October 18, 2001, 08:07
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Originally posted by korn469
first pic: size 6 city, size 20 foodbox
second pic: size 12 city, size 40 foodbox
I see another difference: Government.
Despotism: size 20 foodbox
Republic: size 40 foodbox
I think we need more screenshots to be sure...
The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.
October 18, 2001, 08:19
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Ok, I went to different screenshot sites and saw some 'usual' foodbox cities, so here is my opinion.
I think those screenshots were made while 'cheating' mode was on:
take a 1 (2) size city, enter cheat, make it a 4 (12) size city, the foodbox is not updated -> snapshot !!
The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.
October 18, 2001, 08:28
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why would anyone do that for a promo shot?
joseph 1944: LaRusso if you can remember past yesterday I never post a responce to one of your statement. I read most of your post with amusement however.
You are so anti-america that having a conversation with you would be poinless. You may or maynot feel you are an enemy of the United States, I don't care either way. However if I still worked for the Goverment I would turn over your e-mail address to my bosses and what ever happen, happens.
October 18, 2001, 08:44
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Someone mentioned the curious absense of any colonies in these screenshots, and questioned whether that might mean that colonies are not actually that useful. We have to remember that these screenshots were generated by someone at GameSpot who got an early copy of the game and is playing it for the purpose of reporting on it. So maybe that person (or persons) was just trying to muddle through things as quickly as possible and didn't bother to build any colonies (or didn't even realize that option existed). We'll never know, but I don't think the absence of colonies in these screenshots should lead us to any conclusions about their usefulness. Personally, I am very intrigued by the strategy of building a colony in a location where you would never think to put a city due to bad terrain, in order to harvest a resource.
As for the food box being only 20 instead of 40, someone mentioned government type as a possible explanation. Here are two other possibilities: they built the Pyramids somewhere, and granaries are now represented by just showing the food box as size 20 instead of size 40 with a line through it halfway. Of course I don't know if the effect of the Pyramids (granary in each city) is the same as it was in Civ2. Another explanation might be that they are playing on the easiest difficulty level, and on this level the growth rules are relaxed. We have confirmed that the game cheats for the player on the lower levels, so maybe this is an example of that.
October 18, 2001, 08:45
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Hmm, one thing about the "just build a granery" thought is that graineries seem to cost TWICE what a settler cost's. If a settler seems to cost 60 shields than a grainery seems to cost 120 shields. Now I know 120 shields might not be that much later in the game but early on it's comparible to building half a wonder (or used to be).
Maybe they tried to limit ICS by causing graineries to be mucho expensive.
I'll admit I am/was confused by the city being size 4 yet not starving with only two food "bundles" being harvested. Maybe each population point only requires 1/2 a "bundle" to use? This would account for the size 4 city not starving, but if so this would be very, very bad.
One hopeful note is this screen shot:
If you look at the listing of the cities food production and compare it to the number of citizens you'll notice the "red" (assuming red is consumed food) number still equals each population point X2. This means that each pop point still does require two food, and you'll also notice that Delhi now has 2 population and is eating 4 food.
Weird, but I guess everyone will have to wait to get the game to see what's going on.
October 18, 2001, 08:48
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Forgot to mention that I definitely agree that the people in Madras should be starving. Clearly only the city square is being worked, so with pop 4 and only 2 food coming in they should be negative 6 food per turn. That doesn't seem to be represented anywhere on this screen, so that is a mystery. Perhaps someone from Firaxis will enlighten us today.
The citizen on the far right has a smiley face under her, so she almost has to be an entertainer. The other three are angry I suspect. Perhaps this is an example of the new conquered city effect, where the citizens don't cooperate. Maybe these people refuse to work, and that's why no city squares are being worked. Hmmm. . .
October 18, 2001, 12:14
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Originally posted by Ozymandous
I'll admit I am/was confused by the city being size 4 yet not starving with only two food "bundles" being harvested. Maybe each population point only requires 1/2 a "bundle" to use? This would account for the size 4 city not starving, but if so this would be very, very bad.
My guess: the 'hostile' population of a lately conquered city not only refuses to work tiles inside the city radius (this is pretty obvious from the screenshot), but also doesn´t require food.
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
October 18, 2001, 12:27
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About the food, entertainer, and food box:
If you check, the city needs only 2 food per turn. (it says zero growth, not shortfall or something) There is one entertainer, (the thing below is a happy face, you will recognise it beside the temple icon on other city views. If the 2 food are feeding the entertainer, and the city would count as a size one city, making the 20 food box the box for a size one city.
