October 22, 2001, 23:33
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Tales from Gaia
this is the Monday night diplo game just started: drake, belinda9, rridd, boann and chris. We run on a random map, and I'll just let everyone introduce themselves as they show up...
Last edited by belinda9; October 23, 2001 at 00:45.
October 23, 2001, 00:43
Local Time: 09:01
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Listen my son, and remember, for this is the history of our people as it has been passed down from generation to generation: so shall you also tell it to your sons and daughters, that it might not be lost to us.
In the beginning were the People, who called themselves the Chiraqua, and they gathered under the leadership of Big Momma, and established Home upon the western coast, where there were fish and grasslands and forests. Life was hard: the people had to work from sunup to sundown to eke out a living, as the land was rough and unforgiving. Yet some were called to study: Big Momma, in her wisdom, decreed all must support these scholars so they could devote their time to discovering new skills to aid the Chiraqua and make life better for the whole. The first of these discoveries was the art of Horseback Riding. Warriors had gone forth to explore the surrounding lands, but with this new discovery, horsemen could explore farther and faster than the warriors on foot, so this was good. In this way was found wandering nomads, who wished to become Chiraqua, and thus was Deerprint begun in forested lands to the southeast where deer were plentiful. Scholars invented our Alphabet, and then the art of Ceremonial Burial, and our people became more advanced. Big Momma had been such a wise and beneficient leader for our people, that upon her death after a long life, her successor also took her name; and thus it became the tradition for our people that whoever should lead us would be our Big Momma.
During these hundreds of years, Home had grown and prospered, and so it was fitting that others should wish to go forth and settle these new lands our horsemen and warriors were exploring, and they went with the blessing of Big Momma. One band of settlers went east and settled in the narrow lands between the seas, and did take the name of Betwixt for their settlement.
Then did one of our band of horsemen come upon barbarians, who slew them. When word reached Deerprint of this atrocity, other horsemen rode out to avenge them and cleanse our lands of these murderous barbarians. In doing so, they discovered the great Southern penisula, and sent back reports of a land rich with resources. They found wandering nomads, and convinced them to join with the Chiraqua, though they journeyed for many years before they settled on the far southern coast in a land rich with whales, deer, and fishes. These nomads became discourged during this trek to unknown lands, arriving only under the iron will of their leader, Kagoshima, and thus was their colony named in his honor.
Our esteemed scholars still came forth with new discoveries for us every so many years: the science of Mapmaking allowed the people of Home to build ships to sail forth and find new lands. Code of Laws allowed our people to enjoy better leadership and fair and just laws for all, as Warrior Code gave us a new class of strong military. Even as settlers from Betwixt journeyed to the farthest northeastern reaches and founded Bounty on the penisula, where there were fish and whales to hunt, settlers from Deerprint journeyed east and settled along the coast where there were whales and pheasant, forests and grasslands; this became the city you know as Easthaven.
And then, my son, in your grandfather's time, word reached us from our triemes at sea that they had discovered another people, living peaceably upon an island to the northeast, who called themselves the Freedoniaians. These people taught us our present system of government, Monarchy, as we taught them Horseback Riding. We promised peace with them, that all should prosper each in his own space, without interference from any other, and to this end traded maps with them, so each should know where the other called home in the world. Then our ships sailed to the northwest, and soon discovered another people, the English, who were prospering upon a larger island too far to our north to reach by ship without following the Freedoniaian coasts. With these people we also promised peace; although we learned no new technology from them, having none to share in return that they had not already discovered for themselves. This discovery happened even within your lifetime, my son, even as the founding of the first monarchial dynasty happened as you were born. The Big Momma who passed away ten years ago, the Goddess protect her soul, did herself crown as her successor our present Queen Belinda, and decree that henceforth the rule of our people should pass from Queen to her firstborn, being either male or female, as they are brought up and taught the intricacies of leadership. Thus does our people grow and prosper, and thus do we teach our children to grow and add to the proud legacy that is the Chiraqua.
We will talk of this again, my son, that you may learn the oral tradition that is our history, so as to pass it along to your children. Now, go and help your mother pack. You don't want to leave anything behind when we join up with the settler train leaving out at the end of the week. Just think! We will get to help settle new lands and found another city, even as the legendary Kagoshima! I only pray the Goddess I live to see the end of the journey....
October 23, 2001, 08:33
Local Time: 11:01
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The brief history of the mighty Arabians
The people that would come to be known as the Arabians evolved in the lands of the north. It was here Marrakesh was founded. In the next few thousand years, many cities in Arabia would be founded, most notably Mecca and Baghdad.
After hostile talk with the white man (and women) of the South, known as the Celts, a national boundary was founded in the southern portions of Arabia. Mohammed allowed the Southern half of Arabia to be bisected for he was a humble man and knew he did not have the resources to hold this ground. The Arabians will allow the white man to move onto this land, but the border will be closely supervised, for they certainly have not earned our trust at this point.
Barbarian savages continue to be a problem for Arabia. 3 teams of warriors have been lost to the savages. 2 bands guilty of these murders were rounded up and beheaded, but one group is still wandering free in the west. The Sultan has offered a bounty of 5 gold to any man who brings the savages bodies in.
The future looks bright for Arabia. Our government is the most sophisticated in the land. It is a system of elected senators who speak for the people, with the Sultan making the final decisions after advisement from the senate. The people love this government and are incredibly happy at this point in time, for they feel as if their voice is truly heard!
We soon wish to establish a system of trading within our own country and later the world.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
October 23, 2001, 12:01
Local Time: 11:01
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Tales OF Gaia
Got to watch that title, Belinda!
Haven't got the time now to do Freedonia's history, has to wait untill I get home from work!
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
October 24, 2001, 12:41
Local Time: 11:01
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A nation awakes
Through the mists of time, the story of an anciet and peaceful people was past down.
Know you that they were know only as the Freedonians, and that they inhabited a small island in the sea of the breaking waves....
So begins the translation of the recently discovered texts uncovered in the latest ecavations, we know have a glimpse of of our ancestors, whom first settled these lands, and attempted to spread freedom and brotherhood throughout all of Gaia, our beautiful planet.
These texys were written about 2,000 BC, and give invaluable information about the first 2,000 years of Freedonian history.
The capital, also know as Freedonia, has founded on the river Aneaux, in an area of forrests, and the Freedonians quickly began to take the rich bounty of the sea of the breaking waves as a means of commerce and trade, so that they may spread forth in goodwill and fellowship....
The first settlements have recently been excavated, and show a glimpse into the lives of everyday freedonians.
They quickly made use of the great banks of both fish and whales near the iniatial settlement, to begin there ascent up the long ladder of civilization.
In the course of time, even before the first capital was founded, a band of fierce charioteers joined our great people, attracted by their offer of a better life, pledged alligence to our first ruler, and thus even before we had a city, we had an army...
Evidence of early wheeled vehicles and early bronze armor has been found at three sites thus far, showing that this text is strong in historical fact.
In due course, we became the first race of Gaia to have a king, and several other outposts were founded, portected by our mighty phalanxs, and our beautiful cities had temples to the mighty gods of Gaia, and our sprit godess of our race, Freya...
Recent finds do indeed show that the Freedonians where the first to develop the concept of Monarchy.
The first kings (as the early monarchs were known in the text) began a rigouros program of temple building to the many gods of the Freedonia, and here began the Gaia cult to the Goddess Freya, mistress of the harvest.
It also indicates that the early freedonians were excellent with bronze, and had come up with an effective military system for defense.
One day, out of the Sea of Braking Waves, came strangers to the shores of freedonia, who came riding Horses, and who spoke a tougne we at first could not phantom, but quickly mastered. They came in peace and as brothers, and the Freedonians quickly took to them as true friends, and taught them of Kings, and learned form them of Horses....
Scientists beleave that the visitors were the Chiraqua, a great seafarring people who also lived on the shores of the Sea of Breaking Waves.
This culture seems to have also made contact with the English, another of the early cultures mentioned in the anciet texts.
It seems to indicate that the Freedonians taught the Chiraqua the concepts of Royalty, and in turn learned the science of horsemenship.
In due course, they built mighty ships, and began to explore the known and unknown world...
Evidenxe of these sturdy ships have been found at several sites, and indicate a solid knowledge of mapmaking and basic seamenship.
More next time...
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
October 30, 2001, 09:35
Local Time: 11:01
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Arabia made much progress in the reign of Mohammed the second. A meeting with the peaceful Freedonians took place and a large plot of land in Arabia was agreed upon as Freedonian territory. Borders agreed to with Queen Boann and the celts has been upheld and we have come to more friendly terms.
The friendly Freedonians shared their maps with us and a wide world opened to our eyes. In their map, the Freedonians had lands which they said belonged to the Nations of England and the Chiraqua. England was quite large, and Chiraqua was quite mediocre in size. Soon, we will head out onto the open seas and find these people for ourselves. Perhaps we shall exchange goods with them.
Rumor has it that the English are a very aggressive civilization. This if course cannot be confirmed, but nonetheless Arabia will keep a close eye out for the English and their warriors.
Many great wonders were created across the world in these last years of Mohammed II's reign. In England, it is rumored that a series of massive triangular shaped brick buildings were erected. Apparently the English use these massive buildings as burial plots for their royalty. We have also heard of a massive, artificially transplanted garden on the roofs of a grand palace in an English town. The Freedonians tell us that the proper name for thie wonder is the Hanging Gardens.
Our friends the Celts have also been busy. Being quite the explorers, and masters of navigating open ocean, the Celts built a tribute to their love of the sea by building a tall cylinder that reaches for the sky, higher than any tree, on their coast. At the highest point of this cylinder, a fire is burned to signal the sailors of approaching land at night. Queen Boann tells us that most navigation is cut off during the night....but such a wonder will allow even nocturnal travel.
And finally, here in Arabia, we have built a gargantuan statue bearing resemblance to Mohammed I, in our capitol city of Marrakesh. The legs straddle the two sides of a small gulf, which is the entrance to the Marrakesh harbor. This site has already brought many Arabians throughout the country to gaze in awe. The onlookers bring gifts and goods in tribute of such grand construction. As a result, the markets are full of many exotic wares. Mohammed II anticipates that after his death, that Marrakesh will become a worldy center for exchange.
Arabia now proudly boasts 22 cities and still growing. Science is still rolling and internal and external trade will soon begin. These are good times for the Arabians.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Last edited by drake; October 30, 2001 at 12:25.
October 31, 2001, 14:08
Local Time: 11:01
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The Freedonian texts, Part II
In due course of time, a large island was found to the north, in the sea of storms. Our people settled on this island and did call it Burland...
Evidence shows that the early freedonians began to colonize nearby islands some time around 1,000-800 BC.
Becoming aware of the world, our friends the Chiraqua proposed we ally with them and there friends in a mighty League, for the protection of our trade and nations...
In approximatly 550BC the Freedonians, Chiraqua, and the British joined in the Ocean League Pact, which was propossed by Queen Belinda I of the Chiraqua, and was agreed to by both the Freedonians and the British.
The OLP was a defensive alliance designed to protect the sea people from aggressive nations, and it seems that the Freedonians and Chiraqua believed in peace completly.
Before long, we taught our friends from accross the sea how to read and write, and they taught us the way of the warrior, and several other arts....
These two cultures exchanged knowlege throughout this period, the Freedonians teaching things like writing, the Chiraquas teaching fighting skills, and pratical things such as Pottery.
Soon our nation came into contact with mighty Arabia, and they invited us to live in their lands...
It seems that the Arabians wanted a balencing power to the Celts (A seafaring people who harrased them throughout prehistory) so they gave large tracts to the Freedonians to settle in.
Before long, we had maps of most of the known world...
Freedonian knowledge of Gaia was more complete at this time that any other power.
More next time...
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
November 1, 2001, 04:03
Local Time: 03:01
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Need a sub? LOL:)
Shame I work Tuesday Aussie time
Not that you'd want me anyway!
But I'll follow your thread - great posts thus far...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 2, 2001, 00:46
Local Time: 11:01
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Heres the game if anyones interested.......
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 3, 2001, 21:57
Local Time: 09:01
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Posts: 844
Hear the words of the Star Goddess,
the dust of whose feet are the
hosts of heaven,whose body
encircles the universe:
"I who am the beauty of the
green earth and the white
moon among the stars and
the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul and come
unto me.For I am the soul of
nature that gives life to
the universe.From Me all things
proceed and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that
rejoices,for behold - all acts of love
and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and
reverence within you. And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek,
you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I
am that which is obtained at the end of desire."
The History of Avalon.
before time there was the goddess . she has been and always will be . Life force and mother of creation... she made the
world and set on it her daughters to hold peace and knowledge
in our hands and rule over the beasts.
Time passed and we the daughters learned many things
about the beasts and plants of our land. The use of horse beasts
to move over the land and the use of men beasts to irrigate and
work the land. The trees for building of many crafts to explore the great waters. we built a great light to find our way home from the black waters at night. there are many daughter colonies now and our crafts flow over many waters over all the known world.
the goddess told our great princess to set out warriors to explore the land and waters. Our warriors found people to the north , but the men are warriors and their skin is a different color . We are not sure what to make of them . where are their women...these men who do not even know of the goddess or give honor to her.
we do not understand them or their ways.
we shall keep vigilance and watch them closely.
the day the green boat came with the slanted eyed warriors was a fearful time. they came upon our home by surprise but were peaceful. we do not know very much about these people .
we hear stories of other peoples from our crafts that explore the seas . I suppose in time we will meet these strangers.
Last edited by boann; November 3, 2001 at 22:31.
November 7, 2001, 15:37
Local Time: 11:01
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Ok all, we had a few issues this week due to different problems on Monday and Tuesday.
Anyway, for this coming week, Belinda and Rridd have a football game to go to on Monday (Go titans  ), so Chris and I were wondering if you all could do a tuesday session this coming week. It would <i>really</i> suck if we missed two weeks in a row!
Boann, Belinda and Rridd, please post here and let us know if it can be done
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 9, 2001, 13:20
Local Time: 09:01
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i will do my best to be there monday night.
might be around 615 mt time.
since i get off work at 530.
November 9, 2001, 13:44
Local Time: 09:01
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No, boann.
Relax Monday--that's the night neither rridd or I will be here to play because we already had tickets to the Monday Night Football game for that Monday (even before we started this diplogame).
I should be able to make it Tuesday and will see about rridd, also....who should also get off his lazy can and POST HERE (hint, hint) BUT...I still do not have my new hard drive as of today (Fri.) though I'm supposed to get it all done by today or tomorrow, and I plan to have Civ reinstalled and be back to speed by then. I just mention it in passing because it hasn'tr exactly happened yet and you never know what the computer gods have in store for you.
In case anyone here didn't know, my hard drive fried bigtime on me last week and I was down for several days. So I'm still trying to get my system all back how I want it, and get my programs reinstalled and all that good garbage.
I tell you what.what next? I feel right now like the old song "if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all..."
November 12, 2001, 00:33
Local Time: 09:01
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ok. so rridd says he can play Tuesday.
I should be able to play Tuesday (assuming my *&%^&$ tech guy actually shows tomorrow morning to finish me uP and I get civ back on my new hard drive!)
so I'll check back before then and see if it's ok with everyone else and we can try for Tues. just this week.
November 14, 2001, 13:01
Local Time: 11:01
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Freedonian Texts part III
As time moved forward, we realized our destiny was to bring the world together in harmony.
Although other nations may have more land, and more skills, we alone possed the ability to speak with all, through our fine embassies....
The Freedonians established a network of embassies throughout the known world, after the great Freedonian explorer Marco Polo returned from Arabia with tales of the great Eastern kingdoms.
We understood that we were not the world's leader in acdemicians...
It seems that Fredonia was middle of the road in scientific development at this time, approximatly thrid in world development.
and also that our lands were not the most extensive...
Recent studies show that Freedonia was the smallest of the major powers in this period in terms of land, yet maintained a considerable population.
Our brave explorers found new lands to the north, and many Freedonian settlers set forth in search of a better life in the Northern seas...
In about 240 AD the Freedonians began to colonize the northern region, where there where British and Celtic settlements.
Thanks to Freya's favor, we could see where the children of Gaia were moving...
The Freedonian "Bureau of Barbarians" was quite extensive, and provided detailed information on the activites of the other nations of Gaia.
In due time, we met the great Queen Boann of the Amazons, and joined with them in peace...
The Freedonians made contact with the great seafarring power, the Amazonian Celts, a matriachal society, and seems to have allied with this power, as a balence against the more powerful states of Freedonia.
More next time...
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
November 14, 2001, 20:20
Local Time: 11:01
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From the study of mohammed......
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 14, 2001, 20:38
Local Time: 11:01
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The reign of Mohammed III
It was a time of building a stong foundation.
Only 4 new Arabian cities were founded in the reign of Mohammed the third, but work on existing cities was bustling. Traders covered the lands, selling their wares to neighbors. Temples to worship Allah were erected in major cities, and people for miles around congregate here to find solace.
Our entire empire is connected by an intricate system of roads and bridges. We recently aquired the technology to build spans across rivers and so our mighty empire was able to be connected as one in his reign.
By trading maps with neighbors, the Arabians have come to the realization that room to expand is growing scarce. We have quickly realized that some of the best land in the world was set aside for the Celtic people in the reign of Mohammed the first. What a blunder it was. We regretfully will have to retract our prior land agreement with the celts and negotiate a new agreement, that is more appopriate and allows for more Arabian expansion. We will not ask Queen Boann for much of the land back, only a portion wide enough to fit 4 more cities. We do desire more, but if the Queen acts reasonably in this matter, we will settle and be content with our proposition (see proposed land division below).
In the coming years, Mohammed IV aims to finish his fathers work in the holy city of Mecca. It shall be a great spectacle for all merchants across the world.........
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 15, 2001, 18:08
Local Time: 09:01
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In the years of the turn of the Millenium, the Chiraqua filled their home island with cites, expanded out onto the two small islands found off the southeastern coast, and sent ships off into the world in search of arable lands to settle.
In negotiating the Oceanic League Pact between the Chiraqua, Freedonians, and English, Queen Belinda I ensured that peace would reign in the region, and gave these peoples a forum for resolving issues that arose as each of these civilizations began to fill the available land masses. Exchanges of maps showed us that there was not a great deal of uninhabited land left in the world as was originally supposed. Thus, her subsequent successors, Belinda II and Belinda III, were able to negotiate with the English to coinhabit the large island found to the north where the city of Norther was established, with space to spare for subsequent settlements within prearranged borders.
The discovery of what was believed to be a few small islands far to the southwest of Home during the reign of Belinda III was also cause for celebration, as Farpoint and it's companion settlement Isle were quickly established and worked hard to produce settlers for both irrigation and further settlement.
The reign of Belinda III saw the greatest strides in the developments of new technology, due in part to the completion of the Great Library of Home, which was begun during the reign of Belinda II and completed in 140 AD, shortly after the ascension of Belinda III. During this time, the literacy rate of the Chiraqua also increased dramatically, rising to 2nd in world at one point, though we continue to be one of the smallest of countries in both population and land area.
Belinda III also established trade routes with the English, with more to come as the Chiraqua send carvans out laden with resources from our native lands to exchange. Inspired by the monuments of her predecessor, Belinda III commissioned the building of a Great Wonder in Easthaven, which although she sadly did not live to see its completion, should be completed in a few short years, and will provide a national military training academy for the education and training of those of Chiraqua youth who desire a career in the military. Belinda III's successor and only son Robert is expected to announce plans of his own when he ascends to the throne later this year. He has also announced plans to extend relations during his reign to include the Celts to the east. These peoples have been sighted often offshore in their white-sailed ships, but while contact between the Chiraqua and the Celts occurred hundreds of years ago, it proved to be brief, unenlightening and unrepeated. King Robert announces a desire to learn more about our eastern neighbors, with an eye towards future trade and friendly coexistence.
As the years go by, the world grows smaller, and it is greatly hoped among the Chiraqua that their new King Robert will follow in the paths of peace established by his matriarchial predecessors, and lead us all into a greater understanding of our neighbors and ensure us a place of respect among them.
November 19, 2001, 20:01
Local Time: 15:01
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The following is a brief synopsis of the English peoples.
Early during our history we met and merged with another tribe on a river to create our capital, London. This gave us a base to continue our explorations. During the early years of exploration we found many areas covered by swamps, jungles and woods. Finally our explorers found another river and some game, here we started the city of York. Later one of our explorers found another tribe that wished to merge and enter our civilization, this was the town of Nottingham. Years later 2 settlers thought they could do better on their own, they created the cities of Coventry and Warwick.
The second era of our history started with discovering the secret of mapmaking, which allowed us to build boats and explore new regions. Two explorers set out about the same time, one from Nottingham and the other from Coventry. About this same time one of the great projects came to completion. It was the Pyramids, a vast structure where we could house food to help our civilization grow. Later our explorers found friendly tribes that saw the glory of England and wanted to join. These were the cities of Dover, Oxford and Liverpool. We also where met by the Japanese (a seafaring nation) who were interested in mutually peaceful exploration of the world oceans. Between us and another nation (the Freedonians) we created the Oceanic Pact, a pact dedicated to the peaceful exploration of the worlds oceans. This was a major milestone in our history because they know of different advances that our scientist hadn't thought of yet.
Our civilization continued to grow spreading over the three islands we had found, then after finding a fourth land mass we met a civilization that was not so friendly as the Japanese or the Freedonians. There were called the Arabians and they demanded that we leave immediately. Informing them that we had already built a city on this land mass, they graciously allowed us to keep that land but to remove the rest of our explorers. However since they have allowed other civilizations to colonize parts of their continent (we discovered how big the land mass was when we traded maps), we are reserving judgement about their aggressiveness.
While discussing scarcity of land masses to build cities, we allowed the Japanese to colonize part of Round Island. We have also created the great projects of Hanging Gardens ( to amaze our people and visitors) and Leonardo's Workshop. The Japanese have started developing trade routes between our cities. Recently the Celts, who have been busy exploring our coasts, have landed on Arm Island and we are in the process of discuss possible borders between our civilizations.
November 23, 2001, 22:32
Local Time: 09:01
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Posts: 844
Our boats have traveled all the world and met many different
peoples. We have come to realize that not many know of the Goddess and most civilizations are ruled by the men creatures.
The Princess has said we must make settlements with temples
to share the knowledge of our Goddess.
The great king of the Freedonians has extended his hand to us in brotherhood. The princess has decided to give her sister to the great king for one of his wives... bonding our great civilizations for all time...pledging our life and blood to his .
the green slant eyed people sent a diplomat uninvited into the palace. we let him stay out of our good maners , but keep a watchful eye always on him.. we find we share an island with these green infidels... our people are peaceful , but we will prepare for defending our settlements. the only unknown part of the world remains in the green infidels area. we will explore their waters and see if they are a threat to our way of life.
the yellow infidels to the north of our mainland have been a peaceful people. but their attempt to back out of our prior
border agreement has put us on watch. although we believe they will keep their pact with us, only the years passing peacefully will tell the real story of their honor.
a settlement way to the north has encountered a very aggressive people. we have sent many warriors by boats to
protect and defend our homes there. we have been there a long time , but only sent out exploring settlers in the last few years
to find we were not alone on our land there.
our greatest lesson is that we are not alone and must
learn strange ways to survive in this world.
November 24, 2001, 05:12
Local Time: 09:01
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
We interrupt this broadcast....
a Disclaimer and Explanation for those who read here and may be confused as to who are the green guys:
That's me: I was to be the Chiriqua, and so it was on our start. However, upon subsequent restart, it appeared that the Customization had not "taken" and the game had insisted upon labelling me as the default for my color: the Japanese.
But I didn't want to be the Japanese;
However, it seemed no one else really wanted another restart, and we had already wastedlike 45 minutes trying to get started, so I just decided to let it slide: the game could call me whatever it liked while we all ignored it and continued to pretend the green guys were the Chiriqua.
Of course, I didn't think of what it would show up as on posted graphs, etc., much less anticipate that certain players would be unable to remember this little ruse:
nonetheless, I'm nothing if not stubborn.
So just keep in mind that the Chiriqua and Japanese are the same civ, regardless of what "language" it's rendered in.
Otherwise, I might have to demand my restart. lol
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programme, already in progress.............
November 24, 2001, 12:16
Local Time: 11:01
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Freedonian Texts part IV
There came a time when we sent brave people to the north to settle our god given lands, and did meet resistance from our allies, the men across the sea of the breaking waves...
