October 21, 2001, 16:56
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Castillians vs. Gringos vs. Moors vs. Indians
?Que es su (lineage)?
Yo soy "slavic" y no (blood) de español en mi.
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October 21, 2001, 16:58
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Hey DC, long time no hear! I am of Celtic descent.
October 21, 2001, 17:05
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awrence (brought) mi aqui (from) CGN.
buenos dias de tu, Jay
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
October 21, 2001, 17:46
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Si, me lo cruze en otro foro y lo arrastre para aca.
Yo soy criollo con la famosa mezcla ridicula del crisol de razas.
Sangre irlandesa, escocesa, inglesa, basca, castellana, aragonesa, griega, francesa y nativa americana. Que carajo me cuentan, eh! El crisol de razas soy yo!
October 21, 2001, 17:51
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I don't know for sure. Quite an interesting question...
My father family come from Asturias (NW Spain), and all of them have typical Celtic (maybe Visigothic?) features, and my mother family come from Northern Castile and Asturias as well. It would be a bit strange if I had Moorish blood, I guess... Anyway, I seem to have a mix of Celtic and Iberian features (which is very common in Spain).
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 21, 2001, 17:52
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Originally posted by El Awrence
Sangre irlandesa, escocesa, inglesa, basca, castellana, aragonesa, griega, francesa y nativa americana. Que carajo me cuentan, eh! El crisol de razas soy yo!
Griega también? Caray!
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
October 21, 2001, 17:55
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Si, griega tambien... uno de los bisabuelos de mi madre se apedillaba Mellapoulos. CUando llego a la argentina se lo recortaron a "Mella" y se caso con una inglesa que tambien era recien llegada de York. Y como que siendo de York debo tener tambien sangre escandinava.
October 22, 2001, 01:45
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Creí que hibas a decir que se llamaba Milcíades .
Si señor un buén crisol de de razas y supongo de culturas...
October 22, 2001, 08:46
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Qué decís los demás españoles? Sabéis algo a ciencia cierta de vuestra ascendencia? Yo la verdad es que muy poco, y con lo que me gusta la historia y eso me encantaría saber algo más...
Alguno ha realizado una investigación genealógica de esas o como se llamen?
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 22, 2001, 08:59
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believe it or not, the only time I've seen anything about the history of my family name was in Sea World (un parque acuatico que sale mucho en los vigilantes de la playa). I really do not know if what I found there is true or not, but was fun anyway. apparently there is a Sinde Valley in Eastern Galicia
October 22, 2001, 09:06
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Well, I have no idea, I only know that my parents, grandparents and grand grand parents (se dice asi?) are from Almeria, I have no idea about longer in the time, well in un suppose my surname came from a Roman senator called Plubio Munio or something like that (but I believe that it is just stories...)and my mother has the surname Leiva that I believe that is from Leon and Italy and others granparent has Aragon one...
Well but almost all people from Almeria have Aragonese, Murcian and Valencian blood...
October 22, 2001, 09:07
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Balsinde suena mucho a asturiano, eso está claro. Yo llevo por lo menos un apellido típicamente asturiano: Quirós, es el de mi abuela paterna.
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 22, 2001, 09:13
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Originally posted by kIndal
and my mother has the surname Leiva that I believe that is from Leon and Italy and others granparent has Aragon one...
No, Leiva/Leyva es un apellido vasco o navarro si no me equivoco. Joder, y no me digas que no es un honor llevar un apellido de general de Carlos V!
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 22, 2001, 09:27
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Bueno yo sabia que era de por ahi arriba
Si de hecho se ve que es un apellido de esos que son de una rama unica o algo asi, es decir que todos los que lo llevan son familia son mas o menos directamente...pero yo no lo llevo  asi que que se le va a hacer, quien sabe igual puedo reclamar algun ducado por Milan y yo sin enterarme.
October 22, 2001, 09:54
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My four grandparents were german, polish, romany, and italian.
