View Poll Results: Do you have a monitor with 1024x768 res. or better for civ 3?
187 |
89.05% |
No! - I'll need to upgrade if I want to play civ 3
23 |
10.95% |
October 15, 2001, 22:41
Local Time: 09:44
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Do you have a monitor with 1024x768 res. or better for civ 3?
Just wondering how many people will need to upgrade to meet the 1024x768 res. requirement.
October 15, 2001, 22:48
Local Time: 10:44
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Geez yes!!
October 15, 2001, 23:06
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Do I have a GOOD 17" monitor? Yes, sure I do (but it's on a Mac)!
And I am impatient. I want to get started on the game soonest, NOT when MP is coming out (I won't be playing MP).
So I voted NO.
I am assuming I'll be purchasing a Wintel machine right at about Civ-Day. In which case I will get a 17" monitor with it.
In the last 20 years, this will make the 3rd time that I've spent $1000+ on a bleepin game machine. At least I know where my priorities are.
While I'm at it, I'll probably get CtP2, just to see what it is/was like. Anyone have anything to contribute regarding the Apolyton Pack 1.2? Does it really help out the 'militarily inept' AI??
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
October 15, 2001, 23:08
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bah! who doesn't!
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October 15, 2001, 23:33
Local Time: 10:44
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I am dead serious about this- do not BUY CtP2! I will GIVE you my copy.
If interested, I will mail it to you. I don't want you wasting your money.
October 15, 2001, 23:38
Local Time: 08:44
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I'll PAY YOU to take my CTP copy ...yes, it sucked THAT bad!
October 15, 2001, 23:42
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I forgot just how bad the AI was in CtP, as i have only played CtP by multiplayer PBEM since about the second month i had it. It shows a lot about my faith in Civ3 that i will buy it immediately rather than wait until multiplayer comes out.
Of course, i forgot about the video card being responsible for the resolution  So there's hope for me yet
October 15, 2001, 23:43
Local Time: 08:44
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my gaming machine: 1600x1200 @ 75hz max
my laptop: 1024x768
my old PII 266: 1280x1024 @ 65hz ( <--and i got this monitor for $15!!!)
my still working AMD-486dx: 800x600 @60hz (<-- and i got this monitor was for free!)
EDIT: no more "M"
Last edited by Nemo; October 19, 2001 at 02:22.
October 15, 2001, 23:47
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Of course I do. 10x7 is the minumum man. Higher if the game text isn't too small.
October 16, 2001, 00:08
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I have a Gateway Destination 33'' Tv/Monitor with a 15'' normal monitor daisychained to it for 'close up' stuff.
I don't think I need to worry.
October 16, 2001, 00:11
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October 16, 2001, 00:13
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I'm gettin a whole new system with a 19" monitor. I'm sure it will be able to run at that res.
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October 16, 2001, 00:44
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Heck yes! I've got a good 17 incher.
October 16, 2001, 01:05
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I am dead serious about this- do not BUY CtP2! I will GIVE you my copy.
I'll do better, i'll send you a copy of CtP1, AND CtP2 for FREE, i'll even pay shipping and handleing. i need the extra slot in my cd binder. (yes, they share a slot right now. why not? it's the same crap  )
edit: looks like all the people that were complaining about resolution were in the extremely vocal minority. i havn't heard about a monitor that couldn't support the higher resolutions for YEARS, come on, you (as of now, 3) people SERIOUSLY need to get your act together and upgrade. not for civ's sake alone, but because you're in the freaking stone age.
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October 16, 2001, 01:37
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I really hope that when you start up the game it snaps into 1024 x 768 mode, because my PC can go into that resolution but sometimes cant handel it. What ever happened to the Civ 1 style?
October 16, 2001, 01:49
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Originally posted by Jaybe
While I'm at it, I'll probably get CtP2, just to see what it is/was like. Anyone have anything to contribute regarding the Apolyton Pack 1.2? Does it really help out the 'militarily inept' AI??
Both Medmod 1.1 and Apolyton Pack 1.2 provide different ways of improving CtP2. Personally I think the AI is stronger in Medmod because it defends its cities very well. Take one of the doomsayers up on their offer to give you their copy of the game for free. Immediately load one of the Apolyton mods and you may be pleasantly surprised.
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October 16, 2001, 02:14
Local Time: 09:44
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The box says 1024x768 SVGA monitor, but I never managed to get it work past 800x600 (and it's really dark at that resolution).
At 13", 1024x768 is not a good idea anyways, so I'll have to upgrade. I'll take my sweet time and get a 21" since I'm waiting for multiplayer.
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October 16, 2001, 06:41
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My says: 1024×768 XGA
I'm geting Samsung 959NF end of this month so no worry.
October 16, 2001, 06:58
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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My PC can handle 1024x768... but I may be upgrading my system anyway, my mobo is shat and sound doesn't work properly.
CTP2 MedMod is cool  But it's still built on an incredibly boring game. IOW, even with MedMod it's only fun if your really BORED. And I seriously doubt you'll be able to get THAT bored with Civ3 to play.
(Altough it is good to play CTP2 for a bit just so you can fully appreciate how great Sid games are, my SMAC addiction got redoubled after a short interlude playing CTP2)
Btw, you'd have to be awfully sadistic to want to PAY someone to play CTP2....
(*Blake adds "Tie to chair and force to play CTP2 for hours on end" to his big book of strange and (un)exotic tortures  )
My god, how did I stray so far off topic 
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October 16, 2001, 08:37
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21" and proud of it
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October 16, 2001, 08:47
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15' at work and dell 600Mhz laptop for pissing my girl of at home and making my business trips less boring....
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You are so anti-america that having a conversation with you would be poinless. You may or maynot feel you are an enemy of the United States, I don't care either way. However if I still worked for the Goverment I would turn over your e-mail address to my bosses and what ever happen, happens.
October 16, 2001, 09:38
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Even my old 15" can handle it, I have a 17" and uses a desktop screen resolution 1280x1024, so this wont be a problem for me
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October 16, 2001, 11:23
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This is most painful for me as well. As I see, I'm not the only one wanting 800x600. Wish the requirement would be 1024x768. Why not give it to us...
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October 16, 2001, 13:25
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Well, my 15" monitor is surely capable of 1024x768 but, at least on Windows, it makes for really small fonts (yes, I know I can change that et al., but 800x600 seems more natural to me). So I´m with Solver... there should be an option for 8x6.
But, since that option won´t be available, well, sorry for you, Solver...
(please, please, please, this is just a joke, no offense intended to anybody in the whole world... I don´t want to start another round of insults and flaming  )
October 16, 2001, 13:27
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Lovely 17" glory... flat Trinitron and stuff. I usually work in 1280x960 and it's a beauty. Hey, I was using 1024x768 in 1994!
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October 16, 2001, 13:32
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no upgrade for me, my laptop runs 1024x768
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October 16, 2001, 13:38
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1600 x 1200 enough?
October 16, 2001, 14:06
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Interesting. About 10% currently need to upgrade. And this from the "computer savvy" online civ fanatics. Although, a small portion, how do think this will translate to the general computer game buying public?
Is this the opposite effect as the "MP and modification would be less used by the general public" debate?
October 16, 2001, 14:09
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1024x768 is my normal res, but with an 8mb gfx card I may have problems running DirectX 8.0a. It runs okay on Need for Speed III, so I'm hoping.
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October 16, 2001, 14:19
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19 ", I hope theres a res. with 1280 x 1024
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