Hi Martin
Havent been able to handle this zip fil thing

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Some additional things i found out:
You can do a farmer trick
When you start your city the best place is wood.
Why ?
Put as many farmers as possible as specialists and let your city grow to 3.
Then remove all and untill you built your settler (repeat this as long as there is need for)
I build normally 2 war and a settler and send them together to built a new city and repeat this untill i got enough city or no space is left ( often the computer players limit your ability to built more then 8 to 10 because of their growth)
In the woods you get a very high farmer bonus and there is no problem to let your cities grow that way.
Also tried the trick when i was surounded by strong computer players to get my cities to 19.
Yes your science and production is very low in this time but it works in the end.
I got em sciencewise shortly after reaching industrialisation.
(Normally i dont using all the slics from Martin and Player1)
I disabled the choice for destroying cities cause the PW you get is to huge (Gold doesnt matter as it has not a lot of impact on the game)
After getting 10 cities to 19 i started to built an army once i researched cannons cavalary and infantry. Four stacks of mixed 12er units with the production still running allowed me to conquer cities very fast.
The AI doesnt attack a stack of 12 normally that is an AI problem so they have no chance on a concentrated attack.
(is there a chance the AI will do so when the AI has enough troops to wear down stacks of 12 of the human player ? it gets to easy this way)
So all in all even if the AI has a huge army and you are on the same science level as the AI you will win for sure.
(Move a stack of 12 composed of at least 6 ranged attack units and bombard once or twice then charge, with railroad or roads and ranged units with more then one point of movent you can even bombard bevore the AI can )
The babarian problem isnt that huge because of the many settlers.
Normally the AI will have access to better goverments soon enough.
Only problem is when the AI is splitted.
That means if they have cities outside of the AIs normal boarders.
Then the distance is to big for em.
Well i think thats all for now.
To make the AI harder maybe remove the happieness function for the AI at all.
So they wont suffer from unhappieness if they dont have the happieness buildings, roads to distant cities and the like.
Just my thoughts
Hope you can find some nice things out to make the game even more interesting.
One more thing.
Is there a possibility to make the game interesting in the late stages of the game without getting to tough at the beginning ?