well, after running in a 4th of July 5k race and then watching the fireworks that night, I started to wonder how the USA would have come about in a Civ II game

So, how does this sound?
level unimportant but we need the raging hoards settings, and either fewer than 7 civs, or no restarting eliminated civs with someone being eliminated. We cut to about the time when we are down to 2 years a turn. The British colonies in America are in disorder (not enough luxuries? not enough roads around the cities? too few British garrisons?). The French, seeing a chance to strike a blow to their longtime rivals across the channel decide to send a few diplomats across the ocean and start inciting revolts. This works reasonably well, until a peasant uprising near Paris catches the French off guard (should have founded 1 or 2 more cities near the capital to deal with that spawning point

) When Paris falls, a schism in the French Empire occurs and all the recently revolted colonies split off to form the Americans (US government was essentially overthrown and the constitution instated in 1789, replacing the ariticles of confederation). The Americans then are off and running, buying off much of the rest of the French colonies in the New World (Louisiana Purchase) and our civilized expansionist leaders took it from there.
