October 22, 2001, 18:25
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Changing type of barbarian units?
(oops I posted this to the other group accidentally, I guess it belongs here. Don't flame me its warm enough already for this time of year!)
Has anyone got any pointers on how to change the type of unit that barbarians turn up with?
I note that the unit type changes thru the game; can this be hooked into?
My idea is that in the modern age, barbarians are (ahem) 'terrorists'
barbarian infectors, spies, corporate branches (?) and worst of all eco rangers appearing within the borders of ones civilisation would be quite the challenge!
October 23, 2001, 08:32
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Nice timing
I have a question is this for a scenario or the main game, if it is for a scenario you may want to look at the script file for The Magnificent Samurai. they have a small amount of slic coding which means that a group of barbarians appear when you move.
you can select what kind of barbarians you want and the chances of them appearing.
I hope this is helpful for you.
October 23, 2001, 18:10
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hey cool! I'll look at that!
Maybe a scenario, maybe a game.
I just think the barbarians should be a threat in any age;
they just have to change their manner of operation,
just like in real life!
October 24, 2001, 02:06
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Yes, it must be done through SLIC.
Normally COMP. select barbarians depending of their Attack Bonus (look in risks.txt), but special units don't have one (Attack 0).
October 25, 2001, 05:22
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I had a Look at the slic again but could not find anything of use.
At the moment I am making a future scenario after 2300 I have built up a set of new units and had an idea. I made a unit which could carry land units around the place ( like the cargo helicopter in ctp2)
the idea I had was at random intervals the enemy could get reinforcement using this capsule.
It may improve the AI aggressiveness if the capsule land near one of my cites I think you may be able to use this for the barbarians
if you use the monsters of the magnificent samurai scenario you may be able to have a barbarian attack like a space raid with the capsule landing near one of your cites and the monsters attacking it.
If you like this idea let me know I will let the capsule be available to you for download.
any way I will look at the slic agin and again until I can get my idea working .
will you put the slic on line when you have finished I may be able to use it on my scenario
The Big Mc:
October 25, 2001, 05:26
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Thanks for the offer!
Actually, I'm really not much of a programmer, and the thought that I'd have to get into the scripting puts me off... I'd hoped it might have been a simple parameter somewhere

I guess what I'm hoping now is to be able to inspire someone who has the appropriate skills!
October 25, 2001, 05:49
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I will have a go. it will be a good thing to put in my scenario so i will possibly post it to you. actually i am a bit scared of slic too.
Have you had a look at my question yet.
October 26, 2001, 06:03
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I had a look at the magnificent samurai scenario it looks so easy all I have to do is take out the by movement bit and replace it with the start of the turn bit.:d
Then I Decided To be clever and have a hippy van come up after a bit and steel your city or make all the citizens really up set.
what I want to now now is how do you get a aircraft carrier full of planes to appear, or put some real hippy in the car,(using the Indians sprites from ctp 1)
I will be away next week so I will try to get to a computer no promises)
the Big Mc
October 26, 2001, 06:50
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This sounds great!
Do you think that its possible to set it up so that the type and number of units is easily configured? ie: in a config file rather than in a slic script?
The other thing I wonder is if the AI can do anything useful with barbarian 'special' units!
November 5, 2001, 09:05
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November 5, 2001, 17:16
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I was thinking infector, corporate branch, lawyer, ecoterrorist maybe cruise missile... clerics and televangelists. Spy could be good to incite rebellion.
Thats more than 4 but just chew it over.
Couple of thoughts spring to mind;
Some special attacks make no sense for the barbarians (eg spies stealing tech, corporate branch stealing productivity).
I tried editing a barbarian infector into the game but it just stayed where it was, so I gave the barbarians some cash, and it just walked around.
These attacks do cost money and the barbarians typically have none. Maybe they can be scripted so they can do the attack with no money or maybe script the barbarians some cash?
November 6, 2001, 05:57
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A bit a go I did some research into making new orders (this was only a Small success)
I managed to find a way to delete, add and modify (to a limit)
Any special attack I can remember something about the cost of an attack some wear.
I will send you the terror glider the nexts chance I have on going online this is a unit a bodged together from a spy plane.
It has the basic controls of slaver bio infect and a few others.
The other type of unit I developed was the siren a kind of hi tech spy.
When you did your experiment did the barbarian unit have a city?
For some of these special events a unit needs a city to make it happen.
I Think I have already got past your so called problem what we have to do is set it up so that the unit does not use the barbarian nation flag but a national flag of its own and then change the nation to read terrorist or (dark green peace) or something like that.
I will have a look to see if they work.
Why a cleric when you have a televangelists?
Me Big Mc
November 6, 2001, 07:06
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No, in my experiment there was no barbarian city.
I hope this isn't a real problem! They usually don't have one...
> Why a cleric when you have a televangelists?
Depends on whats available to other civs; it would seem daft to have the terrorists showing up with televangelists when no actual civs have them.
November 6, 2001, 10:46
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I thought this was going to put it on a scenario not the full game if your trying to put it in the game that's a few more lines of code and I hate doing slic.
It's taken my a week to get this far
any way it is easy to do but i would need a start advance to start this up like the ecotopian advance or something.
any way ill try to set up two versions for you.
the big mc
Ps am i in a time warp or is it 2000 were you come from because its 2001 over here.
November 6, 2001, 10:53
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I thought this was going to put it on a scenario not the full game if your trying to put it in the game that's a few more lines of code and I hate doing slic.
It's taken my a week to get this far
any way it is easy to do but i would need a start advance to start this up like the ecotopian advance or something.
any way ill try to set up two versions for you.
the big mc
Ps am i in a time warp or is it 2000 were you come from because its 2001 over here.
November 7, 2001, 08:22
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November 7, 2001, 09:43
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Some hints for you guys:
in order to make barabrian unse those special abilities, you need to cheage values in strategies.txt (it is in ctp2_data\default\aidata folder)
there is an entry for barabarian strategy. There are some goals which are set to 0. You should chage goals like soothsay, sue, convert, enslave, etc... to values in defeult strategies. That way barabarians specail units would use their abilities
Note: This doesn't work for franchisnig (I don't know why)
also in these following abilities goals are not suppeorted:
-Plaque city (infector), Advertise (Corp. Branch), Incite Uprising (Abolionist)
Other abilities will do fine.
Also there is a thread in last few weeks, where I added those missing abilities for AI (franchising still doesn't work for AI)
Don't remember the name of thread.
November 7, 2001, 16:56
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I'll have to try changing those values!
Thanks for the pointter!
Do the barbarians still need cash to launch those attacks?
As for it not working on franchising;
well, that is all about draining productivity, right?
If the barbarians don't have a city, wheres it gonna go?
Maybe thats why...
On the other claw,
Did you get barbarian slavers to do anything?
If so, I wonder where the population went!
As for the difficulty level, I'm at 'hard'
It sounds as if we are getting close!
November 7, 2001, 21:04
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I didn't tried all of those, but they surely need cash.
About slaver, I don't know, I haven't experimented that much.
Franchising still puzzles me, since it also doesn't work for other AIs (not only barbarian).
November 8, 2001, 06:19
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November 8, 2001, 07:25
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Originally posted by The Big Mc
how do modern terrorists get it.
I vote a mysterious anonymous backer...
Oh, and the dates and times are probably set up incorrectly in your control-panel options. Click on the "control panel" link up the top, and there should be some things you can change under "options".
November 8, 2001, 08:47
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nice one did not think of that .
I had this idea so that as well as the barbarians getting more evil you will also get the AI being so much more fun.
however I may add that line just to realy set the barbarians up on there long road to world anarchy
the big mc
November 8, 2001, 09:25
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November 12, 2001, 06:46
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hello speak to me.
I finished it, I finished the mod.
all I want to know is the random values what percentage of attack do you want one out of a hundred turns or what.
also I had a problem getting the bandits to only attack me.
the mod works good I have also just finished half a mod on bank robbery for the bandits its good.
November 12, 2001, 11:45
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I think one attack every 50 turns should be ok, but only starting in the industrial/modern age.
does any one no how to pull up a random city so I can put the barbarians ne'er there
Erm.. Get a random player:
int_t NumPlayers;
int_t randnum;
NumPlayer = preference("NumPlayers");
randnum = random(NumPlayers); |
Then pick a random city:
int_t i;
int_t randcity;
city_t tmpCity;
GetCityByIndex(randnum, random(PlayerCityCount(randnum)), tmpCity); |
Sorry about all the nested functions
Btw, shouldn't underwater cities be impervious? It would be quite hard to get terrorism underwater, and then they'd have to get in. I imagine underwater cities would be quite heavily guarded.
November 12, 2001, 16:01
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I'd say around the same chances as a normal barbarian attack?
And yes, starting in the industrial age.
Also, I think that it should preferentially target the top ranking civs. Not exclusively, just a bit more biased against them.
And, yeah, underwater cities could do with being impervious to them! For starters, the terrorist units would *have* to 'randomly arrive' on a piece of underwater road tubing

or else they would drown!
The bank robbery mod sounds interesting!
November 13, 2001, 06:38
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I sorted most the problems out I set it up so its a 1 in 100 chance of being attack per city per tern opening the chance up for multiple attack and possible some big attacks.
also I want to limit the attacks to the players civ.
Come on the AI needs all the help it can get after the industrial age.
and the underwater city aren't so safe any more. there is a shadow coming.
my brand new mod which is at about 20% at the moment is should allow terrorists to hold city for ransom.
and this mod is a 80% I got it working all the left to add is is a bit of code which will protect the AI and a different bit to enable the thing for the modern age.
I will mail steve.wray and the wombat the beta relish which is 80% so you can see how it will work to get an idea of the random values.
Bank raid works good again this is at 90% because again it does not protect the AI and it takes the same amount of gold each time.
November 13, 2001, 07:05
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lets have an experiment how many people who will download the beta version and then get back to me.
hers the first one tearor mod
November 13, 2001, 07:06
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and heres banck rob
just open them in the normal way
November 15, 2001, 07:11
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hello again I am taking to my self.
Shadow mod is coming on last night I was so close to getting it working but the pay and don't pay buts are so hard to click on for some strange reason.
I fell I did not explain shadow mod so good well her goes.
you get a message saying that terrorists are going to kill a random city. (including underwater ones)You then get the option of paying the ransom or saying no. if you pick yes you lose some money and that's it. (or is it) If you click no then the terrorist may or may not kill one of your cites (at random).You then get the chance of hunting the terrorists down for a small amount of public works. if you find them you get a small happy bones if you fail you lose them and your public works cash.
I thought about adding the last bit about hunting them down in bank raid If there isdemand I may just put it in.
oh and terror mod has been downloaded 5 times and bank mod about 4 so go on tell me what they are like.
Last edited by The Big Mc; November 15, 2001 at 10:55.
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