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October 18, 2001, 12:55
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good pick up on the government types, so food box size is either dependent on city size, being 20 food until hospitals and being 40 food after that, or food box size is dependent on government, also besides those requirements foodbox size might also be effected by difficulty level...all of which seem quite plausible
though i really do not think that the gamespot pictures were made in cheat mode, because it is either a late beta of the game or more likely a gold copy, and as Dan Magaha stated, civ3 doesn't have a cheat menu
if Pyramids do still act as granary in each city, then it would have done the granary split like in the other shots, because granaries don't cut food in half, it just saves half of your food
Ozymandous, albiedamned, lockstep, HsFB
well as you can see in Ozymandous's screenshot, all citizens should eat two food, even the newly conquered Indian civilians (look at Madras and Deli)...as to why the population isn't starving in that one screen shot in Madras, i'm not sure but they should be
also i don't think that the presence of nationals from another civ would make the city act like it has a lower population
it would be helpful if someone could clear this up though
October 18, 2001, 13:19
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Gentlemen, take another look at this screenshot: It is truly mysterious!
First of all, I see three happy women and an entertainer here. Why are they happy? They are starving to death at this very moment. The food box is empty, and not near enough food is being produced.
Even if they were not starving to death, they shouldn´t be happy with just one entertainer.
Furthermore, where are these people? They are not working the city tiles, nor are they specialists, so what are they actually doing?
I don´t understand this screen at all.
October 18, 2001, 13:24
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Originally posted by korn469
Ozymandous, albiedamned, lockstep, HsFB
well as you can see in Ozymandous's screenshot, all citizens should eat two food, even the newly conquered Indian civilians (look at Madras and Deli)...as to why the population isn't starving in that one screen shot in Madras, i'm not sure but they should be
I wasn´t articulate ... what I wanted to say was that perhaps 'hostile' citizens don´t work tiles and don´t require food while you´re at war with their 'mother' civ. Ozymandous's screenshot seems to be taken later in the game when the Gamespot tester possibly had a peace treaty with the Indians (after capturing Delhi).
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
October 18, 2001, 14:43
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If Firaxis has implemented a model of "captured" citizens refusing to work until they have either acclimated (sp?) to their new rulers or you have poeace with their mother nation, all I can say is...
Hopefully someone with an advance copy of the game could find this out.
October 18, 2001, 15:58
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We're only going to put the ICS issue to rest when we've got a copy of the game to play *hint* *hint*. But I'm getting increasingly pessimistic about the effect of not letting anyone outside the design team play-test the game before release.
By the way, did any one else notice the return of the luxury slider at the top of this screen shot, despite the repeated assurance that it was gone for good?
I wonder how old these shots are given the gag on other previewers making revelations before 22nd October?
"War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce
October 18, 2001, 16:42
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By the way, is this old news, or does Gamespot have more new screenshots today? Check out:
for instance, for another shot to help answer these questions. I'm just starting to look at the shots now, but one interesting thing I just noticed is forested mountains! Nice.
I'm also guessing the info about the "precision strikes" is new.
Given this new Eisenstein shot, there are some things I think we can figure out.
First off, each citizen eats two food per turn. Eisenstein is thus producing 14 food and eating 14 for no gain.
For Madras, that would mean that the three characters with frowny eyes brows aren't smiling, they're yelling. These are very unhappy foreigners who are doing no work in the city. They aren't producing any food, but they also don't appear to be eating any food. Perhaps they're slaves of some kind? This leaves the veiled woman - look at the round yellow thing just below her - from the Eisenstein shot was can see that is a smiley face showing this person is adding one happiness to the city. I'm guessing this person is an entertainer, and the worked tile is the freebie each city automatically gets.
So this town has only 1 worked tile, explaining why a city of 4 is only producing 2 food per turn. It must be newly conquered, which is why it has no improvements or garrison yet despite being a size 4 city.
Eisenstein, meanwhile has 7 pop and 7 worked tiles. However, the guy with the bone through the head looks like he's an entertainer. So we can see only 6 pop are really working, and there's the one free city tile, making up the 7.
Not good news for ICS. We can also see a Granary in action.
Last edited by Harlan; October 18, 2001 at 17:18.
October 18, 2001, 17:34
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Another thing. There are two squares being worked by Eisenstein that appear to be exactly the same - Grassland with a road on it. However, one is giving 2 gold, and one is giving 1 gold. From another screenshot also covering the Eisenstein area, we can see that the tile giving 2 gold has a whitish dot on it. So what I figure is that the extra shield that Grassland sometimes got in Civ2 is gone, but is replaced by an extra gold on occasion. We can see these white dot Grasslands all over the new screenshots.
October 19, 2001, 04:15
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Seems this thread has fallen off. Can any of our more serious ICS analyzers comment? Between the recent Eisenstein and Madres shots, not to mention this shot:
There's enough info out there to make solid number calculations about growth rates.
October 19, 2001, 04:35
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The whole problem with ICS in Civ2, and to an extent in SMAC was that you got a free population point with each newly established cities. I just can't see the controversy anymore with ICS, now that new cities require 2 pop points to found.
What is the issue then? And it can't be that ICS players will be hogging up the land, because corrutption plays a factor in this, and so does war (take that land will ya'? My Samurai may have something to say about that!).
October 19, 2001, 05:24
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Well on that screenshot there is a city size 24, with 2 food extra, and it can grow one pop in 15 turns, box is size 30 to fill with the granary improvement, and citizens consume 50 food per turn. Well from here it seems that it has all 20 tiles used, and the most food on the tile is 4. If you would have a city in grassland with all the tiles producing 4 food that would mean 34 food extra is max at this point. (21*4=84 -50 =34) For a size 20 city that would be 42 food extra
That would leave the old 41 citizens in the city limit as the max, but it seems that one could get there really fast if there is no other constrictions. From 20 to 26 citizens you could come within 5-6 turns with a max food city, plus up to 32 an if I am correct in next 12 turns. That could mean that it is more beneficial to have a big city growing fast than a lot of small cities producing settlers to expand as in Civ 2 ICS. The same migh be true even with medium sized cities, if you have enough tech to buld aquaducts/ hospitals. Once you get near 20 pop you can start to produce settlers as fast as you can, but this will hopefully be late in the game, and that woudl mean that the player who builds a city up to that size first will have significant advantage over the ones who are still coming up at that point even if they have more cities. (many more?)
The extra citizens in such a city should generate a lot more tech/ money as scientists/ tax-men, comparing to smaller cities. So it seems that the ramp up the settlers strategy could be left for late game. (perhaps cities sized 16-17) .
just for reference size 16 city with max food would have 17*4=68 food and 34 would be eaten which leaves 34 food for expansion. a bit too much isn't it. However it is rare to have max food cities at all, and it would depend on the government, tech if you could develop to those city sizes. Once you get trough these obstacles there is no reason not to ramp up the settlers production.
October 19, 2001, 05:38
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We'll start with the maths and go from there. In the shot we see a city sorrunded by irrigation yet it is not irrigated, conclusion cities cannot be irrigated.
So as farmland does not seem to be in it anymore from the tech list screenshots the maximum possible would be for a city on grassland to produce would be 20*4 + 2 = (82) ( 2 less than you got nyaaaa )
Consider then that the screenshot shows that citizens eat 2 lots of food. This means that the absolute maximum size for a city would be 41 which is lower than the maximum in civ2.
Then factor in that you'll probably never get a perfect city location, rioting due to size, limits on size due to buildings like aqueducts and hospitals, and that you'll probably want to sell most of your extra food on the common market that your cities won't be growing that fast at all.
Also notice that the screenshots form the modern era and the city is only 24 size. So this means it's early stages might well not have been as fast as you make out if it's only grown to 24 by whats nearly the end of the game ( despite as we've found out fairly recently, the fact that the earlier game seems to have more turns in it. )
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October 19, 2001, 07:44
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Originally posted by Anunikoba
The whole problem with ICS in Civ2, and to an extent in SMAC was that you got a free population point with each newly established cities. I just can't see the controversy anymore with ICS, now that new cities require 2 pop points to found.
What is the issue then? And it can't be that ICS players will be hogging up the land, because corrutption plays a factor in this, and so does war (take that land will ya'? My Samurai may have something to say about that!).
Despite having to pay 2 pop for a settler (and thus, a new city), you still get the free worker in the city square. the worker eats no food, and does not need to be kept happy. so a 5 size 1 cities still way outproduce a single size 5 city.
BTW, I saw a screenshot of a city with around 25 citizens or so ( I didn't count). the food box was size 60!!
Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST
I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn
October 19, 2001, 07:54
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Oh, and the resources!
The ICSer has advantage also by being able to build cities right on top of needed resources, and just a few roads connect them to the capitol, where they are available to all your cities.
the gone, now ressurected luxury slider was previuosly eliminated (I think) to force people to rely on resources instead. now it's back, and the luxury resources are still there. with only 3 or 4 kinds of luxuries permeating your empire, you can keep the riot factor at bay in small cities with minimal policing. 5 or 6 luxury items circulating, and your people are kept content with size 3 cities, all black faced, no hanging gardens (which comes only with monarchy), and a single soldier.
BTW, Korn, what is the danger of army laundering when units no longer have home cities?
Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST
I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn
October 19, 2001, 10:13
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oops this was an earlier accident
Last edited by OneFootInTheGrave; October 19, 2001 at 10:33.
October 19, 2001, 10:31
Local Time: 14:50
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Yes the food box is size 60, but granary halves it, so you only need 30 food to go one pop up. But that was just an idea that might make you want to grow big cites which will than have higher yields in tech/ econ, rather than smaller cities that will have much smaller yields, and will not have time to catch up. Ie a size 30 city will be able to produce settlers quickly, build pop back quickly and expand. Size 4 city will need much more time to build the same, and it loses 2 pop points. Which I think makes it too early to start ICS. I think size 10 maybe 9 is about right, since than you will be able to switch the workers between food producing and shield producing tiles, in order to optimize for expansion. However it may be that not producing settlers until you grow to size 15-16 is more effective, since you will not have to wait so long for 2 pop to appear back. And than size 20. since you have workers on all fields. And if you need to wait for 10 turns to size 25 you might just wait for that too???
I think that we need to know at which size does the 40 food box turn into 60 (It might be the traditional size 12) . As well as the cost of granary. Settlers cost 60 shields and 2 pop, and cannot build roads, you need a worker for that.
So If you are a civ with pottery, and get a granary at the start.1 settler = 1 town on grassland with 10 grassland 5 plains 3 hills and 2 unusable (mountains/swamp/desert)
1 free tile + 1 worker tile. =4 food (+2), 2 shields, 2 gold
turns--------no of workers------no of shields------------gold
20------------------ 2-----------------------40 ----------------- 40
3 tiles worked= 6food (+2) 3 shields 2 gold
I guess that a granary could be built by now (for 80?), and cut the pop time in a half. (only 20 food now)so the granary would be built on turn 34. and the city would be size 3 on turn 37 with 6 shields and I will ignore gold from now on.
turn 37 size 3; tiles 4; food (+2) shields 4/turn (+6left)
producing settler.
In 10 turns I will get another pop, and now rioting factor could be an issue on higher levels. (already at size 3) but lets assume that there is none for a city size 4.
turn 47 size 4, tiles 5, food +2, shields +5.
turn 50 settler built.
city goes back to size 2 with a granary now, 6 food in the box. Growing at +2 (no food lost for settler support) with +3 shields.
The settler2 will take 2 turns to settle and another 50 to create another one.
the original settler (settler1) will now need 10 turns to get the pop up, and lets see.
turn 60 city1 size 3 food +2, shields +3( 30)
turn 70 city size 4 settlers built, and city is back to size 2, and it took only 20 turns to build the second settler -Settler3. So at
turn 90 settler 4
turn 100 settler 5(from settler2)
turn 110 settler 6... and whoa they are breeding like rabbits.
HOWEVER THERE IS A FLAW IN THIS CALCULATION that I noticed. There is no free shields now! So you might get one at the beginning in the city, but there is no +2 food and +3 shields. Or is there. Graslland field with a mine gives +2. What about those free shields on the screenshot on the tiles with 4 food and 2 gold? Either way if you spend some time to build a worker you can easily ram up the production than and settlers will be done ion 20 turns.  Which leaves ICS as a winner?
What did I miss?
Well this leaves a bit sour taste. But I haven't checked this really well there might be problems in my model other than possible shields missing. However with so small food boxes the weight would go back to number of shields produced as the determining factor for ICS in Civ III.
So shields will slow the whole thing hopefully there is no free food and shields when you build a city on resources. That should help a lot. Now we need this model checked and a 'normal' development model.
One more non-ICS thingy is the riot factor might be big enough to stop the expansion of the cities early on too.
So we have
1. the lack of shields
2. riot factor on harder levels.
3. could be the fast growth once a city reaches 15+ size, which goes together with 2 pop and 60 shields for the settler initially.
4. culture?
But it does not look promising on lower levels with low rioting factors.
October 19, 2001, 13:12
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Father Beast
since they have completely removed the home city aspect from the game, then army laundering is no longer a problem
however what we all must realize about ICS is this
ICS is only a problem when it creates unbalance in the game, though ICS will most likely be in Civ3 it doesn't require a fix unless it is overpowering like it was in Civ and Civ2...while the fixed size food box will encourage population growth and numerous cities, it makes it much less advantageous to have numerous small cities instead a few large cities, especially with 2 pop settlers...the biggest problem created by the small fixed size food box is that there might be many more cities than in Civ2, however if the AI city govenors are halfway decent this wont be a problem
if not then ICS will be limited not only by corruption, but by the players patience
as for why the city of Madras wasn't starving i hope we will find that out soon
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