"The Persians don't do anything without consulting Stefan Did you
acquire Persian knowledge for Civ2 or just some underlying
obsession (or are they the same?)?"
Well, basically from my personal interest, but I have to do some research when doing Civ2 scenarios
"They freed themselves of Seleucid rule and
expanded to include all of Achaemenids empire up to the Euphrates
river. Besides being defeated by the Roman emperor Trajan, thats
basically all I know of them. "
I don't know about the Scythian stuff. The Parthians who conquered the empire where BTW a smiliar people, the Parnians, who occupied Parthia. Guess they liked"Parthians" better
What source told you the Achaemenids where only up to the Euphrates? They conquered everything of the Middle East. From the Indus to Macedonia, from the Caucasus to Nubia, from the Jaxartes to Libya... The Bible says about Xerxes (it calls him Ahasaveros) that he reigned over 127 lands (not counting Skudra, Macedonia and the Possesions of the Aegean).
The Parthians, I think, used the same weapon constellation which had been succesful in Iran for many centuries. They attacked with their mounted archers. The Iranians where horse tribes. The Persians where experts with Horse, arrow and chariot, which made them nearly invincible in the middle east in the 6th and 5th century BC. THe Greeks had better weapons and tactics, though.
"Where the Sassanids a people or just a
ruling family? "
A Ruling family.
"Stefan, I would really apreciate it if you could draw some units.
Some Parthian horses and infantry and Sassanids Calvary and
infantry. If you wish you can email me at jmegill@wwonline.com"
I will see what I can do. It is difficult to make out anything on some of the Relief artwork the Sassanids left (The Achaemenids made much more beautiful artwork. YOu might want to go to the Louvre website, I'll post the link here later).
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