some month ago, i made some change to 2 of my FW (French version) scenarios (1804 and Ameriques !) ... under MGE (Also french version)
I try and test Angelo Scotto's MGEConverter on my french MGE and ask some others french FW users if all was good and all seems to work so i posted these 2 "new version" scenarios
Javier Arriaga, send me today an email with a saved game to spot a bug when he used one of the scenarios (1804)... and his saved game bugs in my french version too so i wanted to knows if these scenarios MGEConverted from a French MGE version bugged with english FW (or MGE) versions
Please i ask some FW and MGE english users to test my scenario: 1804. if it bugs on your version, i'll replace them by my old and certainly not bugged FW version (before MGE change and MGEConverted) U can dl 1804 scenario
bugs descriptions: error msg when load a saved game, error in the countries's names, old sound used... !!
Thanks for your help !