there might be a problem with using med mod if you want agressive games. It's been said before that it's the least agressive of the mods. If you want agressive games try using somethiing else like Craddle. You could also try unit updater, it seems to be working in my game.
I've gotten al the way to 2170 AD with medmod 2 V1 , and the AI's still have some old units like muskeetmen, even though they can build machine gunners and most of them are in the information age.

If they have unit updater they will get their forces updated, but, most of them will probably be disbanded since they don't have enough production, but hopefully pop boom will help them to get more production.
Look at the settings for Apolyton Pack, and Craddle and try to put some of them into medmod.
I edited Peter's unit updater for medmod and lowered upgrade cost to 10% production, but I'm starting to think that's to little. Note some units don't get upgraded like the archer doesn't become a bowman. This is intentional, since you'll need to have two kinds of archers, so the archers can be updated to catapults with geometry.
Go to the unit updater thread to get the MOBs messages and put these in the bottom of MM2_scen_str.txt with the heading
## Unit Updater slc strings ##
Well here's the file: