View Poll Results: Which faction is the object of your hate?
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October 12, 2001, 14:10
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What is your most hated faction?
I know that there was a thread on this a LONG time ago, when I signed up  , but now that we have a 16 option poll in I fell it can be done better...
So who is the most annoying b*tch/SOB/critter on Planet? Vote and post your reasons here.
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October 12, 2001, 15:04
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The only faction that forces you to have seaunits (attacking) especially when it comes to "cleaning up" for conquest. Takes ages to empty millions and millions of seabases
October 12, 2001, 15:43
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spartans. Just not nice people, and they tend to get Doc:flex early and clog the oceans. Pirates of course, do the same, but they seem to be more pleasant about it (and they've got that groth penalty).
October 12, 2001, 16:17
Local Time: 07:35
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Ah, what's wrong with the Spartans? I've generally found them to be about as agreeable as, say, the... hmm. You know, of the erratic civs, the Spartans are the worst.
Miriam and Yang must die, hands down. I voted for Yang, simply because I find his collectivist ideolgoy distasteful in the extreem. Miriam is almost as bad; it was a hard choice.
But the Spartans are probably next in line, if only because Santiago doesn't like my playing style. She's nice enough, up to the point where I get access to Value: Knowledge (or Wealth when playing Morgan). Then she b!tches about my "weapons research program" to no end. Zhakarov like me, of corse.
Of corse, if I *play* the Spartans, diplomatically speaking, I am untouchable. My only enemies are Miriam and Yang. Lal likes my democracy, Zhakarov likes my pursuit of knowledge, and Dirdre and Morgan in the later game like my economic choice, since I tend to alternate between Free Market and Green... and besides that, they're pacificsts, so they just suck it up, for the most part.
To those who understand,
I extend my hand.
To the doubtful I demand,
Take me as I am.
October 12, 2001, 16:25
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I too had a hard selection of Yang and Miriam. And ended up with Miriam.
In short:
- Do not trust.
- Do not turn your back, until she is done for.
- Do not subjugate her - scorch New Jerusalem down to nothingness.
- Do not allow her to grow too big, even if an ally
- Do not allow her to get too cozy with Yang, instead try to get them fighting at each other.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 12, 2001, 16:30
Local Time: 14:35
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how you can hate yang is beyond me...
Miraiam EASILY, especially when she just shows up and demands you give her stuff for no reason
betrayed me TWICE as a subjugated ally
The only faction to ever try to planet bust me
October 12, 2001, 17:27
Local Time: 09:35
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I can't believe I'm the only one who voted for backstabbing Lal so far! He is a colossal PIA. Untrustworthy. One of the few real challenges for governorship. Can amass good research to reach OSF. Is scummy enough to launch a pre-emptive first strike of PB's. Will frequently and inexplicably fight to the last man, despite the noble behavior and intentions of his opponent .
October 12, 2001, 17:38
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Let me be original and vote for the good old b*tch Dee  . Why? She acts all nice and peaceful and then turns seething, even while I run Green, and eventually bribes everyone around me, even my back-stabbing allies, against me. Also, she was the only one to launch, not one, but TWO, PB attacks against me!!! And I thought the Greens were against nuclear research! Oh yeah, and when she said that signing a pact with me me would beletting me continue my unethical experiments just sealed her fate for the rest of my games, I always look out for the green loony and stike with empaths  .
Oh yeah, and Miriam too
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... Pain is an illusion...
October 12, 2001, 18:22
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This was a though decision between Yang and Miriam, but I eventually settled on Miriam. I simply had to many bad experiences with her. She was also the first faction I ever completely destroyed withput showing any mercy. I slaughtered every last one of them. Yang is a bloodthirsty warmongering b*****d too, but at least he doesn't hide it beneath a veil of righteousness. Dee is a backstabbing b****. Every time I'm too powerful she'll betray me. I'm playing a game now where she has teamed up with Yang, fortunaly all the others are either subjugated or allied with me. I'm producing a few PBs right now, so I can surprise them with some fireworks  .
October 12, 2001, 18:49
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I also hate the believers since they annoy you but rarely have any good bases or tech to take.
October 12, 2001, 19:38
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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Of the SMAC factions (and the one I voted for)
Miriam doesn't know any better...
I respect AI Yang because it atleast puts up a fight.
But Santiago is just an annoying right wing lunatic with something against wealth.
Of the SMAX factions:
October 12, 2001, 21:55
Local Time: 11:35
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well i reeeeallly hate the bugs and miriam, but i don't play with them so i don't have to worry. i like yang kinda, as long as he's not in my games. santiago is a PIA but she can easily be taken care of because she doesnt terraform...enough. i think for me it comes down to either fungboy or the drones.
fungboy because he'll be seething even if i run green, always gets the command nexus, and ALWAYS has the largest continent which he fills with his worthless stupid named bases! he is just a general PIA though not as much as miriam.
i hate domai too. not because he is always at war with me or anything, or because he poses a threat to my...anything. but he'll just sit far away in another corner of the earth, (ALWAYS) stay in a treaty the whole game, never declare war on anyone, not give me any of his tech(where he got it beats the hell out of me) and take my SP's. then when i've conquered everyone else into a submissive pacts, he foils my plans for diplo victory. if i do win, then he defies the concil even though i havn't atrocitied (inveted word) him, myself, or anyone else.
i think my vote is for domai
October 12, 2001, 22:56
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Had to cast my vote for Yang. He's always in your face, and the AI plays him well enough to make him a serious threat.
But let's say this - I admire Yang and Miriam for the integrity and cohesiveness they exhibit. Their confessions and their actions are aligned. Airtight packages, both.
Deidre and Lal are terrible hypocrites. Deidre will run plenty of eco-damage and launch a pre-emptive PB strike when those things work to her advantage. And Lal will ignore the charter that he so self-righteously parades around when it's convenient to do so.
October 12, 2001, 23:48
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I voted for Lal. For one thing, his whimpering humanitarianism makes me retch. For another thing, he always turns hostile around the year 2400, no matter if you've been using Democracy forever. At least Yang and Miriam will like you if you use Police State and Fundamentalism respectively.
It was hard not to vote for Miriam because of her inexplicable intransigence and the fact that she was the first and so far the only computer-controlled player to use nuclear weapons against me.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
October 13, 2001, 01:51
Local Time: 06:35
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::stands up, scribbles on brown paper, looks up somberly, holds up paper::
"Lal. He rarly will Pact with me, or trade techs with me, even though he tips his hat to me often, and he also does his very best to steal Governership from me. He also is the most trecherous, and has the lowest moral standards. If I'm not in the running for governership, he's the first one to go so low as to bribe me...
"And when I don't give him what he wants, he says friendship is a two way street. Well, I don't see anything coming my way, so why should I give to him?"
::snuffs out torch::
"Lal, the council has chosen. You have been voted off Alpha Centauri. You must leave immediately. Goodbye."
I wish!
October 13, 2001, 05:49
Local Time: 06:35
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Miriam,hands down. Yang,Miriam and Lal have Pbed me before,so i couldnt choose from that. Yang clogs up the ocean all to hell,but so does lal. Yang however is just downright mean,and i respect that. Miriam vs Lal,they are both self righteous bastards. Lal however rarely ever attacks me. He *****es up one side and down being a total hypocrite but rarely ever attacks. And when subdued,STAYS subdued.
Miriam,thinks its fun to ship load after load after load of impact infantry at me,somehow getting past patrolling warships or the like. She backstabs me any chance she gets,and the religous ranting is tiring even when she is subdued. ANd shes votile,she attacks on site unless you give in to her outrageous demands.
October 13, 2001, 07:07
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It's SUCH a harrrrd choice...
(This thread actually fits quite nicely with the Do You Take SMAC/X Personally thread!)
Eventually I chose Miriam because she pees me off right from the start, although if you read my post in the aforementioned thread I have issues with almost every single faction! Aki is about the only one with whom I have no barney...
However, Miriam beats them all into the ground, especially when you have neutronium-armoured Sentinels and she sends about seventeen rounds of Laser Infantry in to attack them....yawwwwn....roll on fast battle resolution...
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
October 15, 2001, 19:13
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bible thumper's suck!!!
Well......if you must know,
I HATE Miriam  She has pissed me off so many times its unbelievable. Here are some things that happened to me when I first started playing
1. Miriam allies with me, then when my military resources are on a different continent, she invades my territories enmass!
2. She launches a nuke at me, then declare Vendetta. Blows up one of my glorious Hive-holes with two Special Projects in them!
3. Destroyed a fleet of transports (with accompanying foils) with her damn 'airforce' and 'navy'....i thought 5 foils were enough!
4. Took my capitol. She's the only faction that managed to take the Hive from me.
5. The very first time I played SMAC and met her for the VERY first time, she tells me to give her tech...I say no, then she invades me and takes over two bases?
6. Invaded my continent enmass (again) and it took me a LONG time to get her off.
7. She had 2 other factions turn on me. Never had that happen before.
8. Lastly, I subjigated her taking around 10 of her bases. 20 years later she turns on me and takes over half of them back!
So....that's why I hate the Bible-Thumper Miriam.
Chairman Yang Forever!!!!Woooooooo!!!!
October 15, 2001, 22:17
Local Time: 10:35
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Is anyone surprised by the poll results?
October 16, 2001, 13:18
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Although I picked the Hive, the Believers were my next choice. The only distinction is that the Believers have always proven so much easier to defeat militarily, and you don't have to put up with all those colony pods invading or reducing your space! The Alien Crossfire factions are too new (to me) on this one, although that little tree hugging Planet Cult twerp is moving up the scale.
October 16, 2001, 15:23
Local Time: 11:35
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Originally posted by Anunikoba
Is anyone surprised by the poll results?
no. except that sombody else voted for domai. who are you? show yourself!
October 16, 2001, 18:13
Local Time: 17:35
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NOBODY voted for Cha Dawn of Aki Zeta-Five. And they can be annoying - Cha Dawn is a green fundie  and Aki gets so overlong in tech that it gives me the creeps.
Though, I did vote for Miriam...
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October 16, 2001, 18:33
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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And no-one voted for Roze, and I'm sure I've seen anti-Roze rants at time...
Also interestingly no-one voted for the Aliens, is this because it is implied that you hate the aliens?
The reasons for hating a faction are varied... from "they beat me up" to "they are boring"
October 16, 2001, 18:53
Local Time: 17:35
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Come to think of it, every faction can be hated. If it wouldn't be so, it would be a dull game, and we would not be here discussing it.
But here people have voted, which faction they despise, which faction makes their blood boil by just showing up on the neighbouring island and landing troops on your land mass making ludicrous demands.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 16, 2001, 20:20
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The eternal "pick one" mentality. Somehow our society works that way. Everthing and everyone has to be topped. There is always someone most anything. Why is that?
Why not just keep things equal and fair. Almost too OT now. Better I stop.
October 16, 2001, 20:31
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Believers... man do I hate organized religion
October 16, 2001, 21:53
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I don't actually "hate" any faction. I would just rank the opponents in terms of difficulty in beating them.
The best opponent is LAL. The second best is Dr. Z.
October 17, 2001, 10:55
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i was original!
i voted for cha dawn of the cult. how does he bother me? let me count the ways:
- there's NO pleasing him, ever. at least yang and miriam get happy if you pick their SE choices.
- he'll never be your friend. he's always seething.
- cha dawn is a wuss and doesn't realize it. i hate it when AI factions declare war on you when there's no way they could ever possibly win.
- his picture is scary and freaky.
- he's always at war with everybody. so you get dragged into wars too.
- i hate the color pink.
- you're screwed unless you pick fundy and green.
- he never has any good techs.
- cults frighten me. do they all have to drink the poisoned fungal wine?
other than that, i just find the cult highly disturbing and annoying.
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
October 18, 2001, 04:10
Local Time: 14:35
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I've hated them all at different times!
Yang for being the only one to PB me (and a base with lots of SP's in it as well!)
Roze for not knowing the meaning of "submissive" and continually probing me.
Sven for building sea bases which overlap my coastal bases.
Aki for refusing to submit and continually escaping in colony pods.
Lal for back-stabbing (Peacekeeping? Hah!)
and so on.
Most of them never really make my blood boil though.
October 21, 2001, 10:57
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the pirates have very few votes. I understand the miriam-yang hating syndrome (I voted Miriam  ) but the pirates tend to be very, very annoying. Even if the world has a 50% or less ocean coverage, hes is an annoying little $%&/!"$·  and when its 70-90%..well, he has a REALLY big advantage...try playing versus the AI in a 70 90% ocean coverage game at tracend dificulty and he'll beat the hell out of you. As an allie, he's treacherous and cunning, and does not let your units get near him..I wonder, if at the beggining, when smax was a proyect, the pirates did not have the -1 efficiency and growth..they where monsters!.
What if an alien faction took the "water faction"
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