I have seen many people around the Forum saying that the release date in the UK will be long after the 30th of this month. I think that Firaxis (Dan) said that the release will be at the same time in the USA and the UK, so will the people (like me ) who have pre-ordered in amazon (UK) getting the game early November?
A simultaneous release in UK/US was confirmed. If Amazon ordered enough copies and you didn't order anything else frm them you should get your game somewhere in the first or second week of november.
Somebody told me I should get a signature.
'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson
'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna