic culture, so I needed to change a little my voting. By the way, I'll say about my vote concerning Aborigens that Aborigens seem to me very distinct culturally. They were on Australia and islands around it. I also say that I consider Incas and Mayas of a general same culture than Aztecs. That's why I think they are within Aztecs.
Here are the new score I give and the difference with my old one:
Aborigines 12 (+4)
Khmers 14 (+2)
Polynesians (or the name that would define them) 14 (+4)
Hebrews/Jews 15 (+1)
Arabs 16 (-1)
Spanish 16 (-1)
Mongol 16 (-1)
Goths 0 (-17)
Celts 15
Viking 15 (+3)
Algonquiens 15 (+3) (they are the other (very distinct) cultural type of native Amerindians with Iroquois. I include Inuits and lots of others in Algonquiens)
Phoenicians/Carthage 12 (+3)
November 2, 2001, 03:34
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I wanted to point something that it seems I'm the only to aprove yet (for some unknown reasons, maybe people don't know them?).
There were two distinct general native Americans: Iroquois and Algonquiens (we lurn it in history casses in Canada).
Iroquois are matriarcal, opposit for Algonquiens. Iroquois are at war, opposit for Algonquiens (very pacifists). They are totaly distinct which also conducted to some conflicts between Iroquois and Algonquiens. During France/England colonization wars, they each took a different side.
Inuit/Eskimos/Aleutians, culturally, are in fact a branch of Algonquiens even if they developed differently because of the hard weather. But Algonquiens are from way in the north (like in Quebec), til we call them Inuit, right to the south.
So, any comments? Is there a reason why I'm alone who voted Algonquiens (which seems pretty logical to me) or is it because no one thought to it?
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