I bought a pc for this..well not just this but...
It(civ3) is obviously not finished.I find it surprising that players are surprised by this.Every previous version of civ has been sold unfinished.You know?...2.42...1.3...etc
even civ2 was released without mp.
I don't like it but I am not infuriated or surprised.This is very typical of what consumers have to put up with these days.Not just in software but everything.We pay more and more for less and less.Consumer apathy is something the companies of the world take for granted....and why shouldn't they?...we still buy no matter what.
Lets face it,the previous attempts at civ3 should have made us all swear off civ games completely...yet here we are.Right now,we have CtP 3.Patches will clear up much of the mess.I expect at least 3 for this beta version of civ3.
To be fair,it looks as though at the core of this civ3,is a good engine and a good game.It just needs to be finished.
They most likely needed an influx of capitol.You take a calculated risk doing this.The previous versions of civ has shown civers will put up with it...to a certain extent
By this time next week,I hope..no I will have my new pc and will get some hands on reveiw time.Providing I can get it running

..I allready have my copy of civ3.Got it Nov 1.
The manual is remarkably similiar.Well maybe not remarkable when you consider who wrote it.Good ole JP

...still has that deity level description..