Those in my mother's family proud of their italian heritage always spoke badly of "those idiots" on Ellis Island, who misspelled Gesualdo as Jeswald when they emigrated. It turns out this mistake was actually a good one...
Originally posted by kIndal
... (but I believe that it is just stories...)
It may be true! My mother's family also told tales of some long-ago grandfather who was a famous musician in Italy. Most disregarded it as a grasp at past glory. My mother traced the geneology - it turns out Carlo Gesualdo (my great(x18) grandfather) wrote a unique style of madrigal that earned him a footnote in musical history (you can probably find him at your CD store  ) - AND that he was from a Norman family... the Jeswalds! Karl Jeswald, but with an Italicized name.
However, after 20 generations in Italy, I imagine the Norman blood is rather thin in my veins...
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October 22, 2001, 12:30
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I am a half spanish,a half jew-german.
October 22, 2001, 13:20
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All my grandparents were born at Cádiz, two of their names are Castilian, another one is Galician (Mariño), and the forth one looks arabic to me: Regife.
On the other hand my RH is 0-, acording to Arzallus I would be Basque
October 22, 2001, 14:25
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I don't know anything sure about my origins, I only can guess thinking in my surnames:
My father is "Arriaga Sáenz de Arquíñigo" (manda huevos), so it's clear I'm 50% basque. What can I say? Nobody's perfect.
My mother's family is quite more difficult: "Sevilla" suggests morish or jewish (marrano) origins, and "Soler" (from Valencia) too. But I'm just guessing.
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October 22, 2001, 14:30
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Originally posted by jasev
My father is "Arriaga Sáenz de Arquíñigo" (manda huevos), so it's clear I'm 50% basque. What can I say? Nobody's perfect.
My mother's family is quite more difficult: "Sevilla" suggests morish or jewish (marrano) origins, and "Soler" (from Valencia) too. But I'm just guessing.
Creo que estás en lo cierto respecto a Sevilla, pero Soler? Yo pensaba que era uno de estos apellidos catalanísimos (o valencianísimos/mallorquinísimos)...
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 22, 2001, 14:38
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Originally posted by Waku
and the forth one looks arabic to me: Regife.
No necesariamente, quizá un nombre latino posteriormente arabizado, puesto que podría tener la raíz "regi-", que es latina (regir, regente, región, etc).
Pero es sólo una especulación, al más puro estilo Schulten.
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 22, 2001, 14:38
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Yes, you're right: The Soler family was one of the richest and mightiest in the Kingdom of Valencia, but you shouldn't forget a thing: When a moor converted, he used to take the name of his city, his job... or his "Godfather", the nobleman who forced him to convert. So, hundreds of moorish peasants adopted "Soler" as his surname. When I made the "Brotherhoods" scenario, I discovered than in XV century, most of Valensian peasants were moorish, so that's the reason I think my "Soler" surname suggests muslim blood (Insh' allah).
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October 22, 2001, 14:49
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Originally posted by jasev
When I made the "Brotherhoods" scenario, I discovered than in XV century, most of Valensian peasants were moorish, so that's the reason I think my "Soler" surname suggests muslim blood (Insh' allah).
Yes, it was the same still in the late 16th century. However, if you think about it, were the Christians really that ethnically different form the Muslim population?
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
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October 22, 2001, 14:53
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Originally posted by Fiera
Pero es sólo una especulación, al más puro estilo Schulten.
lol jeje
A mi la verdad es que esto me ha importado siempre muy poco porque aparte del bastardeo que había por ahí antiguamente (más del que sospechamos) genéticamente soy tan Regife (mi 4º apellido) como Palma (el 1º). Lo de los apellidos me parece útil como medio de identificarnos pero dicen más bien poco sobre nuestros orígenes (imho).
A pesar de lo dicho voy a sacar las engines a ver qué encuentro sobre Regife
October 22, 2001, 14:59
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Yo nunca he sabido nada sobre mis orígenes más o menos lejanos, y tampoco me quita el sueño, pero hay que reconocer que no me importaría enterarme de algo.
I think that this kind of genealogical research is more common in the USA and Canadá than here in Spain (Marquis could be a good example), perhaps 'cause they all come from very different countries and backgrounds, and it's easy to trace their roots, as most families arrived in America just two or three generations ago...
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
October 22, 2001, 15:05
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... and they have the very biiig genealogical library of the Mormons
October 22, 2001, 15:39
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Originally posted by Fiera
Yes, it was the same still in the late 16th century. However, if you think about it, were the Christians really that ethnically different form the Muslim population?
Well, this is a question for our dear friend Xarxo. He's the expert in ethnical differences, not me.
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October 22, 2001, 16:34
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a cousin made an study of family,
and my family has been in Spain since 1200, maybe even earlier, always in Castellon
and probably before in Lleida
October 25, 2001, 01:55
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En fim .. yo no quería manifestar mi ascendencia nobiliaria, soy marqués de Canillas.
Os cuento...buscando en la biblioteca del Monasterio de San Tiscario, encontré
este escrito que me permitió conocer algo de este antepasado mio.
Acontesció que fallandose el nuestro rey Fernando con la su tropa en una
descubierta por los entornos de Baza el buen monarca sintiose algo indispuesto
et notando gran incotinencia en el su vientre, buscó el lugar mas convenible
para descargar las urgencias de las sus entrañas mientras las sus mesnadas
dexaronle solo e esperaronle en un altozano proximo en discrepta proximidad
mas en improdente lejania ca él non se sintiera molestado en esa la su molesta
incontinente labor.
En estas se estaban todos los sus nobles los sus capitanes e soldados,
fablando e esperandando al su señor, cuando vieron extensa polvareda
de unas tropas moras en alfaraçes que poco amistosas e assaz belicossos con
ellos dexeaban topar e cruzar los sus alfanjes.
Et quiza aquesta razon obiera, el demasiado impeto de los caballeros, que fizo
que se turbanse los sus pensamientos e embotase la su memoria, ansí que todos se fueron a la porfia, dexando abandonado al su rey.
Todos menos un moço de bajo linaxe, de complisión delgada, de coraçon apassionado y que contaba sus años hasta deciseis, Guzman, que corrió en
opuesto camino por avisar al su rey encontrole cual su madre le traxo al
mundo, dentro del agua de un arroyuelo calmando los tormentos de las sus almorranas irritadas por la acabada e blanda deposicion.
Acaesció que tres moros venían hacia el buen Fernando salidos de la floresta Xercana al tiempo que Guzman. Este fizo grande bullicio para atraer a los soldados cristianos absentes a la disputa e sin perder la templansa proveyó de la su espada y el su escudo al su señor poniendo el su cuerpo entre los felones moros et el de su señor argonés.
Mas resbaló sobre las floxas e pestiferas evacuaciones, cayendo e topando do ellas. En la superba cayda resbaló e fue dar e golpear con sus alçados pyes en las canillas de dos de los enemigos, dañandoles e faciendoles perder el su equilibrio ansí como fortes moratones, ca no cardenales al non ser cristianos. Levantóse Guzman envuelto en yras e fetidos olores et dixo "huid mientras pudierdes, si non, la vais a cagar". e los moros asustados fuyeron ayna.
Pronto llegaron las sus tropas que apesadumbradas por el su olvido non se
atrevieron a llegarse junto al rey et quedaronse a una distancia mayor del
brazo e la espada juntas. Fernando, porque viesen quan grande avia sido el
valor de Guzman, les contó todo cuanto fizo et dixo, acabando e exigioles "Besad e abraxad todos los mis nobles a aqueste doncel que será desde ahora el marqués de Canillas, impregnaos del su coraxe " et todos los mas previlexiados rescibieron en mas estrecho, el su abraxo, perçivieron el su valor... et la pestilencia del bienamado soberano.
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October 25, 2001, 02:32
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"Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
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October 25, 2001, 02:44
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Originally posted by jasev
Como decía alguien: RPESPECDLR
Qué coño es eso de RPESPECDLR????
El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz
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