It seems the Freedonians attempted to colonize an island to the north of their homeland that was clearly within their sphere of influenece, only to find that the British were already there in considerable numbers.
To help all live peacefully, we did convince the great king of the Britans and the Mighty Queen of the amazons to accept a peaceful border, with the lives of our people to act in trust of this...
It seems the Freedonians, through intensive diplomancy managed to convince the British to accept Freedonians colonies in between themselves and the Amazons, whose expansion they feared, despite the fact that they where the most numerous people on Gaia at this time.(there are indications the Chiraqua may have helped in these negociations)
It was learned that men feared the mighty Amazons, and as we did not, living in peace with them, we were able to live amongst them, and to convince the mighty Sultan of the Arabians to accept our people in trust the way the British did between the arabs and the Amazons...
The Freedonian diplomats managed to convince the Arabs to accept Freedonian settlements to act as a buffer between them selves and the Amazons, showing the tremendous skill these people had as mediators and diplomats.
Our empire did continue to grow, with new cities appearing through the mists of time...
The Freedonians continued to urbanize in this period, maintaining their postion as a power in the anciet world of Gaia.
More next time...
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
November 24, 2001, 19:35
Local Time: 11:01
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Arabia was starting to get congested. Room to expand was dwindling, and yet the people kept growing in number.
Through succesful diplomatic tranmissions, our good friends, the Freedonians managed to persuade the stubborn Celts to allow our proposed land settlement into the southern portions of Greater Arabia. The condition: That the neutral Freedonians would serve as a buffer between our two peoples. While we are friendly with the Celts, we don't seee eye to eye on all issues, and having the Freedonians in between our two great nations, is probably the best thing for all of us!
Mohammed V aims to finish filling out Northeast portion of Arabia very rapidly. At this point, our natural expansion will be completed. However, this might not appease the Arabian people. They have never been a nation to settle for mediocricy.........other measures may have to be used in the future......only time will tell.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 27, 2001, 00:55
Local Time: 09:01
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Posts: 844
cable out tonight.
snowing and 17 deg.
sorry about missed game
December 3, 2001, 10:28
Local Time: 11:01
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Ok gang, tonights the night. Hopefully we can have anice smooth session. Hope boann doesnt get snowed in again
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
December 3, 2001, 21:54
Local Time: 10:01
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Location: Republic of Texas
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Be advised.
Boann just called. She has cable connection that has funked out on her.
I gave her a technical service number to call, and she has hopes she'll be up and running shortly.
Bear with her, she asks.
It's a nation-wide affliction.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
December 10, 2001, 16:12
Local Time: 09:01
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
oh no!
another AT&T Broadband casualty?
Will just have to hope she's either ready to play tonight or has a reliable sub (XX)
December 10, 2001, 16:51
Local Time: 09:01
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Location: colorado
Posts: 844
my connection seems to be working ok
I find the "adelphia powerlink" ...to be slower than the "athome"
service... but not enough to really complain over very loud.
ill be there , unless something unusual happens.
like tornado or car wreck.
I have not tried to find a sub since I thought Chris didn't want
subs in the game. I may be mistaken about that.
as I'm known to make them on occasion
December 12, 2001, 23:18
Local Time: 15:01
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Location: Brooklyn, NY, U.S
Posts: 466
Nice to see you have another Monday Night game going. I'm enjoying the tales, keep it up....There will be some nights i can sub if there ever becomes a need
December 20, 2001, 09:52
Local Time: 11:01
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Mohammed VI helped Arabia become more stable in his reign. Infastructure was completed in areas, linking every city in arabia by a single road. Cities, after long remaining stagnant without proper irrigation were once again beginning to grow. The military was bolstered and borders were enhanced on all sides.
The English grew agitated upon spotting the Arabian border patrol, to the west of their lone city on the continent of Arabia. They panicked and began making allegations to the world of Arabian hostility. Mohammed took this very poorly and vowed that his good name would not be put into the mud. England will pay for their unfounded accusations some day.
In other news, the Freedonians completed their peacekeeping line between the edgy Celts and the wary Arabians. Freedonia seems to have taken the world lead in diplomatic skill and negotiating. They also continue to be Arabias most reliable ally.
Suas, I sent you a PM
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
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