i posted this under the "creation" forum, but it doesn't seem too active, so i'm posting it here....
so i just went to networknode.org and got some cool-looking factions for SMAX. i unzipped the files and put them in the directory with all the other factions. then i saved alphax.txt somewhere else to make sure i didn't lose the important data. in the game alphax.txt, i typed in the faction names under custom factions, like i'm supposed to. so i open the game, all excited about playing these new factions. everything seemed to go ok... i selected start game, random map, etc., and it was fine until i got to the part where you select your faction. instead of opening that screen, one of the new factions' profiles showed up with the opening quote. confused, i exited, opened alphax again, and deleted the line with that particular faction. i tried opening the game again, and the same thing happened. so i deleted every custom faction from aplhax and tried opening the game. this time the same thing happened, but with dierdre's profile and opening quote.
is there something i'm missing?!?! i finally just used my backup copy of alphax and deleted the one that had the new factions. ggggrrrrrr....
what's going on??? has this ever happened to anybody? i'd appreciate any help, thoughts or ideas anyone might have as to how to make this work.
thank you!