Originally posted by cort
i have discovered the gunpowder but I have no saltpeter..
i cannot trade cause no one knows about it. I know there is saltpeter around the world but its in the mainland of one of my foes.. cannot invade there cause im a science oriented civ, not spending much on military..
so, how shall i take advantage of guns? just continue to research.. discover metallurgy (cannons).. still no saltpeter?!
ps. not complaining actually.. the fun is to overcome these kind of situations..
How? Because while you're out looking for the saltpeter, either by conquering other people or by expanding your civilization peacefully, no one else even knows it's there.
Example: Your civ has just discovered gunpowder. Too bad the saltpeter it is right outside the borders of an enemy civ (I don't think you could find resources inside an enemies borders unless you're
there (in which case you've already got an advantage

)). So anyway, you start building roads to it before the enemy civ, even though it's closer to them, even knows it's there. They finally discover gunpowder and start building roads there, but they're too late, you've already got access to the saltpeter with a colony and are guarding it with a wonderful new Musketman.
And if it is inside your enemy borders then that's the challenge of the game. Which as you said if the fun part!